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----------------Now ----------------
if you want to join us you have to tryout for 14 days (2 weeks).
Now if you are a true AOK player then you will make it in!
If you are not then there is no point trying to join this clan.
When your 14 days are up, 1 of the owners or
leaders will tell you if you are in or not.
You have to be online, playing for more than 3 hrs a day and that is every week of the year unless you are on holiday.
This clan will have a MAX of 25 members no more.
If you think you have got what it takes to be part of the HOA
then talk to 1 of the owners because only the owner and
leaders can accept you in to the clan.
I hope you play with the clan members but thats upto you.
If you are a 1v1 only player (which i know a lot of you are) you are still welcome in this clan.
This HOA will soon be one of the best clans around again. So if you think you can keep to the rules of this clan and you are a true AOK player who wants to join the HOA then go ahead.












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