Ships at Cardiff 1881 - Part 5

	               Marr	Age	Sex	Birthplace              Occupation
Vessel:	"Innocento Massa"
Pietro MASSA	        M	38 	M	Nervi, Italy	        Master Mariner
Francesco RAGIONE	M	56 	M	Nervi, Italy	        Mate
Giacomo MALSANO	        M	33 	M	Nervi, Italy	        Boatswain
Giacomo DRAGO	        M	50 	M	Nervi, Italy	        Cook
Innocento MASSA	        U	15 	M	Nervi, Italy	        Apprentice
Anto. LAROVERE	        U	38 	M	Borgo, Italy    	AB
Felice ALTAMURA         U	32 	M	Civitevechia, Italy	AB
Guiseppe FIGUERO	U	22 	M	Bari, Italy     	AB
Fazio VICENZO	        U	22 	M	Bergozi, Italy  	AB
Matoli SARVATORI	U	30 	M	Lipari, Italy   	AB
Francesco VERATO	U	32 	M	Bergezi, Italy   	AB
Borfoni ? GUISEPPE	U	18 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB
Merelo ANGELO	        U	18 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB
Giacento OLIVA	        U	17 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB

Vessel:	"Esemplare"
Matteo SCHIAFFINO	M	42 	M	Nervi, Italy    	Master
Gerolamo GERA	        M	37 	M	Sinirne, Italy  	Mate
Gerolamo MEIZONE	M	45 	M	Quinto, Italy	        AB
Guiseppe VIACAVA	M	37 	M	Nervi, Italy    	Cook
Francesco VIACAVA	U	27 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB
Francesco VIACAVA	U	24 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB
Angelo ROSSI	        M	32 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB
Federico CHIAPELLA	U	24 	M	Nervi, Italy    	AB
Gaetano FASTAME	        M	38 	M	Livorno, Italy   	AB
Filippo FERREA	        U	20 	M	Nervi, Italy    	OS
Guiseppe ALKINO	        U	19 	M	Quinto, Italy   	OS
Gio Batta FURRICIO	U	17 	M	Quinto, Italy   	Boy
Giovanni PENCO	        U	15 	M	Nervi, Italy    	Boy

Vessel:	"Patrician"
C.H. JACKSON	        M	44 	M	Wiscossett Maine, USA	Master
W.T. MAYNES	        M	45 	M	Dresden Maine, USA	Mate
W. E. SIMONTON	        U	28 	M	Camden Maine, USA	2nd Mate
H. MACAUL	        U	24 	M	New York N Y, USA	Boatswain
P. G...INAZ	        U	28 	M	Santazar Di, Cuba	Steward
J. PERAY...	        U	25 	M	Pittsburg, USA  	Cook
T. TARR ?	        U	21 	M	Portland Maine, USA	AB

Vessel:	"Trento"
Francesco SOCCOLA	M	45 	M	Cervo Genoa, Italy	 Captain
Antonio MARCHIO  	M	39 	M	Laigueglia Genoa, Italy	 Second Mate
Antonio TAMBORLINO	M	38 	M	Umago Trieste, Italy	 Boatswain
Angelo LOGNO	        U	22 	M	Laigueglia, Italy	 Dispensiere (Cook)
Francesco BERTRAMIN	M	32 	M	Donuda Venezia, Italy	 Marinaro (AB)
Francesco Antonio DI FRANCO M	36 	M	S Vito Ancona, Italy	 Marinaro (AB)
Ladarico NEANDI	        M	38 	M	Ancona Ancona, Italy     Marinaro (AB)
Guiseppe PIUGLIETTIE	U	31 	M	Senigaglia Ancona, Italy Marinaro (AB)
Valvatore ANTONIOLI	U	31 	M	Cattolica Ancona, Italy	 Marinaro (AB)
Emmanuele PELLE	        U	31 	M	Laigueglia Genova, Italy Marinaro (AB)
Andrea PORCELLA	        U	19 	M	Zoagli Genova, Italy     Marinaro (AB)
Vittorio MERANINI	U	19 	M	Bonassola Genova, Italy  Giovannotta
Pagliclura SOCROLA	U	16 	M	Cervo Genova, Italy      Giovannotta
Cittare CANEVARA	U	14 	M	Zoagli, Italy            Mosso
Francesco SEMARILI	U	13 	M	Zoagli, Italy            Mosso

