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The Weaver

My life is but a weaving

Between my Lord and me.

I cannot choose the colors;

He worketh steadily.

Oftimes He weaveth sorrow;

And I in foolish pride

Forget He sees the upper,

And I the underside.

Not 'til the loom is silent

And the shuttles cease to fly.

Shall God unroll the canvas

And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful

In the Weaver's skillful hand,

As the threads of gold and silver

In the pattern He has planned.

My Broken Dreams


As children bring their broken toys

With tears for us to mend,

I brought my broken dreams to God,

Because He is my friend.

But then instead of leaving Him

In peace to work alone,

I hung around and tried to help

With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back again

And cried, "How could you be so slow?"

"My child" He said, "What could I do?

You never did let go."

The Difference


I got up early one morning

And rushed right into the day;

I had so much to accomplish

That I didn't have time to pray.


Problems just tumbled about me,

And heavier came each task.

"Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered.

He answered, "You didn't ask."


I wanted to see joy and beauty.

But the day toiled on, gray and bleak;

I wondered why God didn't show me.

He said, "But you didn't seek."


I tried to come into God's presence;

I used all my keys at the lock.

God gently and lovingly chided,

"My child, you didn't knock."


I woke up early this morning,

And paused before entering the day;

I had so much to accomplish

That I had to take time to pray.



What God Hath Promised

God hath not promised

Skies always blue,

Flower-strewn pathways,

All our lives through.

God hath not promised

Sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow,

Peace without pain.

But God hath promised

Strength for the day,

Rest for the laborer,

Light on the way,

Grace for the trial,

Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy,

Undying love.


Sure Way to a Happy Day


HAPPINESS is something

We create in our mind.

It's not something you search for

And so seldom find—

It's just waking up

And beginning the day

By counting our blessings

And kneeling to pray—

It's giving up thoughts

That breed discontent

And accepting what comes

As a "gift heaven-sent"—

It's giving up wishing

For things we have not

And making the best of

Whatever we've got—

It's knowing that life

Is determined for us,

And pursuing our tasks

Without fret fume or fuss—

For it's by completing

What God gives us to do

That we find real contentment

And happiness, too.

Helen Steiner Rice






W here there is faith

There is love .


W here there is love

There is peace .


W here there is peace

There is God .


W here there is God

There is no need .









This is my father's world. His own handiwork


This is my father's world
His own handiwork