Chapter 2: See No Evil

Had it been another day, the nurse might have laughed at the man. The combination of his rather short height and his incredibly tall hair made him a humourous picture. But two things stopped her.

One was the look of absolute sheer rage on his face.

And the second was that he swiftly reached forward and grabbed her shirt, yanking her forward so that they were face to face.

"WHERE IS SHE!?!?!?!??!" he screamed, his voice so full of fury it almost sprayed on her face like his saliva. Her heart lurched in terror, the man sounded angry enough to kill.

"Who…?" the nurse managed to squeek out from Vegeta’s grip.

"BULMA BRIEFS! TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR I’LL GIVE YOU A ONE ON ONE MEETING WITH EMMA!" Vegeta screamed. Despite her lack of air, the nurse managed to raise a hand and point.

"Down that way…Room 34…"

Vegeta hurled the nurse aside. Then in something that even amazed her further, his hair colour changed. It went from raw black to a crackling, furious gold. As her mouth dropped open, Vegeta topped that surprise by rising off the ground and flying down the hallway so fast the windshear knocked everyone and everything over.

He was in the room within a second. He took it all in in less time.

His wife was lying, propped up on the bed, and his son Trunks, having beat him there, was rising from her bedside to greet his father.

"Toussan…" he began.

Then Trunks was himself hurled aside as Vegeta pushed him away and ran to the seat where his son had been sitting.

Then all of a sudden, the hair colour faded, and the aura of violence and soon-to-explode fury faded away.

"Bulma…sweetie…?" Vegeta said in a voice so soft, so low, so sad, so non-angry that Trunks was utterly amazed at his father. He had never seen his father like this. His father was always tough, always angry, always grinning and in control. The Vegeta who sat before him was something else.

And despite the change, Bulma didn’t notice it either. She lay, unmoving. Her eyes didn’t move at all, only her eyelids to occasionally blink. Besides that, she was dead to the world.

"Bulma?" Vegeta asked in an even calmer voice, waving his hand in front of her face. She didn’t respond. "Green Locks?"

"Father…" Vegeta heard his son say, and he briefly turned away from his wife to look at him.

"She’s catatonic." He heard Trunks say. He didn’t understand and his faced showed it. Drawing closer, Trunks kneeled by his father’s side.

"When she saw…sis…" Trunks said, his voice cracking. "Her mind…shut down. She’s gone. The doctors say the shock was so great…she may never come back."

Vegeta lowered his head. In the same day, in the same hour, he had lost his mate and his princess. His sweet little princess…

Then the violence came exploding back as Vegeta’s hair blasted into the gold of the Super Saiya-jin and continued into the spikes of Super Saiya-jin Level Two. Reaching up, he grabbed the chair and hurled it against the wall so hard it shattered like glass.


"Toussan!" Trunks said, trying to restrain his father. The floor began to crack under the furious saiya-jin and the whole hospital shook as if under assault by heavy fire. But it wasn’t heavy fire but the waves of force that was emitting from the beyond mad saiya-jin. Trunks’s hair flared up as he went SSJ, but it wasn’t enough to restrain his father, and Vegeta began to head towards the door, dragging his son.

"Toussan!" He yelled. "Calm down! Bra hasn’t died before, we can wish her back with the Dragon Balls! We can wish Mom back too if we have to! Calm down! CALM DOWN!"


Then suddenly another pair of arms seized around Vegeta, actually stopping him from moving. Vegeta struggled like mad before looking at his captor. His teeth ground. Holding him was Son Goku, the usual goofy look on his face now replaced with dead seriousness.
"Vegeta, do as your son says and CALM DOWN! Your rage won’t help anyone!" Goku yelled.


Then a fifth hand inserted itself in between the four holding Vegeta with a long syringe and jammed it into Vegeta’s neck. Vegeta made a short noise of pain and then his eyes rolled up into his head as he passed out. His body went limp into Goku and Trunks’s hands, and they gently laid him onto the ground.

"Sorry. He was so raging mad that nothing you said would have calmed him down, so I prepared a tranquilizer. Hopefully he’ll listen when he wakes up." Son Gohan said, adjusting his glasses.

"Thank you, Gohan." Trunks said.