Vessel:	"Italia"
Elles PETTERSEN	        M	46 	M	Norway           	Master
Johan HANSEN	        M	36 	M	Norway          	1st Mate
Anton ANDERSEN	        U	24 	M	Norway          	2nd Mate
Johan JOHANNSEN	        M	34 	M	Norway          	Steward
Chris.Severen ANDERSEN	M	35 	M	Norway                  Carpenter
Johan Chris. ANDERSEN	U	22 	M	Norway          	Sail Maker
Eduard EVENSON	        U	37 	M	Norway          	Matras (AB)
Henrik KREY	        U	24 	M	Norway          	Matras (AB)
Eduard MATHIASEN	U	34 	M	Norway           	Matras (AB)
Konrad KARNELINSEN	U	22 	M	Norway               	Matras (AB)
Olaf C. GULBRANDSEN	U	21 	M	Norway          	Matras (AB)
Lars A. JOHANSEN	U	26 	M	Norway          	Matras (AB)
Ogalmase TRODRIKSEN	U	20 	M	Norway           	Matras (AB)
Hier BOLIN	        U	25 	M	Sverige, Sweden 	Let Matras (OS)
Svend TRO...INSEN	U	19 	M	Sverige, Sweden 	Let Matras (OS)
Johan Albin RAGESEN	U	16 	M	Sverige, Sweden 	Dogsguto (Boy)

Vessel:	"Timoleonte"
Guiseppe MOSSO	        M	45 	M	Genoa, Italy     	Master Mariner
Francesco BENSA         M	29 	M	Portofino, Italy	Boatswain
Francesco DEVOTO	M	29 	M	Chiavari, Italy 	Cook
Stefano SOLARI	        M	29 	M	Chiavari, Italy 	Carpenter
Guiseppi ALBERTO	U	28 	M	Cerialli, Italy  	AB
Gastano DASSO	        U	22 	M	Chiavari, Italy	        AB  
S.G. BRUNO	        U	28 	M	Cerialli, Italy  	AB
Antonio SILVESTRI	U	21 	M	Riomaggiore, Italy      OS
Giovanni DELMEDICO	U	20 	M	Messino, Italy   	OS
Micheli RAVINA	        U	20 	M	Nervi, Italy            OS Boy

Vessel:	"Jules Chagot"
Ensilv.F.L. GAUCHET	M	50 	M	Loire Inferieux Saint Nazaire, France	Capitaine
Eugene Loin BOUGERINE	M	28 	M	Loire Inferieux Saint Nazaire, France	Chef
Jean Joseph GATTEFRAILLE M	37 	M	Loire Inferieux Saint Joachim, France	Maitre D Equipage
Tarle Jean ERIN	        M	34 	M	Loire Inferieux Dormi, France    	Second
Francois L.Theophile CRUSSEN U	26 	M	Loire Inferieux Paimboeuf, France	2nd Mecannion ?
Jean AOUSTIN	        M	45 	M	Loire Inferieux Saint Joachim, France	Matelot
Yves Marie MORINGARD	M	38 	M	Cotes Du Nord Plovarce, France   	Chauffeur
Jean Marie Charles AUFFRAY U	13 	M	Cotes Du Nord Pleneuf, France   	Mousse
Charles L. HERMITE	U	40 	M	Morbihan Belle Ile, France       	Matelot
Francois Marie AMBROISE	U	38 	M	Finisterre Quimperl, France      	1st Chauffeur
Eugene BREARD	        U	19 	M	Loireinfirislly Saint Nazaire, France	Soutier
Francois MUREE	        U	27 	M	Morbihan Belle Ile, France      	Matelot
Dual ? Francois DREANO	U	23 	M	Morbihan Bignon, France         	Chauffeur
Jean Baptiste MAHE	M	27 	M	Loireinfirieux Saint Joachim, France	Matelot
Alphonse TORRAN	        M	34 	M	Morbihan Quiberon, France       	Matelot
Stanislass Denre BARON	M	46 	M	Cote Du Nord Hadelin, France       	Matelot
Louis Marie MAUVILLAIN	M	47 	M	Loire Infireux Loire, France     	Matelot
Paterno LE PETIT	U	34 	M	Morbihan Granchamp, France              Maitre D Hotel
Pierre Marie MARE	M	33 	M	Loire Infirieux Saint Nazaire, France	Matelot
Pierre Marie AURISTON	U	14 	M	Loire Infirieux Saint Joachim, France	Mousse
Francois MERNIL	        M	22 	M	Loire Infirieux Paimboeuf, France       Cuisinier
Henri Louis Marie LE PENN M	43 	M	Cote Do Nord orlay, France	        Chauffeur

