E-Wrestling History

E-Wrestling in it's earliest form can be traced back to the mid-80s when the internet first became available, the NeWA promotion being a prime example. During this early period, roleplaying by email was the done thing, hence the term efed. Not many sites had their own website and indeed the entire operation was run by email with the results being posted into the competitors inbox's on a weekly or so basis. The quality of roleplays was very primitive as well, scenary and general atomosphere was non-existent as roleplaying bar a few exemptions was mainly trash talking.

The concept of ewrestling soon spread like wildfire and by the early 90s the web was scattered by fantasy wrestling promotions, but still roleplaying was generally done by email. However during the mid-90s the phenom that is ewrestling went off the scale, the number of efeds out there went off the scale as more and more people where introduced to the internet. With the introduction of guest books such as dreambook, Beseen and InsidetheWeb came the trend of actually roleplaying on the efeds web site in the message boards. To this day some feds still operate by email but the majority use the message board form which seems to be far more popular. The quality of roleplaying also improved vastly as people really started to concentrate on their characters and introduced scenary and atompshere to their roleplays. Such is the evolution of roleplaying, is that if a top roleplayer from the present took on one from the mid-80s it would be no-contest. The present day roleplayer would win hands down! The number of cards presented each week and the general extra adds on such as magazine shows and newsletters have increased and soon will be apart of almost every efed. In the future, expect sound to play a more improved role, many efeds currently use midi files as entrance music and such but expect this to transend into even greater proportions. In my personal opinion we are also on the verge of the LIVE stage...with the advent of real audio etc...expect cards to be played out live over the internet in the near future! If anyone has any more info on the history of ewrestling, please feel free to contact me! Back to the Dungeon