The Dragonlance 15th Anniversary Collection

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Kargayat Role Template

The largest and the most powerful faction of the Outer Rim, the Karagatayne is composed of warriors and fighters. These shock troops and elite mercenaries are called the Kargayats, and they ruthlessly complete their missions. The Karagatayne have members in every corner of Ansalon (including the realms of the Dragon Overlords), as well as several massive strongholds and fortresses containing hundreds of ruthless Kargayats.
None know about the Obsidian Order, or the Karagatayne. Tales of mighty warriors on a dark mission are rampant in large towns and cities, but no substantial proof has been given. Few link this rumor with the rumor of a clandestine order of dark sorcerers.
Members of the Karagatayne approach potential members, not the Obsidian Order. Potential members are first hired on a trial basis, and if they prove worthy and loyal, they can be inducted into the faction. While the Obsidian Order does not bother to deal with rogue members of the Outer Rim, the Karagatayne hunts down its rogue members with unrelenting tenacity. Once someone joins the Karagatayne, he/she never leaves.


Members of the Karagatayne tend to have brisque, forboding demeanors when dealing with non-members or enemies. THe Karagatayne is a strict, militaristic organization, and Kargayats reflect this. They are not bloodthirsty, savage killers, but rather they are professional warriors who achieve the goals of the Order through the upmost efficiency. Kargayats are instructed to be loyal to the Inner Circle. Most Kargayats must give up their individual lives once they join the faction. Many don't even know that the Karagatayne is controlled by the Inner Circle of the Obsidian Order. However, several "sleeper" or under cover agents retain lives of their own in order to promote the illusion of being normal.
Most Kargayats reside in stronholds belonging to the Order. This saps time for adventuring, so most heroes are "sleeper" agents. These members live normal lives, and do whatever they want until the Order calls upon them. However, a "sleeper" agent must still work to further the goals of the Order, and the faction if he or she can.


A Karagayat must be of a warrior role to join the Karagatayne. Examples of these roles can be found in the Heroes of Steel dramatic supplement. A hero of any race can adopt this template role. Heroes can attain this template role during play if the Narrator allows it.
A Kargayat must be physically fit, therefore, the Karagatayne usually only approaches warriors with Strength and Endurance scores of 6 or highter. The Karagatayne also want their warriors to be skilled in the art of war, so a Kargayat must have Strength and Endurance codes of "B" or better, and Agility and Dexterity codes of "C" or better. Exceptions have been made, as some warriors specialize in other areas of combat (i.e. the Archer, the Rider, etc.).


A Karagayat starts play with a weapon of distinction or a minor trinket from the Inner Circle. The Karagatayne decides what the hero gets.
A Kargayat can also call upon the resources of the Karagatayne. A hero Karagatayne can call up one card's worth (random draw) of Kargayats to aid him/her. However, a Karagayat must have a legitimate reason for calling for such aid (such as his or her life is in danger, or he/she is trying to further the goals of the Order), and he/she must be in an area where the Order is particularly prevelant. In small, secluded area(small villages, plains, etc.), have the hero succeed in a challenging Presence action to find aid. In areas controlled by Dragon Overlords, or is impossable to traverse (such as Silvanesti, Icewall Glacire, etc.), the action is daunting, and the number of Kargayats summoned is reduced by one-half.


Every time a Kargayat hero boosts his Reputation rating by one, he must add one to his demeanor score, and choose a new demeanor to reflect this change. Also, Kargayats owe at least 60 days of direct service to the Karagatayne and the Order, even if he/she is a "sleeper" agent.

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