Alternate Universe

Here you will find the brothers as you have never seen them before. Still our beloveds, only different names and different personas. Some stories may contain extreme violence, language and adult situations. Reader descretion is advised, and it is STRONGLY cautioned that readers under 18 not read some material.

Stories here will include Blood Knight*to be moved from the front page*, The Legend of the Flowers of Darkness by a dear sister and friend Taj*aka The Ancient Egyptian Mummy*, and a brand new venture on my part, The Cursed.

Other stories will soon follow. This is a work in progress so please be patient with all of us budding writers.

This story contains material not suited for younger readers. Discretion is advised.

Blood Knight
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