Vessel:	"Luchino"
Giacomo OLIVARI	        U	29 	M	Genova, Italy	                        Captain
A. GORGIGLIA	        M	31 	M	Genova, Italy	                        Secondo
G.B. AGRIFEGLIO  	M	58 	M	Genova, Italy                           Boatswain
...sessi GUINEGGA	U	27 	M	Ancon Etend, Italy              	Marinare
Defurro ? PASCCIALE	U	27 	M	Napolitano, Italy               	Marinare
Madrez...a SALVATORE	U	28 	M	Napolitano, Italy               	Marinare
Pandullo ANDREA	        M	56 	M	Napolitano, Italy               	Marinare
Sazgelli FAUSTINO	M	37 	M	Spezia, Italy                   	Marinare
Casina GAMA	        U	25 	M	St ..., Italy                       	Marinare
Donato PIETRO	        U	29 	M	St ..., Italy                        	Marinare
Felugo STEFANO	        M	26 	M	Genova, Italy                       	Dispensiere
...riotti ANGELO	U	19 	M	Genova, Italy                        	Giornotto
Velari GIAMBATISTA	U	18 	M	Genova, Italy                         	Giornotto
Emilo COREHE	        U	18 	M	Francia Parigi                          Groveratto
Paulo VERMUEL	        U	19 	M	Francia Parigi                       	Groveratto

Vessel:	"Barone Podesta"
Angelo VERNENGO	        M	35 	M	Moneglia, Italy                    	Master
Teramo CORRARINO	M	39 	M	Livanta, Italy                        	Mate
Vincenzo SACCO	        M	32 	M	Rapallo, Italy                      	Boatswain
Micheli PELLEGRO	U	27 	M	Eorino, Italy                        	Cook
Giovanni Batis PEIRANO	U	27 	M	Bovereta Dizoagli, Italy        	AB
Guiseppe DENEGRI	U	30 	M	S Pietro Di Bovereta, Italy	        AB
Prospero ANSALDO	U	26 	M	Lerii, Italy                     	AB
Giovanni LUIGI	        U	21 	M	Camagli, Italy	                        AB
Lorenzo EUIR	        U	24 	M	Moneglia, Italy                         AB
Stefano BOERO	        M	27 	M	Trapallo, Italy                       	Carpenter
Carlo PULRINI	        U	20 	M	Genova, Italy                       	OS
Antonio SPINNETTA	U	20 	M	St Piero Di Tampo, Italy                OS
Gioseppe DEVOTO	        U	18 	M	Levanton, Italy                    	Apprentice
G.Batta BARBIERI	U	16 	M	Framura, Italy                  	Cabin Boy
Guiseppe DAMBRA	        U	34 	M	Forio Di Ischia, Italy                  AB

Vessel:	"Pluto"
H. T. SCHACHT	        M	30 	M	Grunenduis ?, Germany                	Master
S. SCHULTZ	        M	31 	M	Stralsunst ?, Germany            	1st Mate
S. SEIFERT	        M	41 	M	Nordhansen, Germany             	2nd Mate
K. PITRI	        M	38 	M	Frankfurt, Germany              	Cook & Steward
G. GRANKOP	        M	28 	M	Farbourg, Germany                    	Zimmerman (Carpenter)
K. GUZTON	        M	25 	M	Benthoff ?, Germany             	(Boatswain)
J. BERG	                M	26 	M	Rieval, Germany                         AB
P. SPERELSMANN	        U	28 	M	Lewarden, Germany                	AB
T. SANTAN	        U	28 	M	Flensburg, Germany              	AB
P. GLUTH	        U	24 	M	Kopenhagen, Germany             	AB
K. NIELSON	        U	18 	M	Sanp ?, Germany                         OS
A. KAISERMANN	        U	18 	M	Kiel, Germany                         	OS
J. KRELANDER	        U	17 	M	Inglonn ?, Germany                   	OS
C. MARK	                U	20 	M	St Petersburg, Russia                 	OS
R. ABUHTHANSEN	        U	20 	M	Potsdam, Russia                 	OS
P. KNELANDER	        U	17 	M	B..., Germany                        	OS
B. VIENERSON	        U	27 	M	Carsoer, Germany                     	OS
C. CHRISTIANSEN	        U	18 	M	Callding, Germany                   	AB
J. RASMINSSON	        U	20 	M	Selke Burg, Germany             	OS

Vessel:	"Delphin"
H. FREIESLEHEN	        U	27 	M	 (For), Russia                      	Master
Antrins GRATH	        U	26 	M	 (For), Russia                        	Mate
Emil FREIESLEHEN	M	34 	M	 (For), Russia                      	2nd Mate
Hermann RAHLE	        M	25 	M	 (For), Russia                  	AB
Tanne LAKUM	        M	28 	M	 (For), Russia                   	Carpenter
Tukkum DAMPFEL	        M	30 	M	 (For), Russia                  	OS
Max DICHEREAANSKY	M	21 	M	 (For), Russia                          ...
Friedrich SHNEIDER	M	18 	M	 (For), Russia                     	Boy

