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Delwar's Place


Hello to everyone, finally got my place on the net and I'm going nowhere this time. For those of you who have missed this page, well what can I say its coming back bigger and better than before - we have the power to re-build this page. This page was one of the most visted sites prior to my closing down and the aim to get it back up to those lofty heights again !!! You'll be hearing a lot more from me .................

Here's a little update, when I finally get some time or unlimited internet access I'll get this page ship shape and it'll be a pleasure to visit. So keep em peeled big things are on the way !!!!!!!

29th December 1997
Leaving this job with the free Internet access, so until I get set up in my new job there'll have to be a wait for futher updates. That's if the new job has unrestricted internet access !!!
Your host Delwar

A few good links

A good paranormal page
A very good alien's etc page
