From Darkness to Light

by Denise Williams

This poem is dedicated to all of the Undertaker fans past, present and future.

I’ve watched you for so long, it amazes me how far you’ve come.

It’s been a few years, but you’ve become more dark and macabre than when you first started out.

You’ve been through a lot in your life.

Betrayed by the man that you thought was your friend, only to find that he knew the way all along.

Reuniting with the brother that you thought was dead, that you burned severely.

Living with the memory of the parents you murdered, and the love that still remains in your heart for them.

Walking alone in the darkness for all these years, now you’ve gathered an army that is proving to be an unstoppable force.

The title that you’ve held twice before is within your reach.
Whether you actually reach your destiny is up to fate.

You’ve been through hell and back, and we were there every step of the way.

Creatures of the Night.

Followers of the Ministry of Darkness.

Whatever you want to call us, we will always be true to you, our Phenom, our Lord of Darkness, our Undertaker.

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