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Me with one of many feral keetons (hey, wanna contribute to a good cause? send me yer spare kitty food. i feed about a dozen feral meow's some chow every day at my apartment complex. For more info, e-mail moi)


I hate bios, but I know the website was kind of missing some info about who the hell does run these fabu shows.  Altho I don't necessarily run them, I just print hundreds of hot pink fliers, reserve a venue, and sit back to see what happens, which is usually amazing and kewl.

So, umm lesse.  I write.  You can check out some of my stuff on the Poem of the Moment page.  You can also find me in these places:  New to North America (Burning Bush Publications), Gynomite (New Mouth from the Dirty South), Latino Heretics (Fiction Collective Two), Sinister Wisdom 59-60 (Sinister Wisdom Inc.), and in some magazines and journal-y things.

For more, here's my resume.

This is me at work.
I've also self-published four chapbooks. The newest one, Yes and Yes and Yes and Yes!!! is available at the open mics - only $7 for 29 excellent deal!
Here's one of my sexy famous and amazing cats, doing his calisthenics for the day.