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Chris' homepage

Hello friends. My name is Chris Short.
Here are some of my stats

Born: June 15th/1981
Lives: Gander newfoundland, Canada
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170lbs (about there)
Hair: short brown hair
Eyes: Brown

Soccer, Basketball, hockey, I love to play guitar and listen to music.
In the summer, I play soccer on the G.C. Concords soccer team and play in the mens leugue as eith mid-field or striker
I also love to play basketball on the G.C. team and at the courts(the best ball in town!!) And my Fav. B-ball team is the Utah Jazz!! Malone Rox!!

I would first have to say that I love my guitars. I have a B.C. Rich Mochingbird, a Simon and Patrick Luthier accustic and a Fender F-35 accoustic.

I used to work at Mc Donald's here in Gander
But I now work at KFC.

Here are some of my favorite bands:
Precious Death
Audio Adrenaline
Sanctuary hehe
Holy Solider
Lots of others

I play in a band called Sanctuary. If you wish to visit that webpage, go here now or forever hold you peace
The info on the band is there. (turning out to be an alright homepage)
Click here to see some Sanctuary Tabs
Click here to see some pics of me and the band
Click here To hear some music

I will finish this page at a later time. Questions, comments, E-mail at Thanks for visiting my webpage!!
The fro is no more!! But guarenteed it will be back :o)

Please Don't send private messages, my password has been changed and I don't know it...Tanx
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Some of My Favorite Links

The official Sanctuary Homepage!!
Deliverance Homepage on the web
Bride Homepage
D.C. Talk Homepage

This Page was last updated on Nov. 26/98

Email me Here!!