click here for eagle's nest view of the emergent body of temp workers in USA ready to overturn the tables and toss out the lobbies from government the same way Christ in the Bible threw out the money lenders in the temple!

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Every week job fairs but still no jobs, in USA

How American Chamber of Commerce aka AmCham is partner to CIA regime changes worldwide!!! [AmCham]


is the largest U.S. lobby & has offices next to the US embassy all around the globe.

The 115


 around the world create an influential network, accredited by the largest business association in the world: The 3-million-member-strong US Chamber of Commerce is in Washington, DC.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's [AmCham] own history of itself describes it as originating from an April 22, 1912, meeting of delegates.;The Chamber was created by President Taft as a counterbalance to the labor movement of the time.

In 1993, the Chamber [AmCham] lost several members over its support for Hillary Clinton's healthcare reform efforts when she was the First Lady the first term. The Chamber had chosen to support healthcare reform at that time due to the spiraling healthcare costs experienced by its members. However, House Republicans retaliated by urging boycotts of the organization. The Chamber [AmCham] operated its own cable television station, Biz-Net until 1997 in order to promote its policies. The Chamber shifted somewhat more to the right when Tom Donohue became head of the organization in 1997. By the time health care reform became a major issue again in 2010-2012, the organization opposed such efforts.The Washington, D.C., headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce occupies land that was formerly the home of master masonic Daniel Webster.  In late 2011 it was revealed that the Chamber's computer system was breached from November 2009 to May 2010 by Chinese hackers. The purpose of the breach appeared to be gain information related to the Chamber's lobbying regarding Asian trade policy.


works closely and tightly with NED, both the IRI Republican wing and the NDI Democrats wing.


NED is the "Patriarch" and

AmCham (CIPE)

is the "Madame" for the four agencies which are intertwined, IRI, NDI, Solidarity Center SI-"brand" "socialism", and AFL-CIO 'anti-labor' international union!



These two agencies together make the "color revolutions" around the globe, with the purpose to destabilize the local government and supplant it with



NDI's "Solidarity Center" branch

4 main branches of NED, formed in 1983 just months before the KAL007 airline shootdown that nearly started WW3, when a US controlled Korean airline strayed dangerously deep into restricted Soviet air space.

AmCham is the main 3rd branch of NED, aka CIPE

The 4th main branch of NED is the fake socialist branch called SI.  Bernie Sanders is not even social democrat enough to be in membership alignment with this fake CIA controlled NED socialist party international.  The NDI, loosely affiliated to the Democratic Party is an "associated organization" of the Socialist International.

On 22 May 2013, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) along with other current and former member parties of the SI founded a rival international network of social-democratic parties known as the Progressive Alliance, out of criticism of the perceived corrupt, undemocratic and outmoded nature of the SI.

The AFL-CIO has long worked hand in hand with SI and NED, especially in the overthrow of Allende in Chile.

CIA's own Socialism "organization", the Solidarity Center aka the Socialist International [SI]. They made the rose logo/icon below!



115 AmChams around the world [most often next door to the U.S. embassy].  It is not federal, same as Federal Express and Federal Reserve are not federal.

click here for eagle's nest view of the emergent body of temp workers in USA ready to overturn the tables and toss out the lobbies from government the same way Christ in the Bible threw out the money lenders in the temple!

 p. 17


In recent years democracy assistance has become not merely a goal for diplomacy (although it remains that) but an increasingly frequent practical problem. A host of international and multilateral donor agencies and even military forces (both NATO and U.S.) have taken on the task of helping build democracies in highly challenging environments, including authoritarian and semiauthoritarian states, recently emerging and transitional democracies, and societies scarcely out of, or even in the midst of, violent conflicts (e.g., Ukraine, Bosnia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo). U.S. efforts to assist the spread of democracy encompass a host of activities: diplomatic pressures, trade sanctions, economic development aid, military and political support for democratic forces, or in some cases (e.g., Zaire, Philippines) withdrawal of support for dictators. Georgia Egypt Libya


AMERICA-CHAMBER-OF-COMMERCE-AMCHAM.pdf -- Israel--The only nation where AmCham has also a private business name, the Howard Bernstein Group Palestine Chile  Singapore

plus over 100 more....