Instructor's Tips
  • When you RP use descriptive background. Don't just have your wrestler talk out of nowhere. By this I mean use opening and closing scenes. Don't just have in-ring interviews all the time, have your wrestler eating in a fast food restaurant or even wandering around aimlessly in the dessert! It's up to you, use your imagination but when you begin your roleplay always remember to show the person reading your roleplay where your wrestler is, what he is doing, what he is wearing, is he in a good mood or not, is there any music in the background etc. The possibilities are endless just also remember to use a closing scene, i.e showing your wrestler walk off into the distance etc.

  • Make up a good background for your wrestlers, it'll make RPing much easier. And feuds can even devlop just by what your wrestlers background is! The more detailed it is, the more realistic your character is = more wins and more titles for you.

  • Be realistic when you make up you wrestlers finisher. Also don't give your wrestler magic powers or have them come back from the dead. This is E-Wrestling not E-Mortal Kombat.

  • My final tip is when creating your wrestler don't just make him a 7ft 5" 600lbs monster just for the hell of it. Size doesn't matter in ewrestling, it goes by your roleplays and angles etc. Creating a massive wrestler won't make it easier to win and also Fed Heads hate wrestlers who are massive as they always seem to have a roster full of giants. I once created a wrestler who was 179lbs...forget Godzilla...SIZE DOESN'T MATTER!!! Back to the Dungeon