Vessel:	"Francois"
J.M. GUIGAN	        M	29 	M	Plouguiel (For), France                 Capitaine (Master)
Cabee EOLLAND	        M	32 	M	Plouguiel (For), France         	Matelot (Seaman)
Yves Mair FUTOU         M	24 	M	Perrot (For), France             	Matelot (Seaman)
J.W. OLLIVIER	        U	17 	M	Plouguiel (For), France         	Morier
Y. K. GUILLON	        U	18 	M	Sangoat (For), France                 	Passager

Vessel:	"Prospero S"
Olivari GUISEPPE	M	56 	M	Camogli (For), Italy                  	Captain
Segregoria FERDINANDO	M	35 	M	Camogli (For), Italy            	Mate
Francesco MOLFINO	M	32 	M	Camogli (For), Italy                    Boatswain
Guiseppe SCHIAPPACASE	M	37 	M	Camogli (For), Italy                  	Cook
Carlo DE FRANCHI	U	25 	M	Monte Rosso (For), Italy                AB
Gio Batto GRAFIGNO	U	25 	M	Pegli (For), Italy              	AB
Carlo CAPEPA	        U	19 	M	Pegli (For), Italy	                AB
Angelo GRAFFIGOSE	M	30 	M	Sestro Ponente (For), Italy      	AB
Mariano NATTINI	        M	34 	M	Muttedo (For), Italy                	AB
Stephano PROVE	        M	25 	M	Rascio (For), Italy	                AB
Domenico BOTTONDO	U	19 	M	Pegli (For), Italy                	AB
Prospero FERRARI	U	15 	M	Camogli (For), Italy                 	Boy
Paolino GHIMIORDI	U	12 	M	Camogli (For), Italy                 	Boy

Vessel:	"National"
Francois DEMAL	        M	30 	M	Saint Jean Lus (For), France            Master
Constan Pierre Marie MASSIN U	40 	M	Saint Malo (For), France          	Chief Mate
Jean Marie OLLIVIER	W	42 	M	Quitti (For), France                	Second Mate
Adolphe Mattheson Jean AUDO U	39 	M	Saint Lervan (For), France          	Ship Carpenter
Jean Marie Ange CARLO	U	36 	M	Trely (For), France               	Sail Maker
Auguste Andre Marie JEAN U	25 	M	Saint Servan (For), France         	AB
Henry Marie TRANCKENUR	U	27 	M	Saint Malo (For), France            	AB
Prudent Marie BERCEGRAIS	M	33 	M	M...ier (For), France        	OS
Jean Louis Desire NOURY	M	44 	M	Parruine (For), France                	OS
Auguste Marie SAVANT	M	27 	M	Saintmalo (For), France	                OS 
Hyacinth Marie GIGUEL	U	28 	M	Saint Servan (For), France            	OS
Francois Jacques Louis HAMARD M	35 	M	Saint Servan (For), France        	OS
Charles Valos LACINAY	U	33 	M	Saint Servan (For), France	        OS
Alphonse Marie HONIO	U	27 	M	Saint Quay (For), France                OS
Matthew Francois MARION	U	33 	M	Saint Brieix (For), France         	OS
Pierre Eugene TIERCEBIN	U	16 	M	Paris, Francecc                         Cabin Boy
Eugene GUILLAUME	U	30 	M	Perrvo, France                        	Cook

Vessel:	"Italia"
Bernadino FERRO	        M	36 	M	 (For), Italy                      	Master
Acchilli SCARROLA	M	40 	M	 (For), Italy                       	Mate
Francesco DAMONTA	U	28 	M	 (For), Italy                   	Boatswain
Agostino REATT ?	M	38 	M	 (For), Italy                      	Cook
Giuseppe CASARI	        U	35 	M	 (For), Italy                      	AB
Pietro VALLERO	        U	33 	M	 (For), Italy                   	AB 
Giulio ZEFFIR	        M	28 	M	 (For), Italy	                        AB
Francesco GAUDONE	M	36 	M	 (For), Italy                   	AB
Giuseppe NICOLIAS	M	31 	M	 (For), Italy                   	AB
Pasquali FERRARO	U	30 	M	 (For), Italy                        	AB
Emilio GIUSTI	        M	28 	M	 (For), Italy                      	AB
Cantatore PETRONO	M	26 	M	 (For), Italy                       	AB
Trynusi... JACOVICK	U	19 	M	 (For), Austria                       	OS
Sant Clar DALMAS	U	16 	M	 (For), France                        	Boy

Vessel:	"Wm.H.Marcy"
J. T. MARCY	        M	35 	M	 (For), America                 	Master
H. P. SNOW	        M	45 	M	 (For), America                       	Mate
Charles WHEELER 	M	46 	M	 (For), America                         2nd Mate
George GROVER	        U	24 	M	 (For), America                 	Carpenter
Edward BLAISDELL	U	20 	M	 (For), America                       	OS
Patrick REGAN	        U	18 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England	        OS
Ah CUN	                U	18 	M	 (For), China                     	Cabin Boy
Ah SAM	                U	31 	M	 (For), China                       	Steward
Ah SING	                U	28 	M	 (For), China                     	Cook

