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hello it's me biscuits! biscuits!
biscuits! biscuits!

Welcome to cookie's biscuit world

biscuit heaven

This is a web site dedicated to cookie lovers the world over. A page for people who are proud to be found with their fingers in the tin, and crumbs on their lips.

As you will all be aware the blue furry bastard from Sesame Street knows more about biscuits and will go to greater lengths to get hold of them than anyone else in the whole mupdom, and so this page can also be viewed as a resource for people who have cookie related conundrums.

The Cookie Monster himself would like it to be known that he welcomes unsolicited donations of biscuits and is happy to proffer advice to any frustrated biscuit alchemists who are looking for the missing ingredient.

In time this page hopes to offer a HOT BISCUIT NEWS page where you will be able to find the latest new biscuit releases, an AtoZEE guide to cookies of the world, the lowdown on BISCUIT CONSTRUCTION, a HOME-COOK RECIPE page, COOKIE'S ONLINE COUNSELLING SERVICE to deal with all biscuit related psychoses and addictions and Cookie's TOP TEN Biscuits of all time

Cookie and his pals hope you enjoy your stay at

Remember other people may try to hurt you, they may even try to kill you but don't let them ever steal your biscuits!




Any biscuit related mail can be sent to!