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Erin's Teletubby Page

Under Construction as of August 25 1998.

Welcome to my Teletubbies Page! It's still under construction but i'm working on it a bit before i go back to school. The reason you only see Tinky Winky, Po and the Sunbaby at the moment is because they are my favourite Teletubbies. I suppose you can consider the Sunbaby a Teletubby cos he is on it adding his scream to each episode .:)

* Due to some guestbook requests by two certain Laa Laa fans, I will be adding Dipsy and Laa Laa to the page. Before you say I'm cruel and heartless for not going to do it, I actually was going to do it just no so soon, but after all I don't wanna face legal action from the "real Laa laa" :P

Hello Tubby web page readers! I haven't forgot about the new sections I promised and they're almost up and ready to go! It's hard to find time for webpages when you're at school and working.. Fear not they will be up soon.. In the mean time try the U2 riddle and read my Diana essay (links below)

NEW Pretty soon, there will be a certain revealing teletubby picture put up on here. It won't be for the younger set as it shows the people that play the teletubbies out of their costumes! I personally hate it (hehe) but it's a good picture so watch out for that..

I got these cute tubbies from Kristinia's Page

My Tinky Winky and Po talking dolls that my boyfriend bought for me.. (he's the person holding em)

Be A World Wide Teletubby Fan Member! Click here

New Sections: Teletubby Merchandise in North America Click here to find out what is available Tubby Merchanise wise in North America. (well the stuff i've seen anyway) Updated

Wanna try a really neat but hard riddle? Click Here It has nothing to do with the Teletubbies!

Please read my essay on someone who I admire very much. Diana Princess of Wales

Teletubby Links Section Updated

Where to see the Tubbies in North America

Last update : November 04, 1998