"Yeah, th-IIIIIIIIYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! A NEEDLE!!!!!!!!!" Goku shrieked as he leapt into Trunks’s arms. Goku had been too busy trying to hold Vegeta to notice the needle, but now he had and he had swiftly panicked, even if it hadn’t been planned for him. Gohan sighed and chucked the needle away, and as Goku climbed out of Trunks’s arms, Gohan approached, wrapping his arms around Trunks in a sign of mutual mourning.

"Trunks…I’m so sorry…" Gohan said. No longer distracted by his father, Trunks freely let the tears of grief flow down his cheeks that had been flowing just seconds before he had heard his father coming.

"What kind of lunatic would do that to a little girl? To my little sister…?" Trunks managed to get out before he broke down in sobs on Gohan’s shoulder. Goku, not sure what to do, patted Trunks on the back comfortingly. Down the hall, the mohawked fighter known as Ubuu watched, not knowing the people well enough to mourn with them but feeling sad for the daughter of the man his teacher regarded as his greatest rival.

Trunks cried for a long time, as Son Goku went back to his student Ubuu after dragging Vegeta and putting him in the nearest bed. Eventually, Trunks cried himself to sleep, and Gohan let him gently down on the bench where they had sat and headed to speak with his father.

"Are you sure that tranquilizer will hold Vegeta for long?" Ubuu asked his teacher’s son.

"It was at a concentration that it would flatten a herd of elephants, so I think it will hold him. I think." Gohan said. "Toussan, who would do this?"

"I don’t know. Bra could handle any normal kidnapper. It would take someone with a great ki to overcome and… I can’t sense any great ki like that. I would notice it, such ki would emit such evil…and I don’t sense anything." Goku said. He looked so helpless, and with Goku, that was not a normal look.

"Toussan!" came a little girl’s voice, and Son Gohan turned to see his young daughter Pan heading towards him. He kneeled and swept her up in his arms.

"Is it true? Is Bra…" Pan began, but she couldn’t finish. Not able to find the words, Gohan nodded, a lump in his throat. Pan looked like she wanted to cry too, but she was more successful then Trunks in restraining herself.
"But why…who would want Bra-chan to die? IT’S NOT FAIR!" Pan yelled, startling the whole corridor. The looks on the three male’s faces echoed Pan’s scream, and even with the weary knowledge of life and death they all had in their eyes from their lives, they didn’t think it was right either.


Goku jumped in surprise until he realized it was Kaiou-sama, speaking with him telepathically.

King Kai! I mean Kaiou-sama! What is it?

First of all, I don’t really mind if you call me King Kai, and second, I think you had better turn on the nearest radio!

"Um, turn on the nearest radio!" Goku said. Confused, Ubuu pulled out a small pocket radio and turned it on. Soft violin music floated out.

I meant to a news station, Goku!

"Oh!" Goku said. "News station!"

Ubuu turned the dial and a stern female voice came out.

"This just in. There have been a string of strange automobile fatalities running along several roads in the Ouska region…"

"Ouska region? Isn’t that near the spot where they found…." Ubuu trailed off.

"Yeah. Excuse me guys, I think the Great Saiyaman needs to pay the police a visit." Gohan said, putting down his daughter and running down the hallway. Ubuu leaned over to Goku and began to speak to him in whispers, trying to figure out the horrible mystery of Bra’s death.

"Grandpa Goku?" Pan said from down the hall. "Why are Uncle Trunks’s eyes so red?"

Before Goku could answer, a doctor approached him.

"Excuse me, are you friends of the patient?"

"Patient? Oh, you mean Bulma? Yeah, I’ve known her since I was a kid!" Goku said.

"Then do you know the deceased?"

"Uhhhhhh…" Goku said, scratching his head and wondering what the doctor meant.

"He means did you know Bra, sensei!" Ubuu whispered. Goku understood and nodded.

"Ok. I’m sorry to ask you this, but there’s a technicality that someone has to examine the body to absolutely make sure that the deceased is positively identified. I was wondering…"

Goku began to turn green.

"I’ll do it."

Goku and Ubuu turned to see Vegeta, standing behind them, arms crossed and eyes downcast.

"Who are you, sir?"

"I was her father."


Son Gohan sat on a rock, holding his sunglasses in one hand. They dangled from his fingers, while his thumb was pressed against his forehead, which had broken out in a cold sweat.

The newspeople had been fed somewhat false stories. What they hadn’t been told was that the fatalities on the roads had not been caused by car accidents, but by murder. Horrible, inhuman murders. The police had shown Gohan some photos take at the scene. Gohan had promptly lost his lunch.

