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Vertigo's wOrLd

Take a lOOk

Cool site try it i'm sure it'll draw a smile on yer face..!
For who's intrested....! (archi)
My gest bOOk
Keep ur mark on my bOOk
View my Special bOOk
Special bOOk 4 Special signature
My Album WAW...!

Well after all that's me ...... Vertigo on Mschat server ....!! Actually my page is still under construction .... hi to all my friends .... I'd like to share with u this opnion , the weird point about this net thing, meeting new pple ,and having new contacts ....i guess it is a new dimension we re in.. It can be lots of fun and well .... sometimes gets u into deep...Sh..! What matters is the way u use it ...! Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..! DON'T FORGET TO SIGN MY GUEST BOOK......! COURAGE IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF FEAR BUT RATHER THE JUDGMENT THAT SOMETHING ELSE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FEAR.....! (To whom it may concerne ) : ) hehehe..!
