Name: Cait
    Age: 15
    Sex: feeemale
    Birthday: 1/6/87
    Location: melbourne
    Screen Name [msn, khboard, etc]: CaitHeidi (kh board)
    Website Adress and Name: N/A
    Favourite Number: 17
    Favourite Colour: purple,black,pink
    Favourite Position;) hmmmm...HI EMA
    Colours your hair has been dyed:,red,PURPLE,brown,kinda blonde,another red colour,another different brown colour,and about a hundred zillion other natural colours lol
    Eye Colour: um hazel?? maybe??

    Has Seen Killing Heidi [how many times/where]: four times...gaslight,hmv,forum,rumba
    Favourite Song [why]: teen angst-becuz i just lov it,pins and needles-cuz i just lov that also,mascara-cuz it reminds me of...everything,up and down-cuz its mine and mos plane crashing song,kettle-cuz its the BESTEST song EVERR
    Favourite Member [why]: lov them all ella-bcuz she is SO sexee and has da best voice and is like perfect!lol warren-cuz he is SEXEE and gorgeous and so nice! jesse-cuz he is SO funee and he makes me laff even wen i just look at him adam-bcuz he is SOOOOO cute and funi and...oww!:)
    Most Memorable Moment: ohh there wasone time at skool wen me n mo were listening to kh bsides and we nearly started crying cuz it made us sad!
    Most Treasured Collectable: kh t-shirt,my singed kh sticker thing that they sent me...other stuff too
    Describe Your Dream Concert: hmm...ALL of the kh board members would b there and i duno where it would b,somewhere REEAALLLY kool and it would go allll night and then after,it would just b like a big party with all da board ppl and kh,and we would all hav fun and we would get to meet everyone from da board and yis...just fun!

    You've been asked to write a Killing Heidi setlist, which 10 songs do you include: kettle pins and needles teen angst jar labelled small mascara superstar up and down black sheep astral boy class celebrities
    You organise a festival headlining Killing Heidi, which other 5 bands do you include: hole (if they were still a proper band!) garbage no doubt placebo nirvana (if they were still a band and kurt was alive!!)
    You win the option of 7 movies in a competition, which ones do you choose: -
    You program half an hour on KHFM radio, which 8 songs [different bands] do you play: -
    You are editor of a magazine, which actress/actor is on the cover: omg ANGELINA JOLIE of courseee! LOLyum
    Who inspires you: hmm heaps of ppl..ella..courtney...shirley...lala etc etc
    Describe yourself in 10 words: blah...cant think of enithing