The people hadn’t just been killed, they had been butchered, tore to pieces slowly. The study of the wounds had shown that they had managed to stay alive for most of the treatments, somehow. Most of their vocal cords were swollen to the point where they would have shut down, the victims had screamed so much. The cars had been torn apart, but not by looters. They had been torn apart so that their parts could be used in the murders.

Gohan shivered. Never in his life had ever seen such sickening slaughter. Even with all the foes he had faced, their innocent victims had usually died instantly, never knowing what hit them. Not this people. Their bodies had been shredded as if someone had been hunting for their soul to devour.

But that wasn’t the only thing devoured. All their hearts were missing too.

The shivering increased, and Gohan stood up. The police couldn’t see a pattern. The doer had, or was apparently just walking along killing whatever caught his eye.

What kind of person could delight in such brutality?


Gohan didn’t know, but whatever had been human in Agony had ceased to exist long ago. Indeed, her eyes glittered with delight as she walked along, swallowing the last of the flesh she had stolen from her prey.

"Thank heaven…for little girls…and boys too…although teenagers aren’t that bad either…" Agony sang in a low voice that nearly froze the air. She lifted up her hand and licked drying blood from it, the salt taste making her eyes roll up. Although delightful, it would never compare to the pain. And the screams.

The woods began to thin again, and Agony’s eyes widened slightly. Another road?

Then as she walked from the woods, her mouth widened into a horrifically evil smile as she saw all the children playing in the back yard of the house the woods thinned out to. It was a birthday party.

"Oh yeah." Agony whispered as she licked blood from her lips.


The blond woman emerged from the door and spoke with the nurse. She was a gorgeous girl, slim, athelic, and with whispery blonde hair that gave the suggestion of a nympth. She smiled in return for the information and started walking down the hall. A male janitor leered at her and she gave him such an icy look in return the man swiftly turned tail and headed off to some other work he had to do.

Marron snorted. For too many years men had been stripping her with their eyes and imagining with their brains about her spreading their legs and begging for them. The only thing she was gonna use those legs for was to crack their skulls if they kept it up.

Marron sighed. Although she didn’t know Bulma well, she decided seeing her father’s friend might give her time to think things over.

Or more precisely, one thing over. Her and Goten.

Marron was nineteen and growing close to twenty. Goten was twenty-two. They had been dating for two and a half years now, and although they were happy, Marron wanted something else. She wanted commitment, something that would let her know he would always be there for her as he whispered in her ear under the stars. Unlike other men, Goten wasn’t saying that just to get into her pants. He meant it.

But apparently all the commitment genes had gone to Goten’s older brother, Gohan. Gohan, although Goten called him a nerd, had a steady job and a source of income. Goten prefered to laze around and mooch off his parents in between his training sessions. He had slacked off his fighting for a bit, but had picked it up again, and that was the only thing he was seriously commited to. That and his guitar. Goten went through hobbies like it was going out of style, but he’d been learning the guitar for four years now. It had been a heavy part in his romancing of her, and in truth she loved to curl up to him as he strummed along and crooned his love to her. Sweet, but she wanted something more.

Was she being selfish? Or was she being smart? Her girlfriends said if she asked for commitment, Goten would drop her like a bag of potatoes. Her father and mother said they knew the Son line better then her friends did and that while Goten might have been a slacker, he had the honour of his father. Her father swore for Goten particularily, since he had fought beside Goten a lot back when Goten was younger. When she was a kid she loved to hear those tales, as her father and future lover squared off against the threats of Bio Brolly and Majinn Buu.

She would think it over. It didn’t have to be much. Just something that would let her know he would always be there for her.

Always. His voice whispered in her ear mentally. She blushed and turned into Bulma’s room.

"Pan-chan." She said solumnly to the little girl who sat beside the bed. Then she noticed Pan’s mother. "Videl-chan! Has there been any change?" she asked.

Videl shook her head, as Pan stared sadly at the comotose form of Bulma.

"We can only wait. Gohan has gone to try and get to the bottom of this. So we can only wait, and pray." Videl said.


Elsewhere, oblivious to the horrific happenings of the morning, the questioning period his girlfriend was going through, and the demon walking straight towards him, Son Goten danced on the bridge. He had come out here to go fishing, but the waves in the river below the bridge were too rough for fish to be looking for food, so he turned it into something he could do: a jam session on his electric guitar. The riffs pummeled the surrounding woods as he danced on the railing.