Vessel:	"North American"
G.H. CROCKER	        U	27 	M	New York (For), United States          	Chief Mate
Ferdinand MOSIER	U	24 	M	Windsor N S B Subject                   2nd Mate
James EAGAN	        M	46 	M	Liverpool B Subject, England          	Watchman
August JANSON	        U	31 	M	Riga (For), Russia                 	Carpenter
John FISHER	        U	16 	M	London British Subject, Middlesex	Boy
George JAMESWORTH ?	U	18 	M	Manchester, Lancashire, England   	Boy
John AGNEY	        M	39 	M	 (For), China                         	Steward
John ANSING	        M	48 	M	 (For), China                        	Cook

Vessel:	"City Of Brooklyn"
G.W. CHASE	        M	31 	M	Belfast Maine, United States         	Master
Charles T. HERRIMAN	U	24 	M	Belfast Maine, United States        	1st Mate
Ernest O. PATTERSON	U	22 	M	Belfast Maine, United States         	2nd Mate
Patrick SHELDEN	        U	33 	M	Dundalk, Ireland                	3rd Mate
Joseph NOLIN	        M	38 	M	Mobile Alabama, United States         	Steward
Charles M. LILLEA	W	28 	M	Bath Maine, United States            	Cook
Richard ROGERS	        W	58 	M	Norfolk Virginia, United States     	AB
Thomas GLUIN	        U	32 	M	Halifax Nova Scotia             	AB
James MC CANN	        U	24 	M	Newcastle On Tyne, England              AB
William MONAHAN	        U	22 	M	Bridgeport Conn, United States       	AB
Olrus OLSEN	        U	24 	M	Tansberg, Norway                      	AB
Carl BRANDERBERG	U	29 	M	Stockholm, Sweden                       AB
Thomas JEFFERSON	U	21 	M	Calais Maine, United States        	AB
John WALLACE	        U	19 	M	St Johns Newbrunswick           	OS
Charles NASSANNO	U	19 	M	Neworleans La, United States         	OS
Robert ROWAN	        U	17 	M	Dublin, Ireland                 	OS
Edith F. CHASE	        M	24 	F	Bucksport Maine, United States	        Master's Wife

Vessel:	"Eros"
Rudolf FISCHER	        M	54 	M	Mandal (For), Norway      (No Occ)
Gabriel Martin JORGENSEN W	29 	M	Mandal (For), Norway                  	Master
Carl Marsitius Larsen LARSEN M	24 	M	Bjergi I Mandal (For), Norway        	Mate
Nicolai MICALSEN	M	29 	M	Mandal (For), Norway                 	Kabentor
Pyvert Christian BENNSEN U	26 	M	Halmark Mandal (For), Norway     	Sail Maker
Ola GABRIELSEN	        U	30 	M	Mandal (For), Norway            	AB
Martin MICALSEN   	U	21 	M	Nylund Mandal (For), Norway       	OS
Pyvert SONNERSEN	U	20 	M	Hjortland Mandal (For), Norway          OS
Ola SORENSEN	        U	17 	M	Loland Mandal (For), Norway         	OS
Johan Axel BOBERG	M	26 	M	Oskershaven (For), Sweden         	Stuert

Vessel:	"Arvio"
A. J. OSTERLUND	        U	26 	M	Abo, Finland                          	Captain
Th. TANSLANDER	        U	35 	M	Abo, Finland      Handicap: Deaf	Steerman
H.W. ENGRIST	        M	45 	M	Abo, Finland                      	Boatswain
A.A. AHLGRON	        M	47 	M	Abo, Finland                            Matros
E.E. KARLSON	        U	35 	M	Kusto, Finland    Handicap: Deaf	Matros
J.A. JOHANSON	        M	32 	M	Pargas, Finland                     	Matros
K.E. JACKLIN	        M	28 	M	Abo, Finland                     	Latt Matros
G.A. KARLSON	        U	22 	M	Kimitto, Finland                     	Latt Matros
G.A. BLOMQUIST	        U	21 	M	Jenala, Finland                 	Jungsman
Karl HITHERSHON	        M	19 	M	Abo, Finland                       	Jungsman
K.J. BANG	        U	18 	M	Abo, Finland                      	Jungsman
O. J. LOPED...	        U	22 	M	Pargas, Finland    Handicap: Deaf	Pojke
J.J. HERMANSON	        U	17 	M	Abo, Finland                          	Pojke
C.H. BROWN	        U	23 	M	Philadephia, America               	Stuwert

