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The Warlord

By Kevin Jackson


In the years following the Chaos War, certain regions of Krynn have fallen under the oppression of dragon overlords. However, there are others who seek to make their own mark upon the world through blood and steel. These people who organize others to join their side to fight for wealth, power or land are known as warlords.


A hero who wishes to roleplay a warlord character should be authoritative. This is a person who is used to giving orders and having others follow them. How strict the hero is with military protocol is left up to the player, but a warlord should definately expect to be respected and looked to as being the leader of any group. A warlord looks to take charge and doesn't take kindly to those who give orders of their own or question decisions. A warlord should also have his own personal sense of justice. After all, he is used to making the rules that others should obey and the punishment associated with breaking those rules. How the warlord deals with his followers is also up to the player. A warlord can see his troops as being nothing more than pawns to exploit, or he may be appreciative of their support and therefore be hesitant to risk their lives needlessly. A warlord is also more than just a conqueror, he seeks to achieve some grand goal or mission which should be created by the character. For example, maybe he wants to unite the warring tribes or clans of a region under one ruler.


The most significant aspect of a warlord character is that he should wear some form of clothing or armor which denotes his leadership status. This armor is also likely to be decorated with an emblem or crest, or some other personal coat of arms. Warlords are also likely to be accompanied by others, such as officers or guards.

Races Allowed

Minotaurs, Half-ogres, Draconians, Human, Dwarf, Half-elf Elven warlords are very unlikely, though not an impossibility

Ability Requirements

Warlords often tend to be physically large individuals to inspire a more commanding presence. Therefore, warlords have a maximum agility score of 6. A warlord also requires a minimum score of 6 in both endurance and strength and a minumum code of B in each. Just as it takes physical power to fight, it is also necessary for a warlord to be smart and cunning to take advantage of his enemies. A warlord requires a minimum score of 5 in reason. In order to be a successful leader, a warlord needs a presence minumum of 7B.

Additional Requirements

A warlord must have money and experience and therefore must be of champion status or greater with a wealth score of at least 4. The less wealth a warlord has, the more likely it is his followers work due to their loyalty.


As a leader, a warlord receives an automatic trump bonus to presence actions when issuing commands or orders. Warlords also lead into the thick of battle rather than from behind the front lines. A warlord character recieves a trump bonus to combat actions when leading a group into battle or when facing multiple opponents.


If a warlord character is defeated while leading a battle (knocked uncouncious, killed or flees), then all followers suffer instant morale failure and will try to withdraw or escape. A warlord may find the time to learn some aspects of sorcery for its destructive uses in combat, but they tend to avoid mysticism and receive no trump bonus for casting from any mystic sphere. A warlord always has some kind of specific enemy who works to oppose him from achieving his goals. This could be a rival warlord, the current ruler of the area, etc.

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