GSG 2004 Survey of Supervisory Behavior at USDOL

   This page holds tables summarizing the results of the GSG survey at USDOL.

   These results are from the tally as of Sept. 21, 2004.

   There were 200 responses as of that date.

   The survey email went to approximately 1000 DOL national office employees in a limited set of offices.

   GSG could not reach many of the large agencies, and the HR Director asked GSG not to try to reach them.

   Also, some senior managers directed staff not to take the survey or discouraged them in other ways.

   The results may not represent or describe the views of employees in other unsurveyed offices.

   However, these results very strongly indicate abusive supervisory behavior.

   It is reasonable to expect these problems to be present to some degree in other offices.

   Here are the summary tables:

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