"OOOWWWWW! You put the petal to the metal and baby oh yessiree…you’ll be burning, to the nth degree! Man I am Son Goten! I sure ain’t any fool! Cause the rocket’s in my pocket and I’m waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy past cool!" Goten sang, his dance steps causing the wooden bridge to shudder. His fishing pole shook and finally fell down. Since it didn’t fall into the water, Goten ignored it. It was heavy enough so that the constant waves washing over the bridge floor wouldn’t sweep it away. He switched tunes and began playing a new song to the tune of "Devil in a Blue Dress."

"I know I’m strong, who is coming next, with my golden hair, and my 20 inch pecs! Going Super Saiyan, Saiyan, Saiyan, going Super Saiyan, oh YEAH! Going Super Saiyan…."

Completely caught up in his song, Goten started to literally dance on the air, higher and higher, until he was swooping around the clouds and the song was only heard by high-flying birds.

Slowly, Agony walked out onto the bridge. She could have sworn she had heard an electric guitar playing earlier. Her face slick with blood and chunks of flesh, she looked around, her eyes noticing the fishing pole. Maybe she would hang around and wait for the owner to come back…

The water washed over her feet, and she looked down. Her boots were now clean. She made a small noise of irritation. The river looked rough and the waves could come higher and splash her, cleaning the blood off her. She didn’t want that.

"Hmmmm. Oh well." Agony said, and walked on, feasting on the fresh young hearts she had just taken.

By the time Son Goten came down, the blood left in her wake had long been washed away by the uneasy river, and Goten packed up, heading for home.


Vegeta sat in a chair outside the morgue, his face in his hands, trying to come to grips with what he had seen. After all he had endured, he thought nothing could shock him.

But after the attendant, even after warning him, had pulled away the sheet, his knees had nearly given out on him. His daughter’s face, once so beautiful, was now a torn, shredded mess, half of it so destroyed Vegeta could see the skull. Only through her hair, and through a birthmark on the side of her neck, had Vegeta been able to tell it was Bra. Her face was damaged beyond recognition.

Vegeta raised his head up. Bra was the most famous little girl in the city, a member of the giant Capsule Corperation. If they had wanted to prevent identification, they would have had to do a much better job then they had done.

They hadn’t destroyed his daughter’s face so they wouldn’t know who she was.

They’d done it for the sheer hell of it.

Slowly, the rage began to return, hotter and more dangerous then ever. He wouldn’t raze the city, but he would find who had done this, even if it took eternity, and when he did, he would give the person a death so horrible that…

His eyes caught a dart of movement.

Turning, he looked at the morgue. Had the door just completed the process of swinging shut?

Slowly, Vegeta stood and walked to the door, shoving it open.

He walked in. A second before he looked away, he saw that his daughter’s body had been uncovered. When he’d left it had been covered.

He turned.

And saw the man in black just for a half a second before something was jammed into the side of his neck. Vegeta felt a discharge and his skin blister as someone zapped a huge amount of electricity into the side of his neck.

Had he been human, he could have been knocked right out. But he was a saiya-jin, and it barely even annoyed him.

In shock, the man in black stepped back. Vegeta took him in. Tall, muscular, and for a human, an incredible ki. But nowhere near his base level.

Then he saw something. The black clothing concealed it well, but the man’s pants and outfit was covered with a brownish-red substance that could have been paint.

"How…that was 50,000 volts!" the man in black was saying.


…Dried blood.

Vegeta had a vague rememberance of watching a crime movie one night and hearing how serial killers like to return to the scene of the crime…

…or to their victims.

Then every single coherent thought Vegeta had was slammed away by a tidal wave of rage as he made his conclusion.


Vegeta reached out and grabbed the man. The man in black’s eyes widened and he tried to dodge away. He almost made it, he was that quick. But Vegeta’s hands still seized him before effortlessly throwing him across the whole morgue.

Vegeta hair’s exploded as he went SSJ2. If he could have seen the man in black’s eyes as he was getting to his feet (rather quickly after suffering such a blow), he would have seen in them the fact that the man in black was reaching the same conclusion Vegeta had.

"No…" he began.

But he didn’t get a chance to say anything else as Vegeta was suddenly right in his face, seizing his neck in a death grip.