Vessel:	"Marie"
Jean Baptiste FECHANT	M	31 	M	 (For), France                      	Master
Edouard DAGOINE	        U	18 	M	 (For), France                     	AB
Yves Marie NICOLAS	U	18 	M	 (For), France                   	AB
Pierre CARVENNIER	U	33 	M	 (For), France                       	AB

Vessel:	"Souvenir"
Alfred CAMUS	        M	30 	M	Perros (For), France                  	Master
Rene LE PUICK	        M	32 	M	Pontrieux (For), France          	AB
Guillou HIACYNTHE	M	52 	M	Erecastel (For), France           	AB
Ales Jean FRANCOIS	U	16 	M	Perros (For), France            	Boy Cook

Vessel:	"St Marie"
Joseph BOUDAT	        M	29 	M	Ars Enre Charente Inferieurl, France	Master
Alexandre Francois Adolphe CHATEAU U 20 M	Port Joinville Vendee (For), France	AB
Pascal Joseph FAVREAU	U	30 	M	Port Joinville Vendee (For), France	AB
Joseph BIGOT	        U	17 	M	Pointe De Courbian Vendee (For), France Boy

Vessel:	"Padre Stefano"
Luca CRILLICH	        M	34 	M	Sabioncello (For), Austria             	Master
Antonio HARLOVICH	U	26 	M	Sabioncello (For), Austria      	Mate
Natale STARCICH	        U	24 	M	Fining (For), Austria                 	Cook
Matteo CEPALICH	        M	42 	M	Cattaro (For), Austria          	AB 
Giorgio MATEOVICH	M	43 	M	Cattaro (For), Austria            	AB 
Lazzaro MUSTER	        U	27 	M	Cattaro (For), Austria              	AB
Pietro LUPINI	        U	25 	M	Sabioncello (For), Austria          	OS 
Giovanni VERKICOVICH	U	25 	M	Cattaro (For), Austria             	OS 
Vincento SERDAZ	        U	24 	M	Fining (For), Austria              	AB 
Pasquale HIGLICH	U	18 	M	Pola (For), Austria             	Steward
Matteo UGLESICH	        U	17 	M	Fining (For), Austria              	Boy

Vessel:	"Emanuele Risso"
Nicolo CUNSO	        M	50 	M	Coreglia (For), Italy            	Captain
Francisco VASSALLO	U	34 	M	Baghasio (For), Italy               	Mate
Aurelio CRISTOFARO	M	40 	M	Gaeta (For), Italy                      Boatswain
Giuseppe MASSA	        M	30 	M	Nervi (For), Italy                   	Cook
Giuseppe TURPIO	        U	22 	M	Quinto (For), Italy             	AB
Luigi BARARACCO	        U	22 	M	Piere & Son (For), Italy                AB 
Antonio TONCA	        U	28 	M	Maddalsua (For), Italy              	AB
Giacomo PROFUMO	        U	20 	M	Pegli (For), Italy                   	AB
Antonio ROSSI	        U	18 	M	Pegli (For), Italy                 	AB
Carlo CUNEO	        U	17 	M	Boghasio (For), Italy             	Cabin Boy
Nicola CORVETTO	        U	16 	M	Boghasio (For), Italy           	Cabin Boy

Vessel:	"Pere Poulain"
Jean Vincent CREQUER	U	29 	M	 (For), France                        	Master
Jean Marie LE MENTIC	M	32 	M	 (For), France                      	Mate
Joseph LE MARHILLER	U	25 	M	 (For), France                  	AB
Sane HERME	        U	18 	M	 (For), France                   	OS
Barbet JOSEPH	        U	14 	M	 (For), France                          OS

Vessel:	"Lucile"
Ambrose TALBOT	        M	58 	M	Maine State Of (For), United States	Master
Jane C. TALBOT	        M	48 	F	Maine State Of (For), United States     Masters Wife
Norman P. SOULE   	U	23 	M	Maine State Of (For), United States	Mate
Jonathan LEE	        U	35 	M	Tennessee State Of (For), United States	Second Mate
Albert SMITH	        U	39 	M	 (For), Germany                         Third Mate
James BARCLAY	        W	52 	M	Arizona State Of (For), United States	Carpenter
John AH PAY	        U	30 	M	Hong Kong (For), China            	Steward
  AH SAM	        M	42 	M	Hong Kong (For), China                	Cook
James MILLER	        U	26 	M	 (For), Sweden                  	AB 
Olaf JOHNSON	        U	24 	M	 (For), Norway                   	AB 
John E. HYLAND	        U	17 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England      	Apprentice
Albert HEDBERG	        U	22 	M	 (For), Sweden                      	AB
Frederick WILLSON	U	30 	M	Santo Domingo                        	AB 

