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My Favorites Pages!

Undoubtedly one of the oldest still-actively-maintained web pages on the internet, I started My Favorites Pages back when I was in middle school in the late nineties - before Google or Facebook or MySpace or reddit or any of these other prolific web technologies. This website takes up about 1/30th of a single pop-music MP3 from iTunes, displays plenty fast even if you still use dial-up, and doesn't creepily track you across the internet.

19 years went by without an update for various reasons; while this site stayed the same, I grew up and went to university and got a job and got married and have kids of my own now. After recovering a password-protected Microsoft Word 2000 file from a damaged floppy as a forensic exercise and cracking it (because that's just what I do for fun), I was able to recover my password for this site in 2017. As of March of 2018, thanks to the assistance of some very helpful insiders at Yahoo, I was also able to recover my first e-mail account that had been hacked by spammers and defunct for more than a decade.

This site now mostly exists as both a memory box for me and various musings - I've kept the original site theme and haven't added any fancy Javascript or HTML5 or Flash, and kept some approximation of the original "flame.gif" that I was hotlinking from some guy on Tripod in the beginning. Feel free to peruse - or don't, I'm not your boss.

You can see the original site in all of its dead-links and terrible-alignment glory here!

Things Currently Annoying Me

* People Who Bring Pets On Airplanes

* Political Hand-Wringing

* MLMs
