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Eddie the 'ead's Homepage

Edward The Head (1776-. Eddie was born with no body, no arms and no legs. Just a head. But despite this slight birth defect, his parents loved him very much, cared for him and were always giving him all these presents like hats and blow things at parties and other cool stuff. So on his sixteenth birthday they run into a doctor that says "Hey, I can give Eddie a body" so the parents are going totally nuts because finally their kid can have a body and be like other normal people. They go home and are really excited and say "Have we got a surprise for you. It's the best present ever!" and Eddie says " Oh, no, not another fucking hat!"

Steve Harris: "Eddie was this 'orrible mask which stood at the back of the stage. We rigged up this pump we got out of a fish tank and at a given moment it would spit buckets of blood all over the drummer."
So popular was Eddie, that he almost took cantre in Maiden's folklore. Like Dr Frankensteins creation, Eddie came to life. He first began to prowl the stage in 1980, initially as a roadie with an inconvincing head, then later as a mechanical monster. Back in 1980 Eddie got much critic when he on the "Sanctuary" cover cut the throat off Marget Thatcher, 'cos she pretended to be the Iron Maiden. Later, on "Women In Uniform" Marget comes back to take revenge.
In 1983, Eddie got lost his brain while "Piece Of Mind" was recorded. Around these days he also shaved his head.
In 1991, Eddie along with Bruce Dickinson did a Public Sevice Announcement for TV with "The Seatbelt Dummies". The message was "If you don't wear seatbelts you may end up looking like Eddie".