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Coolness Hipsters and welcome to ComboVille, Belgium!
We've put up this humble shack to meet your basic Combo conforts!
No doubt this town will grow as more and more Hepcats fall by and pick up on these Daddy-O's as they blow they're axes like no other can!
So be on the lookout for the one and only Monstrophonic Sound!

!!!IT'S HERE!!!
The third long awaited full LP/CD

This brand new 14 track LP and a 13 track CD is out now on Drunkabilly Records!


Contact us at

Or snail mail us at :

Blekerijstraat 18 * 9000 Gent - Belgium

 +32 (0)9 329 90 42

[ Sign the Monstro Book !] - [ Read the Monstro Book ! ]

Big Muff !

Artwork & Design by Matto Le D. (copyright 1999) - nothing from these pages may be used or copied without the explicit authorisation of the owner(s).