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The Dragonlance 15th Anniversary Collection

© 1999 by Eric Jwo. All material on this website may not be copied for any reason whatsoever without the expressed consent of its author.

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By Eric Jwo

"Chaos Blood" is a Dragonlance: Fifth Age adventure for four to six heroes of Adventurer to Master Reputation. Sorcerers with a knowledge of the school of spectramancy, as well as mystics with access to the sphere of healing will be particularly beneficial to this adventure. The adventure takes place near Trollwood, a small forest in northern Abanasinia. Trollwood is relatively small and insignificant and can be easily relocated to any forest region of Krynn. The adventure takes place in 34 Saer Cataclius, but it can be easily altered to fit into any time period after the discovery of sorcery by Palin Majere in 25 SC.

"Chaos Blood" can also be tailored to other worlds and campaigns with relative ease. The daemon warrior can easily be described as a denizen from the Abyss and the Legion of Steel can be replaced with any knightly organization.

"Chaos Blood" is an adventure full of danger and mystery. The heroes are hired to stop investigate the disappearances of several locals aroud Trollwood. Little did they know that they would face a powerful minion of chaos and his army of deadly creatures! The heroes must battle the minions of chaos, fight for their lives and the lives of others, and end a menace that has threatened Trollwood, and Krynn, for over thirty years.

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