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Created 1998 DEC 31
... 2001-08-08
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Hi ! , Hello ! ..... I'm very pleased you spend some time to receive me at your screen.

This page is to look for contact and interaction with people. At bottom end you can link to some other pages where I write on some subjects [ If you like to go directly click Special below ].

Monthly I'm going to add: information, ideas, etc. so you always will find comeback useful. . I'm working hard



.. Professional Information
.... Biographical Information
.... Contact Information.......       Me on 2001 May; Best Regards!
Comments and Suggestions
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Professional Information

Electrical Engineer - UIS [Colombia] / UCV [Venezuela] - CIV 11 869

ELECTRICAL Consulting - Working professional experience since 1965 .-

Power & Lighting Systems - Electrical Safety / Industrial and Commercial Buildings.

Design, Improvements design, Service Quality, Training.

Safety Surveys, Grounding, Lightning, Lighting, NEC rules, IEEE St...

English & French to Spanish - Technical Documents.

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Biographical Information

Biographical data: Born: Bogotá  [Colombia] 1939; Married; son and daughter both Electronic Engineers; High School: Colegio Provincial La Salle [Colombia]; Culture: Occidental European - Colombia & Andes from Venezuela. Religion: none. ... more ...... by request.

Interests: Improvement of engineers, electricians and users of electrical energy 's qualification on safe and reliable systems; New technologies; Space research knowledge.

Other: Camping, Tourism, Photography, Politics, Human development behavior, Justice Law and Security, Economics Freedom, Education Freedom, Good music, Soccer as spectator, Swimming & Snorkeling, Good Food and Wines, Some cooking, Ice Creams & Desserts, Meaningful readings, Ethics& Religions, Latin American Underdevelopment Causes, The new European conquer of Iberoamerica, Analytical History ....


I dislike : Smoke [ers] , drugs, fundamentalism, dogmas, terrorism, unhealthy-practices, hot-dogs, quick-food, myths in history........

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Contact Information

Electronic mail address:....
................................................... NEW

Web address : ....

Web address : ....

Office phone: ....... INT   58  212  5524712

FAX number: ....... INT   58  212  5524712

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Comments and Suggestions

Please send me a mail .

Let us interchange ideas and questions on mutual interest topics.

Tell me what you think about my pages and how I might improve or correct them .

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Last revised: 2001,August,08.

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