"Oh don’t worry about strangulation. That would be too quick. Instead, I’m going to tear you to pieces like way you did my princess, except I’m going to do it cell by cell." Vegeta hissed in such incredible fury it smacked the man in black in the face like a physical blow.

The man in black reached up and slammed his right fist into the side of Vegeta’s head even as he tried to get the air to form words. Vegeta didn’t even flinch as he reached up to grab the limb, planning to start there.

Then Vegeta felt another jolt and his mind was suddenly on fire. He screamed and let go temporarily from the pain, but despite the agony in his head he quickly reached forward to grab the man in black again. The man in black reached out and jammed his right fingers into Vegeta’s neck, and the pain came back, even greater then before. But he kept coming, as the man continued to zap him again and again with whatever power he was using, not going to let him escape…

But even Vegeta’s superhuman body could only take so much, and he finally fell into darkness, cursing all the way down and swearing that he would find this man who took his princess from him…

And just as he was swallowed by the blackness, he heard the man in black speak two words.

"I’m sorry."


The man in black stared at the body sprawled in front of him. The man had been so short that he had assumed just one taser zap would take him down. He didn’t want to do it, but he doubted the man, the victim’s father, as it turned out, would just let him take what he needed from his daughter’s body, no matter how innocent and necessary it was.

But the man had been inhuman, shrugging it off like it was nothing at all, and then somehow grabbing him and throwing him across the room. Clearly he was no ordinary man. Perhaps he had been an experiment, like him…?

The man in black raised his right arm, and if Vegeta was awake, he could have seen why it had somehow been zapping him. The arm was metal, a cyborg limb, from which small extentions extended from the metal fingers. The man in black had deduced that from the blood on him, the father had guessed that he was the killer, come back to do some sick thing to the body of his daughter, and he had snapped and tried to kill him. And for some reason, he had appeared to put on a gold wig to do it…

The man in black glanced down at Vegeta again and started. The gold hair was gone. The hair was back to the normal black. He blinked and wondered what the hell was going on.

He glanced at his metal arm again. The man’s inhuman strength has made him panic (which was not an easy thing to do) and go straight to the absolute full power of his taser. And even then, he’d had to zap him seventeen times. At 10,000,000 volts each time. If he was that tough, the man in black doubted the voltage would keep him down long. He also doubted that if he stuck around the father would listen that the blood on him wasn’t his child’s blood, but rather the blood of the woman who had killed her…

…if it was who he thought it was. He had to be sure.

Crossing the room, the man in black looked down on the face on the little girl. His heart sank. This girl had been destined to grow to be a beauty, but now she would never grow up…

…all because of Agony.

His teeth grinding, the man carefully fixed his metal hand over Bra’s one remaining eye and began to scan. Whatever Bra had seen last, it would be preserved in her retina. If it was a certain female face he was all too familiar with…

The scan completed. Raising his hand, the man in black slid open a panel on his metal arm and began to tap keys there. A small camera emerged, ready to project an image.

The man in black hesitated, then pushed the button.

The image projected out, in full 3-D the last thing Bra had seen.

The man in black’s face darkened with rage. It was her. The streaked hair. The shockingly lovely face. And the eyes. The eyes that shouldn’t have existed, but still did no matter how many times the man in black had torn them out.

"Agony." He hissed.

Then his rage faded as he looked at the body of Bra again. Slowly, he kneeled beside her and took her hand.

"I’m sorry." He said, his voice cracking with sorrow. "This is all my fault and I’m so, so sorry I inflicted this apon you, little girl. Oh god please forgive me for failing you…just like I failed…them…but I will avenge you, if it means my life, my soul, anything."

Vegeta began to stir, and the man in black looked over to him. He would be waking up soon. He had to be going, but as he stood he kept looking.

"I’m sorry too sir. I didn’t want to hurt you…god I didn’t. Forgive me, if you can…but I will avenge you and your daughter…"

The sorrow vanished as a rage that rivaled Vegeta’s flashed onto his face, and he snapped up his metal hand as razor sharp two-foot talons snapped out, the light dancing on them as they sang to be used.

"I inflicted Agony apon your world, and Vengeance will remove her."


Agony was bored. She was getting tired of ripping up squirrals and smashing deer to death with rocks. She wanted something that could understand pain more and scream far more exquisitingly, like that little girl had when she had melted her eyes with her own birthday candles. The pain had been pure and the terror had been utter bliss.

