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The Zaccagnini World Wide Page

Just recently have I begun to research my Zaccagnini heritage, and one step has been to try to locate each and every person in the world with the name (married and maiden included) Zaccagnini. It is obviously an Italian name, and many of the Zaccagnini's I've located so far still do live in Italy. I want to share some of the info I've learned so far, and I also intend for this to be a "meeting place" for other Zaccagnini's everywhere, whether or not we are directly related. ****UNDER CONSTRUCTION-CHECK BACK SOON****

I guess a good start would be to talk about my own heritage. My father, Julius David Zaccagnini, was born in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania. He has two sisters, Aster Mould (of New Jersey), and Beth Marcello (of Illinois). During my dad's senior year in high school he moved to Illinois, where he then lived for quite some time while working and going to college. His half, younger brother, John, was born and grew up in Illinois. My dad stayed in Illinois (around the Chicago area) until he and my mother were married and had my older brother. In 1972 they moved to Ely, Minnesota.

Since my dad and his younger brother are the only two still holding the name Zaccagnini within his immediate family, there are not too many of us. There is my brother, Scott, who is almost 27, and myself. My Uncle John and Aunt Pam have two children, Michelle and Rocco. They are both little (and quite adorable). Please look at my picture page for a great photo of the two of them with me.

Outside of the people I have already spoken about, there are still other Zaccagnini's alive that we know we are related to. My dad's father, Julius John, died in 1991. He was also born in Vandergrift. His brother, Fred, is also deceased, but his other brother, Ralph, is still alive and living in Vandergrift. My Uncle Ralph has one son, Joseph. My grandfather also has a sister, Rena, who is now a Sittino (married to Adolf). They also still live in Pennsylvania.

Though my dad is fairly dark and has brown eyes, an interesting trait of my Zaccagnini ancestory is that many of them have dark hair and skin, but green or brown eyes. I must say for the most part the men are very handsome (including my father). Though my dad is only 1/2 Italian (his mother was Czech), he looks very much Italian and much like his dad did at his age.

I am not quite sure exactly which town in Italy my grandfather's family came from. However, I do know it was in the Abruzzi region of Italy. It is interesting because many of the other Zaccagnini's I have must thus far also have roots orginating in this region.

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