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The Gold Standard

Our commitment puts full priority on preservation of your natural tooth structure, enamel. We adhere to the position for your long term well being and peace of mind. Our material of choice, for pre-molars and molars is a gold casting, a leak-proof, shrink-proof, superior way of filling deeper cavities to preserve your tooth for life.

For a variety of reasons, gold is the premier material for dental inlay and repair. For patients concerned with what materials go into their bodies, gold has no equal. Unsurpassed as a material bicompatible with the soft tissue of the mouth, gold is not prone to oxidation, staining, shrinkage, leakage or plaque accumulation - a plus for healthy gums. For cosmetic purposes, it can be used in combination with a white tooth-colored material. In addition to its safety, strength, and pliability, it can last a lifetime. Little wonder that it exemplifies our professional goal for you: a lifetime of dental health.

Glades Road, Boca Raton FL. 33434

Contact 561-487-4440