Then she saw it. A campsite that looked like it had been recently set up. And a young woman, with black hair and sweet innocent eyes, sitting by a river, doing laundry.

And no one would hear her scream this deep in the woods.

Lunch continued to wash clothes, unaware of the walking hell.


Vengeance left the morgue, heading for the nurse’s office. He emerged with the radio, twisting the dials and trying to find the right station.

"…I did it again…my life…Shady please stand up…." The radio went before Vengeance found the same stern female voice Goku and co had heard earlier.

"This just in. There was been a horrific massacre at a house where couple named the Totsons where celebrating the birthday of their little girl…Jane Goguy has the story…Jane?"

"Yes I’m here…Tanya…the backyard…OH GOD!" the reporter said, finally giving up any sense of control she could have had. As Erik heard vomiting from the radio, he lowered his head and squeezed his eyes shut, a single tear trickling from his left eye.

"Oh no………."


Lunch stared in sheer terror at the woman, trying to crabwalk away as Agony approached her, a horrific grin on her face and pearls of pleasure dancing in her eyes.

In her fear, she sneezed.

Agony halted as the black haired girl vanished to be replaced a blonde-haired girl.

"The hell?"

Then Ranchi leapt to her feet, twin uzis in her hands.

"Hey fuckface! I’ve got something you can snack on: LEAD!"

And then Ranchi let loose, spraying Agony with machine-gun bullets. Agony was thrown into a jerking dance as bullets slammed through every part of her, riddling her body before she collapsed on the ground.

"Arnold, eat your heart out." Ranchi quipped as she blew smoke from the barrels.

Then Agony flipped to her feet.

Ranchi’s jaw hit the floor. The woman had over a hundred bullet holes through her and she was still standing. No, she looked happy.

"Pain…sweet pain…." Agony crooned.

Panicking, Ranchi raised the Uzis and let loose again, drilling more holes though Agony as she stood there.


Agony smiled. She looked as if she was in the grip of an orgasm as the bullets popped out of her body, levitating as the holes closed behind them. Within a second, Agony didn’t have a single wound on her, and in the next second, she didn’t even have a scratch on her outfit. In shock, Ranchi dropped the empty Uzis as fear exploded in her stomach and heart.

Agony looked at all the bullets floating around her, all from her wounds, all stained with her blood.

"I don’t want these." Agony said, pointing at Ranchi. "You have them."


Far in the woods, a short little mime-like man named Chaozu was gathering wood when he heard Ranchi open fire. He smiled, thinking of the poor trees and maybe a deer that was going to be their unfortunate dinner.

But as the firing went on, Chaozu began to gather wood more slowly. Something was wrong, especially when the firing stopped and started up again. Even shooting at a running deer, Ranchi wouldn’t have fired that long.

Again, there was silence.

Then a shriek tore through the forest, a shiek of horrible pain, and Chaozu dropped the wood and took off towards where his best friend’s wife was.


And farther away, a scarred three-eyed man looked up. He hadn’t heard the bullets, but he heard the scream as if it was next to him.

"LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, and flew off towards the campsite so fast he set the air on fire.


Ranchi was on the ground, holding the ruins of what had been her legs and screaming. When Agony had pointed at her, all the bullets had flow directly at her legs, and the metal pellets had all slammed through her legs at once, destroying them. All there was left was gooified muscle and shattered bone.

Despite the unimaginable pain, Lunch look up as Agony walked over to her, sucking at the air. What she was really doing was sucking down the torture she had inflicted on Lunch. Ranchi’s screams died away as she looked into Agony’s eyes.

And saw hell itself glittering in them.

Agony raised her hand, pointing at the transfixed woman.

"Bang bang, you’re dead."

And then the bullets flew backwards, all of slamming into Ranchi’s head at once. It exploded with a wet pop, splattering brains and bones chips on Agony’s face.

Reaching down, Agony picked up a shred of bloody blonde hair and wiped the splattered cereberal tissues off of her face as she smiled and started to eat.


Chaozu stood, utterly frozen. He had expected the worst, but the vision in front of him when he had emerged in the campsite was beyond anything he had ever seen, even in his worst nightmares.

Lunch lay, her head gone and her legs just a thinly held together pile of bloody mush. But that wasn’t that worst part. The worst was the woman, kneeling beside her, reaching onto Lunch’s ripped-open torso and pulling the heart out to contently eat.

