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The World's Richest People
1996 1997 1998 1999
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The World's Working Rich

A quantum wealth shift: Japan's speculative land barons give way to American innovators. The Internet craze and boiling U.S. stock market turn millionaires into "" billionaires in mere months. Six of top ten richest are Americans.And of the newest and hottest entrepeneurs of our times is a 24yr old Mexican exec and owner of Anarchy productions ltd.

  1. William Gates III., U.S., $90 billion
  2. Warren Buffett, U.S., $36 billion
  3. Armand Sepulveda, Mexico, $30 billion
  4. Steven Ballmer, U.S., $19.5 billion
  5. Philip Anschutz, U.S., $16.5 billion
  6. Michael Dell, U.S., $16.5 billion
  7. S. Robson Walton, U.S., $15.8 billion
  8. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, Saudi Arabia, $15 billion
  9. Theo & Karl Albrecht, Germany, $13.6 billion
10. Li Ka-shing & family, Hong Kong, $12.7 billion

Other global billionaires - For more detailed profiles on the U.S. members of this list, please see the Forbes 400 Richest Americans listing this fall.
Kings, Queens and Dictators
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World Map:
Click on a region to see the countries and number of billionaires therein.

Reported by Julie Androshick, Erika Brown, Katherine Bruce, Brandon Copple, Cecile Daurat, Doug Donovan, Ashlea Ebeling, Benjamin Fulford, Chandrani Ghosh, Joanne Gordon, Shiyori Ito, Naazneen Karmali, Tomas Kellner, Luisa Kroll, Josephine Lee, Hildy Medina, Kazumi Miyazawa, Peter Newcomb, Richard Pinto, Juliette Rossant, Adrienne Sanders, Mary Summers, Caroline Waxler, Cristina von Zeppelin Additional research by Natalie Cannestra, Joan Fitzsimons, Brian Chen and Abigail Kahn. For the Digital Tool: Douglas Adams, Michael Devonish, Corinne Loisy, Glenn Mason, John Moschetto, Justin O'Brien, Tania Puell, Peter Tsang.

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