Vessel:	"Caldera"
Jean Marie CARRE	U	30 	M	St Jacob (For), France               	Master
Francois RABEL	        M	40 	M	Bissie (For), France            	Chief Mate
Pierre Francois ST GEORGES M	47 	M	Gratiant (For), France              	2nd Mate
Pierre PERIZAIRE	U	25 	M	Cavell (For), France            	AB 
Loisy AUGUSTE	        U	37 	M	St Servan (For), France         	AB 
Denis Oread Jean PUMAS  U	35 	M	Damyan (For), France              	AB 
Alexandre BERBERAIN	U	25 	M	Rochefort (For), France         	AB 
Charles GAULEZ	        U	32 	M	Honfleur (For), France              	AB 
Olivier KAUDREAU	U	30 	M	Perro (For), France             	AB 
Jean Marie LE MENER	U	27 	M	Plouhazalec (For), France          	AB 
Paul BIAMONTI	        U	23 	M	Martin (For), France             	AB 
Charles Elexandre DUMAS	U	17 	M	St Pierre Martinique (For), France	Cook
Albert SAURON	        U	18 	M	Nancy (For), France                  	OS
Jean JADEAU	        U	15 	M	Abzac (For), France                   	Boy

Vessel:	"Saggitare"
Jean ADOLPHE	        M	33 	M	 (For), France                      	Captain
Jean JULIEN	        M	38 	M	 (For), France                        	Mate
Louis LORYERILE  	M	29 	M	 (For), France                     	AB
Mathlot GUSTAPHE	M	28 	M	 (For), France                   	AB
Le Porre JEAN	        M	45 	M	 (For), France                   	AB 
Auguste FORMAL	        U	18 	M	 (For), France                    	OS
Ris. VINCEN	        U	14 	M	 (For), France                   	Boy

Vessel:	"Flower Of The Severn"
George GUY	        M	41 	M	Frampton, Gloucester, England        	Master
William GUY	        U	16 	M	Clifton, Gloucester, England         	Boy
James GUY	        U	24 	M	Frampton, Gloucester, England        	Mate
John COLLIER	        U	24 	M	Oldbury, Gloucester, England         	AB 
Noah Bideford BARENGER	U	62 	M	Oldbury, Gloucester, England            AB

Vessel:	"S S Camel"
John ROBERTS	        M	50 	M	Liverpool, Lancashire, England   	Master Mariner
John N. BROWN	        M	36 	M	Gravesend, Kent, England         	Mate
John BANKHEAD	        M	33 	M	Belfast, Ireland                	AB 
Michael SMITH	        M	29 	M	Droghedha, Ireland                	AB 
James BEDDOE	        M	40 	M	Fisguard, Pembroke, Wales         	AB 
David THOMAS	        M	31 	M	Fisguard, Pembroke, Wales          	AB 
Henry EDGAR	        U	38 	M	Belfast, Ireland                	Chief Engineer
William BAMFORD	        M	32 	M	Belfast, Ireland                  	2nd Engineer
James CRAWFORD	        M	29 	M	Londerry, Ireland               	AB & Fireman
Charles BAKER	        U	19 	M	Cowes, Isle of Wight, Hampshire 	AB 
Henry HALL	        M	44 	M	Belfast, Ireland                        AB & Fireman
Christopher MOON	M	21 	M	Bellbriggen, Ireland                    AB & Fireman

Vessel:	"S S Galdames"
Geo. BLAMPIED	        M	38 	M	Jersey, Channel Islands           	Master
Lewis CLARK	        M	29 	M	Jersey, Channel Islands         	Boatswain
Thomas REES	        M	30 	M	Aberporth, Cardigan, Wales           	Steward
Dd. DAVIES	        M	26 	M	Aberporth, Cardigan, Wales           	Seaman THOMPSON	        M	23 	M	Wexford                              	Seaman
T. HAMLETT	        M	37 	M	Gloucester, England                	Engineer
Henry DAW	        M	38 	M	Copenhagen, Denmark                 	Fireman
C. DURRANT	        M	24 	M	Emdon, Germany                     	Fireman
Henry GILBERT	        M	31 	M	Neath, Glamorgan, Wales          	Fireman
?  MC DONALD	        M	47 	M	Neath, Glamorgan, Wales          	Fireman
H. JONES	        M	35 	M	Bridgwater                            	Mate
David JAMES	        U	49 	M	Aberporth, Cardigan, Wales          	Seaman
David JENKINS	        M	46 	M	Aberporth, Cardigan, Wales         	Seaman
? JONES	                M	47 	M	Aberporth, Cardigan, Wales              Seaman           	Seaman
? EVANS	                M	43 	M	Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales           	Engineer
? DAVIES	        M	41 	M	Newport                         	Seaman