Chaozu struggled not to vomit or to run away. Lunch had been his friend and his best friend’s wife. Tien was going to need him for the agony that lay ahead.

Yes. For Tien, this lunatic who had killed Lunch would die.


Agony heard the footsteps, and looked up to see Chaozu approaching with purpose.

"Oh hey!" Agony said in a friendly tone. "Care for some? I ate the heart but I’m sure there’s something else in here that’s good…lemme see…" Agony said, reaching around in Lunch’s guts. When she pulled out the liver, Chaozu nearly cracked and ran, but he had to stay calm, focussing on the revenge he would bring on this insane woman.

"How about the liver? Oh wait, I like the liver too." Agony said, bringing it to her mouth and taking a contented bite.

"You killed…Lunch…" Chaozu, low and in a tone so dangerous even his worst foes had never heard it.

"Lunch? Yep, she was lunch! My lunch!" Agony said, taking another bite. The rage exploded on Chaozu’s heart, and as he brought his hands up he used a word he had never used in his life.


And then a wave of force slammed into Agony, throwing her against a tree so hard it nearly broke in half. Agony collasped on the ground, her back crushed so badly it curved inward.

Chaozu slowly lowered his hands. He could sense Tien coming. He hoped he could help his best friend cope with the grief. In the end, there were always the Dragon Balls…

"Oh yes…" Agony said.

Chaozu looked in shock as Agony’s back snapped back into its normal shape, the crushed flesh smoothing out as Agony slithered to her feet like the serpent she was.

"Hurt me more, clown boy. HURT ME MORE!" she shrieked, leaping at Chaozu.

Half of Chaozu’s mind was in numb shock, but the other half was silently speaking to him, saying that the woman apparently had a regeneration talent, but she didn’t possess any ki and thus would be vunerable to his ESP mind freeze.

Chaozu threw out his hands again as Agony drew close.


Agony stopped in mid-air, frozen solid. It had worked. But she was still smiling at him, a twisted, lopsided, horrible bloodthirsty smile…

Chaozu prepared himself to reach into her mind and command her to stop breathing. He had control of her body, and even if she could regenerate, she still had to breathe.

He slipped in his probe…

Chaozu never got a chance to realize he had made the biggest mistake of his life. For to make Agony do something, he had to see into her mind, and everything that was in there.

His probe stopped dead as it washed over him. Inside Agony was hell, the tortured screaming of thousands of souls, all of whom had different horrific fates, all under Agony’s iron fist as she shrieked laughter and continued the horrid suffering. He saws thousands among thousands of faces he didn’t know, their mouths locked in eternal howls of pain and futile pleading for mercy, all of them being violated physically, mentally, emotionally, and in ways Chaozu couldn’t even conceive of.

He saw Bra, naked and screaming as thorned whips lashed bloody lines across her back.

And he saw Lunch, slowly boiling to death in a pot of liquid as she screamed even as her lips fell off and her lungs burned with fire.

His mind was overwhelmed and his sanity snapped before his mind totally shut down, completely short-circuited from his vision.

In a way, he was the lucky one. With his mind gone, he didn’t feel a thing as Agony grabbed him, raised him above her head, and tore him in half.


Tien broke from the forest as Agony raised Chaozu above her head. He opened his mouth to scream for her to stop.

Too late.

As Chaozu was ripped in two, Tien stopped dead in his tracks, in hopeless shock and horror. Blood sprayed from the body, raining down on Agony and drenching her. She raised her head and laughed with delight as the blood poured across her face.

Then she tossed the legs aside and pulled Chaozu’s heart from his chest. Dropping the corpse like a piece of garbage, she took the whole thing in her mouth, sheer pleasure on her face.

Then she saw Tien.

"Hey, a Triclops!" she said with her mouth full.

Shaking, Tien looked at Chaozu. Then he looked and saw the body of Lunch, his wife. They had been talking about having kids just the other night…

He looked at Agony. If he’d had any hair, someone might have seen it flash gold, even if Tien wasn’t a saiya-jin, for the rage that entered his body rivaled any anger any of the Super Saiya-jins had ever felt in their initial transformations.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tien brought his hands up in front of him, forming them into a triangle.


Agony blinked as a gigantic blast of energy erupted from Tien’s hands. Then it enveloped her and she screamed as it burned away her flesh before a gigantic explosion shook the ground where she had been, knocking down all the trees around her and Tien for miles.

