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Travis Lackey

Bluring the line between Virtual and Reality


Here you will find a gallery of my work, categorized below.

I annotate each image, but welcome your questions and

comments!  Also, I enjoy a challenge, so if you would like

to see something done in 3D that's not on this page, let me

know.  3D is my passion, and as the technology advances,

so does the over-all impact of my images.  Check this site

often, because I update as frequently as possible.

-Travis Lackey



-Works in Progress

-Finished Images

-My Favorites

-About My Work


You can reach Travis Lackey by email -

Or by telephone - (310) 977-1234

This site is dedicated to my Wife, Robyn, who lovingly suffers through the long hours I spend in front of this infernal machine;

to my family and friends who cheer me on, and to God, who has made all these things from which to draw inspiration.

All images and designs are the sole property of Travis Lackey, and can be used only with express permission from Travis himself.

If you would like to use any of my work, simply email me at the above address.  Thank you for your interest in this site.