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Hi I am Debbie

First I would like to thank you all for taking the time to visit me*S*
My Wonderful caring sister has made this page for me as a birthday present..Now isn't she soooooooooo sweet to do this???
By the way I should warn you she is the one writing this too!
So please don't believe everything you read...LOL
Now..... would I lie???*EG*
Not me!!
For now until Debbie takes over the page on her birthday I can write what ever I want*EG*
Where should I start and which secrets should I tell you about???
Better not....She might do the same to me!!! Ok let me just tell you a little about my baby sister and call it a day

~My sister Debbie~
Is a singlemother with two adorable little girls
She is a wonderful mother and oftens puts her own needs to one side for the sake of the kids
The girls are her life and she loves them both dearly!
~Kelsie and Kara~

Debbie is very hard working and has been studing for the past three years or so 'Child psychology' and hopes to work in that field in the near future.
She like myself is very artistic and loves collecting Chinese Art which is why I have used that on these pages.
In the ICQ world Debbie is known as Doodles and well liked by all who knows her for her fun loving personality and wicked sense of humour*EG*
Which I may add sometimes gets her into trouble*S*
She is My sister, my friend, My teacher!!
And always there when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to.

A poem for My Sister Debbie

What is a sister?
A sister is someone more special than words.
She's love mixed with friendship; the best things in life.
She's so much inner beauty blended together with an outward appearance that brings a smile to the happiness in your heart.
A sister is one of the most precious people in the story of your life.
And you'll always be together, whether you're near or apart.
Together, you have shared some of the most special moments two people have ever shared. A sister is a perspective on the past, and she's a million favorite memories that will always last.

A sister is a reminder of the blessings that come from closeness.
Sharing secrets.

Disclosing dreams.
Learning about life together.

A sister is a confidante and a counselor.
She's a dear and wonderful friend.
She's a hand within your hand; she's so often the only one who really understands.
A sister is honesty and trust enfolded with love.
She's sometimes the only person who sees the horizon from your point of view, and she helps you to see things more clearly.
She is a helper and a guide, and she is a feeling, deep inside, that makes you wonder what you would ever do without her.

What is a sister?
She is someone more special than words; someone beautiful and unique.
And in so many ways, there is no one who is loved so dearly.
- ~Carey Martin~

Debbie you are all of this and much more*S*

Ok lets go to Debbies Birthday page and find out how old she is today!!

Oh and please don't forget to sign her Guestbook

Thanks again for stopping by*S*