The Ultimate (I Hope) Useless Links Page
Click Here

Still here!!

This Way

No smart people or programmers please!!
Get Smart HERE

This is the "Normal" version
No cool fonts

Get Smart w/out Fonts

My Winamp Visual Studio Presets
Get them Here

My Anti Microsoft Page
Cuz Everyone Has One

My Bands and Record Labels Links
Through Here

Free Audio Programz

Napster, the infamous MP3 sharing program (latest beta)

Goldwave, WAV editor (FULL RETAIL)

Audiocatalyst 2.1, the MP3 creation program (FULL RETAIL)

MP3 Database, keep track of 'em all

REBirth RB-338, Drum & Bass Generator (FULL RETAIL)


Last Updated 4-18-2000
PS: This site hates Internet Explorer


InTereSTinG tHiNGs

     I don't have any new information to give you, other than the new "Ultimate Useless Links Page", so you'll have to make due with a new look and old information. They say it's all in the presentation, so this had better look good to you.

     Actually, that may not be completely true. I'm putting out MY VERY OWN HTML Guide. As if every other person alive didn't have I do too. I felt left out so I made one. As you might have suspected already, this guide is for complete idiots, more or less because the guide is only as intelligent as it's creator. Have fun, and don't send any threats about it. If you have to, at least spell death right this time, it took me a month to figure out that "deth" was not something edible the last time I got mail. There are two versions, pretty much exactly the same. One has a cool font, the other doesn't. If you can't appreciate dumb ass fonts, use the normal one.

     Also, if you have Winamp v2.61, I'm offering (for free!!!) Advanced Visual Studio Presets for you to cherish and enjoy forever, or until you get sick from watching them. If they aren't on the site yet, they should be here within the next day or so. I'll have screenshots of all of them so you can pick and preview as you wish. Or you could just learn how to modify the settings yourself and forget about me. Either way, the AVS files will still be here. Have fun with this crap, I know I did.

If you puke because of my "Final Trip" series, don't get mad at me, get a mop. I can't be held accountable for your stomach. That's all, have a nice day...........


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