Vessel:	"St Decumans"
Joseph BEDDIS	        M	49 	M	Blakeney, Gloucester, England         	Master
Alfred BENNETT	        M	36 	M	Caerleon, Monmouth, England            	Mate
John Henry BOSTON	M	41 	M	London, Middlesex, England           	AB
Charles LIPPIATT	M	51 	M	Tackington, Gloucester, England         Engineer
William LIPPIATT	U	20 	M	Bristol, Somerset, England         	Fireman
Joseph Marley BEDDIS	U	15 	M	Bristol, Somerset, England              OS
Issaac SEARLE	        U	16 	M	?                                       Boy

Vessel:	"Industry"
John JONES	        M	57 	M	Llanengan, Caernarvon, Wales         	Master
Solomon JONES	        U	26 	M	Llanengan, Caernarvon, Wales            Mate
John P. THOMAS	        U	16 	M	Llanengan, Caernarvon, Wales       	OS
Griffith F. JONES	U	14 	M	Llanengan, Caernarvon, Wales        	OS
John ROBERTS	        U	15 	M	Llanengan, Caernarvon, Wales        	OS

Vessel:	"Tell Tale"
George HARRY	        M	37 	M	Penzance, Cornwall, England        	Master
William NICHOLLS	U	34 	M	Penzance, Cornwall, England          	Mate
William STOBERN	        M	25 	M	Penzance, Cornwall, England       	AB
John TREGASCUS	        U	32 	M	Penzance, Cornwall, England       	AB
Henery TRENHELLA	U	15 	M	Penzance, Cornwall, England	        Boy

Vessel:	"Albion"
James SMART	        M	49 	M	Bridgewater, Somerset, England     	Master
Thomas LEWIS	        M	44 	M	Bridgewater, Somerset, England      	Mate
Robert COOK	        M	24 	M	St Pancras, London, Middlesex, England	AB 
Elizabeth SMART	        M	40 	F	Bridgewater, Somerset, England     	Masters Wife

Vessel:	"Abraham Lincoln"
Gustav OSTLUND	        M	43 	M	Hernosand, Sweden               	Master Mariner
Alfrid BORNTT ?         U	43 	M	Hernosand, Sweden               	Chief Mate
Andras ANDERSON   	U	58 	M	Soderkoping, Sweden             	Steward & Cook
Johann PETTERSSON 	U	35 	M	Harnosand J Bijietie, Sweden       	AB 
Jonas STROMMER	        U	26 	M	Harnosand J Gudmunson, Sweden      	OS
E.C.A. MYERHOFFER	U	18 	M	Harnosand J Sidenjo, Sweden      	Boy Apprentice

Vessel:	"George Linck"
Rudolph NIEMANNS	W	52 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	Master
Wilhelm KUTSCHER	M	39 	M	Danzig, Germany                    	Mate
Ivan HEIMLICH	        M	31 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	Carpenter
Johan MIERAN	        M	51 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	Boatswain
Johan SOHLIMM	        U	30 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	AB 
Emile WOLF	        U	29 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	AB 
Julius SCHRAMM	        U	24 	M	Danzig, Germany                  	AB 
Hermann KOENIG	        U	19 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	AB 
Carl KANITZ	        U	20 	M	Wemeli, Germany                     	AB 
Heinrich ABRAHAM	U	21 	M	Danzig, Germany                     	OS
Rudolph TOMINSKY	U	17 	M	Danzig, Germany                   	OS
Wilhelm SCHAMBERG	U	17 	M	Stolph, Germany                  	OS
Edwin QUESELET	        U	17 	M	Danzig, Germany                      	Boy
Ernst ROSALSKY	        U	15 	M	Danzig, Germany                      	Boy
Julius HENNIG	        U	21 	M	Labian, Germany                   	Boy
Bernhard BIESCHKE	M	30 	M	Danzig, Germany                 	Steward
John NIEMANN	        U	16 	M	Danzig, Germany                     	Boy Apprentice

Vessel:	"Harvest Queen"
George BOOTH	        M	48 	M	Whitby, York, England                  	Ship Keeper (D K)
Joshua BOOTH	        U	14 	M	Seaham Harbour, Durham, England 	Son Of Ship Keeper

Vessel:	"Nymph"
Thomas MC GOWAN	        U	56 	M	Straraer, Wigtown, Scotland           	AB

Vessel:	"S S Bentons"
Alexander BRUCE	        U	38 	M	Wick, Scotland                      	Sec Engineer
Philip PHILIPS	        U	24 	M	Newport                             	Fireman
Frederick O'ROURKE	U	21 	M	Coha ?, Ireland                       	Fireman
David DAVIS	        M	25 	M	Newport
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