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Steps To Choosing A Model


Experience tells us, when you see a picture of a plane or a model at the field that catches your eye your motivated as a modeler to recreate it. Some of us like to create something similar that will fly well and give us satisfaction without all the hassel and costs that go along with many of the kits on the market today. That is not to say the end results of many of these kits are not great!




The next step is to make a concept drawing of what you would like to create. Do the drawing in pencil and have a big eraser handy. As you play around with the drawing your interest will either build or drop off. If the latter happens it is time to look for something else. That rarely happened to me but you may be different. Play with the concept drawing for a couple of days and make changes based on proportions and relative distances from nose to wing and wing to tail. Position the landing gear for the type of field you fly off of. The size of the wheels is governed also by the type of field. Some of us don't have asphalt runways, just dirt roads and grass at sod farms in Florida!

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