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Our policy is very simple. We respect your privacy.

If you give us any information, we use it to enhance our relationship with you. We don't sell or share any information.

If you send us an order form, the information you provide allows us to process the order. The information goes nowhere else.

If you fill out a survey, it's to help us make the site better for you. We may invite visitors to answer a variety of questions designed to help us understand who's using our site, what they like the most and what they don't care for. We ask their ages and encourage young people to ask their parents' permission to complete the survey. If we offered prizes to survey respondents picked at random, to be able to send prizes, we need to ask for mailing addresses. We will also ask for permission to pull quotes from the survey to put on our site.

We do receive and reply to email. We really like to hear from children, parents, teachers, librarians, everyone. Questions, compliments, and criticisms are all welcome. We save it all for reference to help us improve the site and to remind ourselves of what people think of our work.

We have a mailing list to inform people about what is new, for socializing and/or announcements or for educational purposes.

The only other information gathering that goes on is by our Internet service provider. This company runs site analysis software to tell us how many visitors we have each day, where they're from (U.S.A., Canada, etc.), which pages on our site are the most popular, and so on. There is nothing at work to tell us or them anything more specific about you. We need this kind of general report card on the site to know how we're doing.

So that's it. We do collect some information. We don't share it or sell it.
E-Mail your questions, compliments and/or criticisms to:
sspanish4children @

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Copyright 1999, 2004 Spanish for Children. All rights reserved.