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The Delta Girl one who has been given
the opportunity of educaion and broad development:
She is one who has enjoyed the privileges of culture and selected enviroment
It is pleasing to a heartfelt depth to see her
not as self-centered, not desirous of selfish power
not wanting the plaudits of people
not wanting glory but with a purpose which directs her activities
and all that she may control toward lifting somebody else

~Soror Mary McCleod Bethune~

"One True Delta"

A woman of love, peace, and happiness
With a passionate, burning dream
To become one of the women
Who wears the Crimson and Cream
Her heart, like the elephant
Is as strong as can be
While, like the pyramid, she has three sides
One side for them, one side for you, and always one side for me
Her love for DST
Was evident from the start
When asked, "Why be a Delta?"
She said, "It's just in my heart!"
With the wind to her back
And God's presence there just the same
Her dream reached reality
And a Delta she became
So she will wear the Crimson and Cream
And it will be there to stay
Because she will be "One True Delta"
Until her last dying day

~Jumond Greene~

And GOD Said...

I'll make me a woman, a woman of essence
A woman of pride, a woman who is capable
Of putting trivial things aside.
A woman of individuality
A woman of love,
A woman who is enfranchised
With the pearls from above
A woman who is genuine,
A leader of integrity,
God said...
I'll make me a
Real woman, I'll call her

A Delta woman...can you handle it???

We wanted to have a positive influence on the lives of Black women,
But our current organization placed restrictions and opposition to political and social awareness.
Out of this struggle, a change emerged to do the right thing.
We are the 22 Visionary Founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.!
These are my Sorors!

I was Deltas 1st distinguished honorary member,
I was also an honorary member as well as, a pioneer for equal rights for women,
My legacy continues in every Delta woman through the Delta Oath
I am Gabrielle Pelham, Nannie H. Burroughs, and Mary Church Terrell
And these are my Sorors!

I didn't stop there!
I founded a University in Florida,
opened my home in Harlem to babies with AIDS,
and led Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for 10 years as National President
I am Mary McLeod- Bethune, Clara Hale, and Dorothy I. Height
These are my Sorors!

My voice can be heard through song all over the world.
I may be singing sultry jazz , awakening gospel,
or I may be "Killing you Softly"
I am Nancy Wilson, Shirley Ceasar, and Roberta Flack
And these are my Sorors!

In 1964 I stood before the Democratic Convention and let the world know that
"I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!"
Well, I was the 1st Black woman elected to the United States Senate,

That's impressive but, I was the 1st Black woman to seek the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
I am Fannie Lou Hamer, Carol Moseley-Braun, and Shirley Chishom
Did I mention that these are my Sorors!

Last time you saw me, I may have been wearing crimson and cream.
You thought I just looked good but, now you know I was representing over 85 years of courage and purity.
I am a Delta!

So, when I put on the symbols of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
I am proud to follow the example and accept the challenge that has been set before me.
I haven't achieved world fame .. yet!
But I'm on my way because.
Those are my Sorors!
Now that you know what a Delta woman is ... Can you handle the responsibility?

~Soror Lisa Crutchfield Diggs~
Spring 92

Sorors, I dream

I dream about a love so strong,
I fantasize the circle songs.
I imagine a bond that spans the globe,
I'd wear the crimson and cream robe.

I dream the dream that sisters do,
to walk amongst the twenty two.
To sit atop the Pyramid,
and dream the dreams Naomi did.

When I awaken from this mood,
I see myself as Fortitude.
The message that this dream has sent
to proudly ride the elephant.

And send to you my love Soror
for you to dream as I've before.

~Author unknown~

She Is Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

She is the embodiment of charity and patience
The epitome of sisterhood and fortitude
Through her emanates a torch of light
Glistening rays of sisterly servitude
Forging forth in virtues' stride
Holding fast her cardinals plain
Through her beams a will to survive
A grand history to maintain
As the Pyramids on the sands of Egypt
She is a phenomenal creation-her stature great
She treads a path of her own mind
Succumbing not to peer pressure or acts of fate
Who can she be, this woman of character fine?
Transcending those of mere majority
A sister - - DeSTined to Shine


~Soror Rachelle Guillory~


Like Deltas, Violets must be individually selected.
You cannot grab a handful of them without damaging some of them. They cannot be roughly picked or picked in a hurry.

Like Deltas, the violet is not the kind of flower that shows off its fullest beauty standing alone, but is naturally gregarious and looks best in natural clusters.
However, like Deltas, the Violet can stand alone and still reflect beauty.

Like Deltas, although at first glance Violets seem to look alike, on closer inspection one notes the many subtle charming and individual characteristics that make each one distinctly different from its sisters.

Like Deltas, despite the Violets seemingly fragile beauty, it is never the less, sturdy and strong because it yields a long stem when pulled.

Finally, like Deltas, even the Violet that has passed its allotted time for blooming retains the dignity and coloration that bespeaks its exclusive culture.

~Soror Marie Johnson~
Hartford Alumnae Chapter

To the Sorors who didn't know there would be days like this . . .

What in the world made you want to pledge?
Did you think Delta was the cutting edge?

Did you want to step on the yard while singing and saying chants?
Did you want a house full of ducks and elephants?

Did you want "suddenly loyal" subjects and new permanent friends?
Did you want attention from all sorts of men?

Did you want to stroll at all the parties
While perfect strangers parted like the Red Sea?

Were you dying to put on that shirt that says, "I'm a Delta, look at me!"
Were you a legacy

And felt that Delta was owed to you?
Were the AKAs not as popular and you didn't see anyone wearing white and blue?

No matter your reason, you've crossed the sands.
You now give long, tight hugs and know what to do when a Soror takes your hand.

Now that you are here, reality is told.
There isPUBLIC SERVICEto be done, all that glittered wasn't gold.

To step in that show, you must be a part of a team.
Your patience and precious time is required to realize that dream.

Your new friends you thought were so loyal and true,
Have put your connections to use trying to BE you.

When jealousy breaks through your stroll line it "Makes You Wanna Holla",
And Lord, that shirt costs about $50.

There are projects to be planned, money needed to follow them through,
And sometimes all that work falls directly on you.

You fight and fuss to make your dissatisfaction feel true,
But for every complaint, a counter complaint is directed at you.

So now you're frustrated, thinking, "This is not how it's supposed to be",
But as you head for the door for good, you remember J-#3.

You work through the details and reach a logical decision,
Then every detail is followed through with accuracy and precision.

And when it's all over, praises of Delta come from everyone's voice.
You sit back and smile, knowing you've made the right choice.

You forget the reasons you came and rejoice in the fact that you've arrived .. .
Then you head for the party with your Sorors at your side.
Keep It Real Sorors!

~Soror Ayanna Card~
Auburn Alumnae Chapter, 1996


What Does Delta Sigma Theta mean to me?
Let me think-What can it be?
Laughter, Smiles and Sisters, too
Brand new friendships that are so true
The good times I know have just begun
Already it seems to be such fun.
Its hard to put into words I know
Since feelings aren't always easy to show
Delta Sigma Theta-in words I can only think of
one that's the best and that is LOVE
The more I put in, the more I see
how much Delta Sigma Theta means to me.

You Are My Sister

A sister
lends an ear
chastises, with love,when needed
understands, when others fail to
doesn't hastily judge

A sister
agrees, disagrees as well
wipes a tear, sheds one too
but love prevails and abides in the end

A sister
supports you despite your shortcomings
can apologize for her inadequacies -
most importantly a sister forgives
and gives LOVE, which is the greater of these

~Rachelle Guillory~