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The Presidents of the United States

George Washington           John Adams           Thomas Jefferson
1789-1797               1797-1801               1801-1809

James Madison           James Monroe         John Quincy Adams
1809-1817              1817-1825              1825-1829

Andrew Jackson       Martin Van Buren   William Henry Harrison
1829-1837            1837-1841                1841*

John Tyler         James Knox Polk         Zachary Taylor
1841-1845              1845-1849              1849-1850*

Millard Fillmore        Franklin Pierce        James Buchanan
1850-1853              1853-1857              1857-1861

Abraham Lincoln     Andrew Johnson     Ulysses Simpson Grant
1861-1865*              1865-1869              1869-1877

Rutherford Birchard Hayes   James Abram Garfield   Chester Alan Arthur
1877-1881              1881*              1881-1885

Grover Cleveland     Benjamin Harrison     Grover Cleveland
1885-1889              1889-1893              1893-1897

William McKinley    Theodore Roosevelt    William Howard Taft
1897-1901*              1901-1909              1909-1913

Woodrow Wilson    Warren Gamaliel Harding    Calvin Coolidge
1913-1921              1921-1923*              1923-1929

Herbert Clark Hoover   Franklin Delano Roosevelt   Harry S Truman
1929-1933              1933-1945*              1945-1953

Dwight David Eisenhower   John Fitzgerald Kennedy   Lyndon Baines Johnson
1953-1961              1961-1963*              1963-1969

Richard Milhous Nixon   Gerald Rudolph Ford   James Earl Carter
1969-1974#              1974-1977              1977-1981

Ronald Wilson Reagan   George Herbert Walker Bush   William Jefferson Clinton
1981-1989             1989-1993              1993-2001

Presidential Elections 1789-2000
Previous Offices Held
Military Experience
By Age At Which They Entered/Left Office
Length of Term
Inaugural Address
By Pardons
Party Statistics
Age At Death/Cause
By Religion
By Height
Historical Rankings
Select Bibliography

All Content on All Pages © 2000-2003
All opinions expressed are mine (unless otherwise noted). Statistical verification provided by
Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1976, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
Directory of the United States Congress, 1977-2001, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
Governmental Affairs Institute, Congressional Quarterly, Washington, DC