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Friends' Pages

The little guy dancing for you is Spike. He's been my best friend ever since he jumped off my 7-up can. Be nice to him, he has an irrational fear of aluminum.

As you can see, this page is quite empty of links. I apologize; it's not my fault I do not have any friends. Actually, the reality is, I do have friends, but they are not bright enough to make their own home pages. No, no, that's not it takes a LOT of work, and I have friends that obviously have more exciting lives than I do, so they don't have time to make web pages. Yep, that's it. So, keep checking back as I force more friends to create pages, or if I come into a large abyss of friendships with people who are geeks, um, I mean fluent in html.

Deana's Friends

Jason's Page
Robert's Page
Brian's Page
Back home
