X-files Shipperific Episode Reviews

Here's How I Rate 'Em

Hello and welcome to my shippy little review corner! I'm doing the best I can right now to set things up, but it's gonna take a while! I suggest looking at the season 6 linx, they're the farthest ahead! I hope you enjoy! HEY!!!! ANY PHILES THAT WRITE FANFIC! SEND IT TO MY EMAIL AND I'LL POST IT FOR YOU! I'M TRYING MY BEST TO GET THIS PAGE STARTED, AND ANYONE WITH GOOD FANFIC IS WELCOME TO SEND IT. YOU WRITE IT, I'LL POST IT! I PROMISE!


If you attempt to read my season 2-4 reviews, you will be magickally transported to a loand called Shippy XF Reviews part 2...you see angelfire only allows me so much space to spread the madness, and you would not believe how much room graphics take up!!! I have lots of new stuff there anyway, so if you wanna go there, there's humor and junk, so go to season 2-4, and enjoy...

Updated as of 8-6-99!

Pick your favorite season:

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5


Check out Part Deux of the insanity.

You likey? Email me with any comments, questions, etc...click on Mulder below.