
March 26, 2004
My child, Jessica Crutchfield, 15 years old, has been a member with Images of Success since July 2003. Since that time, I have seen the maturity level really take a rise. She has always had the talent of modeling and applying makeup; however, since she started taking sessions with Images of Success, she has learned more of doing those particular things. Jessica’s attitude has also changed. She is blooming into a more patient young lady and her self-esteem has greatly improved. Ms. Burrell has really done a great job with Jessica and Jessica is very fond of her as well. I would love for Ms. Burrell to continue working with Jessica because it seems the more they work together the better Jessica’s self- esteem becomes. I truly see improvements and I see her becoming a more mature, loving and beautiful individual. Jessica has always had a pleasant disposition but being a teenager, well sometimes it’s hard for a parent and her teenager to see eye to eye on things. I just would like to say “THANK YOU MS. BURRELL” – for taking your time on helping all of the young ladies that you are working with. I’m quite sure that all the parents are very thankful for your talents and expertise.
-Mrs. Joan Crutchfield-Fox

I forgot how to spell your name that’s the only reason why I said “Hey”. But anyways I just wanted to say I love you and I appreciate what you have done in my life and other young people lives. Even though we don’t go to the same chuch anymore I want to still keep in touch. You are a blessing from God. I admire you. You make a frown turn upside down. I love you so much. You’re the best. I’m not going to say much but I know that I love you and you don’t need to change. You’re a beautiful woman and I just LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
Dominique Brown

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