Hell Has Relocated To Earth

By Denise Williams

Both my heart and soul are confused.

They tell us we can’t be together.

They say it’s all your fault.

You’re too mean and evil and a bad influence on me.

I shouldn’t be associated with you and all that you stand for.

But you continue to tell them differently.
You want to make them see things your way.

I’ve already been convinced to stand in your corner.

I don’t care what everybody else says.

I believe in you.

And I know you believe in me.

Why they try to keep us apart I’ll never know.

Together we’ll convince them not to look down on us just because of what we believe in.

Besides, it’s all their fault.

They’re the ones who made this world into what it is today.

They’re the ones who have made us do what we do, think what we think, say what we say, and believe what we believe.

They don’t understand what we’re about.

And as long as they see things the way they want them to be, they never will.

But soon, they will find out why we are the way we are.

And we will make their hell on earth our everlasting paradise.

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