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Jaguar Local Events
Click on the pictures below to visit each of the different events
2002 Corvettes and Jaguars
Display at Linden Hall
2001 Christmas Dinner Meeting
2001 Jaguar Display at Sewickley
2001 Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh
Concours d'Elegance at Linden Hall
2001 Display of Jaguars at
Hartwood Acres
2001 Jaguar Club of Ohio Concours
d'Elegance at Atwood Lake
2001 Jaguar Association of Central
Ohio Concours d'Elegance in
Dublin, Ohio
2001 Vintage Grand Prix at
Schenley Park
2001 JCOP Summer Picnic
2001 Corvettes and Jaguars
Display at Linden Hall
2001 Jaguar Display at PPG Place
2000 Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh
Concours d'Elegance at the
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum
2000 Jaguar Club of Ohio Concours
d'Elegance at Atwood Lake
2000 Jaguar Display at PPG Place
2000 Vintage Gran Prix at
Schenely Park
2000 Corvettes and Jaguars
Display at Linden Hall
2000 Jaguar Association of
Central Ohio Concours
d'Elegance in Dublin, Ohio
2000 Concours d'Elegance in
Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania