::mood::A mixed bag
::listening::"Why Can't I" by Liz Phair
August 02,2003:Wow time really does go by faster than one thinks.I mean it is already August.I decided to combine August 03 blogs with the July ones since there are not that many anyways.I could have sworn that I was going on an updating hiatus.Oh well.I ended up adding a quiz page and changing the about me one.I am beginning to get annoyed with my color scheme which has been the same since I started this site in June.I am thinking of changing the layout entirely.This really should be on the main page instead of on my blog.Ah who cares that much anyways?That and the image I have up is too pixelized.So yeah I probably will go back on my word and change the site.I am getting extremely fed up with who ever has been messing with the house.During vacation the house has been t/ped,has rotten banannas thrown on the garage and put in the mailbox,and recently egged the house and my mom's car.It is getting really annoying and I of course have my suspicions as to who the perpetraitor(s)may be.Yep.Yep.So Christa called me yesterday and told to go outside.I did and found her and Ananna just driving by so we said hi well actually Ananna kept laughing and then they left.It was weird but then again it is Christa and Ananna...
::mood::None in specific just kind of blah.
::listening::"Ordinary Day" by Vanessa Carlton
July 30,2003:Hey.Okay my last entry was weird since I was hella tired when I wrote it.I have been reading my friend Kim's(she is AWESOME)blog since I am bored.NEways I did not get to go to the movies yesterday since I had chores to do.Oh well.I am not going to update this site anymore for the reasons of time and I for now can not think of anything else to add to it.I had to show some love for Liz which is why I put her site on my links page.I probably ought to put Kim's up also.I might want to clear some time to finishing that editorial I keep claiming that I will post.I promise to get it up as soon as possible.It is not as if I have not wrote it.Writer's block interferes with my completion that is all.Well that and self procrastination.Omg.I saw a new Joe Boxer dancing dude commercial today.Don't you just love that guy?Yes I am way too happy about that.What can I say except that I don't get out much.I actually am getting used to studying again which is a good thing I suppose.
::mood::Grumpy since it is so the weather is so hot
::listening::Meeh typing slow so H.R.B does not get peeved
July 27,2003:Ah.I am so hot and irritable.::yawn::I went to church today which is the biggest waste of time that there is.I don't believe in the religion and yet my devout Roman Catholic mother drags me every week to something she claims to not force upon me.Yeah right.A month ago I had to be confirmed of course against my wishes since it was her "duty".On the flipside I'll be going to the movies on Tuesday.I just need to call Ariel to see if she can come with and Lauren too.I got to go tomy favorite sushi place Miyake in Cupertino today...so maybe things are not as bad as they could be.Well then there is one else wait no two other things that got me down but I am too tired to go into that now.Perhaps a different day since the night of dreams that beckons is pressing weights upon my eyes so that they may shut.Goodbye.Goodnight.The stars are so beautiful in the midnight heaven...
::listening::"Nana Mouskouri At Her Very Best" by Nana Mouskouri
July 26,2003:Heylo and welcome to mai life.In other words my internal and existenial version of hell.I am just the epitomy of sunshine,aren't I? Hey in the real world life is not quite peachy keen.I am beginning to be quite fed up with html and well trying to make this site something it will never be.I am so sick of summer vacation.I was initially supposed had a plan to do a bunch of things and there are numerous reasons why I have not.I really ought to start reading the required text for A.P history.::yawn::My attension span has become really bad.I honestly miss my friends and what little of a social life that I do have.My mom asked if I wanted to go to the movies yesterday since I have been complaining about being stuck at home all the time for the past three days now.I of course replied with who would I go with.She said just us.I nearly fell off the dining room chair.Excuse me but well I want to go with my friends since I have not seen any of them in over a month.I still hella want to go see How To Deal though.Maybe I could convince H.R.B aka my mother to let me take someone from the Fellowship to the movies instead of her and perhaps I might want to attain a plan for getting her to let me go to Great America too.Yep.That is what I need a day of screaming some of my pent up summer vacation has been a drag rage out by riding a rollercoaster.

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