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* WeLcOmE *

To ThE


AnD OtHeR StUff ThAt YoU MuSt SeE!!

What's happening Dude ????

First of all ......this is a site where you can find some nice pictures of some disney figures. And which you can download. Put the cursor on the picture and click on the right button. "Save picture as" and he's yours !!! Isn't it great ?? Go down on this site and you'll see a lot of nice disney figures for you. There are also cool links to other Disney stuff ! So let's surf around !!

HeRe ArE SoMe CoOl PiCtUrEs FrOm ThE OnE AnD OnLy........Bugs Bunny:

Let's have a break.......

Here are some cool links to other great sites on the web !

The Original Disney Site

The Master


So wasn't it a great site for your favourites ?? I thought so to ! I wish you a great day and think there 's only one CJ !

That's all Folks !!

This site is made by the webmaster CJ. The copyrights are in his hands.

Made on a dark and cold evening in October '98.

You can reach me by email :


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