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DeLiFrAncE~ 洛 雯 好 心 情

Hi~ buddies, Welcome to my homepage!! Actually I wanna make a Chinese homepage for myself...but...duno why lots of my friends can't READ Chinese or even they DUNO Chinese....*pengz*...Because of their now have to make a English version too loh~ muahahahha....Especially for tthie korkor, Badmoonie and DD~~mai complain again lah

Deli's Profile ~ 洛 雯 檔 案

Deli's life in Hong Kong ~ 洛 雯 好 心 情 香 港 生 活 相

Life in Canada ~ 洛 雯 好 心 情 加 拿 大 生 活 相


IRC ~ OuTinG --- December 28, 1998 ShiEr + Delifrance
picture one --- The First Meet
picture two --- Deli's School University of Toronto
picture three --- Makan
picture four --- Shopping
picture five --- Deli's car
picture six --- Back Home

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