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Evil at its finest...::Wicked grin::

Enter *my* realm

Don't be afraid...come on in...::Grins wickedly with a wink::
(<~ Poneros)
::Smirks:: What can I say...Poneros is my trusty side-kick. My beloved companion. As well as my pet and protector. He watches my back and I stear clear of his path.::Chuckles:: Yes Poneros is my dear tiger. I found him long ago, poachers killed off his family as a tribe killed
mine. I related to his feeling of sadness and took him with me on my travels. He was a spunky cub and has not calmed down one bit. And that is the reason for his name. Poneros, same as simplilest form, means harrassing evil. When I first came to RhyDin I often took him to the Inns with me. I soon learned that to not be a smart thing to do. He enjoys beating on the weak...::Chuckles darkly::Though I understand his feelings of that as well. He has bruised me and broken a few of my bones as well. But I know that he loves me none the less. He has never let me down when I absolutely needed him.