Tien slowly lowered his hands. He’d looked down the length of his blast as he shot it and had seen the woman’s flesh burn away. She was dead, vaporized.

"Chaozu…Lunch…" he sobbed. He knew in the back of his mind that he could get the Dragon Balls and revive them, but for now his mind was consumed with mourning his best friend and lover, taken from him by a lunatic.

Perhaps Tien should have been wondering how an apparent non-ki user could kill his wife, let alone Chaozu. Although he was the weakest fighter on the Z senshi, Chaozu could handle an army of humans who didn’t use ki, and no one who didn’t use ki could have dodged all the bullets Ranchi would have shot at them.

He also should have watched his step, for as he bent over to sob, he nearly stepped on the outskirts of the crator his blast had made in the ground. He pulled himself back in time, but he nearly did take a tumble.

He coughed on the dust. It stung his eyes and made them tear more, but it didn’t matter. He’d be shedding a lot of tears before he packed up and went looking for Shen Long.

A pebble suddenly hit his shin. Feeling it, he instinctively looked up.

Them something lunged from the dust and smoke in front of him, something white and cruelly sharp. Tien gasped in shock and tried to block.

But it was too little, too late, as the bone dagger shoved itself through his throat.

As his airpipe was severed and blood began to pour from his neck, Tien tried to scream, but all that came out was a bubbling moan. His eyes all went as wide as they could as Agony stepped from the crator and out of the dust.

She couldn’t possibly be alive. Over half her body had been burnt away, revealing only blackened bone. Charred intestines hung from the rib cage, half her heart and lung was missing, and three-quarters of her face was now a burnt skull.

But she still had those eyes. The soul shredding eyes.

Then black energy erupted on her, and pink muscle suddenly sprang up from the bones, rebuilding itself from nothing. Tien watched in horror even as his brain screamed for oxygen and his life’s blood poured down his chest.

As Agony healed and her organs regenerated from nothingness, Tien saw Agony’s heart was as black as pitch, before it vanished behind mucles appearing on the rib cage.

Slowly, Agony raised her other hand. She’d broken off her own right hand and half her forearm to have the bone dagger that was now lanced through Tien’s throat. But as Tien watched, her left hand, skeletal and with no flesh on it at all, slowly reformed itself into a weapon, the finger bones now knives of bone, made to cut and tear.

"If thy third eye offends thee, pluck it out." Agony whispered.

And then Tien was plunged into eternal darkness as Agony drove her knife fingers into his eyes, smiling as he tried to scream.


Krillian lowered his head, tears of sadness springing to his eyes. He’d come as soon as he’d heard, but the whole way there he couldn’t believe it, and even now he couldn’t as he looked at the bodies of people he’d called his friends.

Gohan had found them, drawn by the explosion while flying home. He’d told him, told everyone via a telephone the police had given him, and now they were all there. Even Yamcha, who had come back from a trip that very night, was there, trying not to throw up or cry.

There was only one person missing, and he was coming in from the sky.

Goku landed. Krillian expected him to immediately freak or throw up, but he didn’t. His face was so serious and his gaze so settled it freaked Krillian

He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder and looked up to see his wife Eighteen, her own eyes glazed with horror.

"Who did this?" she asked in shock.

"The same people…or person…who…Bra…this morning…" Krillian said, not able to get it out.

Goku looked at the destroyed body of Lunch, the mutilated body of Chaozu, and finally Tien, his throat ripped open, his eyes gorged out, and his chest torn open. All three of their hearts were gone.

Goku took a deep slow breath. Before the coming of Vegeta and co, before he knew he was an alien, the three people here had been his friends, and they still were. And this death was worse then the ones they had suffered at Nappa’s hands. That had been merely death. This was madness.

First Bra, then the roads, then the birthday party, and now this…insanity.

"AARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed as he exploded into Super Saiya-jin. He threw back his head and screamed to the heavens.



Agony didn’t hear the scream. She was already far away, sitting on a rock, playing with a lock of Lunch’s hair. Her body had completely healed. Anyone who saw her would think she had never been touched.

Within her, Chaozu and Tien screamed as their souls, trapped within her evil heart, were subjected to all the horrific agonies that Chaozu had seen. As the screams for mercy rang within her, Agony smiled.

"I like this world."