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My Thoughts On Censorship

Do you want your life to be censored? In my opinnion, censorship is just another form of communisim. As Clive Barker said, he didn't make Hellraiser for seven year olds. Parent's can control what theyre children see, but adults should be able to watch, read, and listen to whatever they want.

If someone watches a horror movie and then goes out and kills someone the way they saw in the movie, that doesn't mean the movie "made" them do it. It means they were already disturbed, and had murder in their heart anyway. The movie just gave them another way to kill; they would of done it anyways.

I feel we shouldn't have to hear replacements for swearing; we shouldn't see blurred images, be told what we can and cannot read. We shouldn't have to order the unedited version of a movie just to see it. In summary, we shouldnt b controlled. We should be able to enjoy art the way it was meant to be enjoyed...and not see the edited form.