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DISCLAIMER: This page deals with topics of a sick,twisted and quite disgusting nature. If you do not belive in any of the beliefs expressed on this page... GET THE FUCK OFF NOW!!!! Thank you.

TOP TEN LIST OF CELEBRITIES WHO SUCK AND HOW THEY SHOULD DIE: 1)Leonardo Dicaprio=I would love to see him buried neck deep in dirt and repeatedly run over with a push mower. 2)RuPaul=two words "spiked Dildo" 3)Mike Tyson=get rammed up the ass by Vince MacMahon so hard that his appendix ruptures 4)Vince MacMahon=tramppeled at a gay and lesbian rights convention 5)Bob Barker=attaked by an angry mob of spayed and neutered cats and dogs 6)Billionaire Ted=suffocates in his own shit 7)Bill Clinton=loss of blood after having his cock bit off by another white house intern 8)Hanson Brothers=this ones to disgusting for even me to tell you 9)Spice Girls=dying from exposure after doing a concert in Siberia This ones not too hard to imagine considering they only cover 80% of Their body 10)Any Idiot who buys Beanie Babies=choking on one of the stupid things

This is a feature on my page called:The monthly person who deserves to die the most. as you can probally guess(and if you can't you're a stupid fuck)I will release a new person monthly.

The Person Who Deserves To die The Most In March:by neXus (that's my name by the way)

In my opinion, the person who deserves to die the most this month is a local at my shit hole of a town. Her name is Geena Fellows.If any one who knows me and is not a prep knows that she is an A class cock sucker bitch who sucks. She thinks she is better than any one else and doesn't hesitate to insult someone. There are so many ways I would like to see her body get mangeled onto a useless heap of shit,all of them involving torture. She hates OUR kind for no apparent reason,and I think she should die for her sins to humanity.She is a big fat pig fucker.

I think that people who make up rumors about cool bands are nothing but loser assholes. THey have nothing better to do with their worthless life.Take Marilyn Manson, one of my favorite performers,for example. Their are so many lies out there about him that they could do an entire National Enquirer. SO here is a list of all the stupid Rumors about Manson that are not TRUE. 1)He is NOT the kid from "The Wonder Years" 2)He did not get his two lower ribs removed for the purpose of sucking his own dick 3)He did not or is not going to get breast implants. 4)He is not a fag and he never dated Jonathan Davis of "KoRn" 5)HE IS NOT A SATAN WORSHIPPER 6)He does not fuck small children during his concerts

This is a kick ass page for anyone who hates cRAP music
I'd like to give a shout out to a friend to mine,Teresa Thompson.

click on the counter to view my links
