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Three Thousand souls added to them.

Jeffrey Barrett

HotmailŪ Inbox | Previous Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From : "jeffrey barrett" To : Subject : Prophet in DC lists the events that reveal the glory of Christ in him mightily. Date : Tue, 01 Jul 2003 14:52:15 -0400 Jeffrey Barrett a Christian prophet of Jesus in Washington, DC under the anointing of the Two Witnesses. NewHeaven/GlobalStrategic 733 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-393-0500 Not by your might nor by your power but by MY Spirit Says the Lord, Our God. Lev:25:10 Proclaim LIBERTY to all inhabitants in all Lands! Preface "They glorified Christ in me mightily." Paul the Apostle boldly spoke of God's intentions to place Jesus manifest in us fully and he did so in Paul, all the Apostles and their churches and is now in his church under the anointing of the Two Witnesses' ministry as Jesus spoke to John in Revelation chapter 11 to us of them in this age. This prophet is spoken of in Revelation chapter 6 in his work to ready the nations for the new ministry of Jesus like at Pentecost that ran for 70 years before man's religion took it over and ruined it for these 2,000 years. God is at war with those rebellious churches in the rebellious nations. The Two Witnesses ensure that Jesus can be created in you fully mature and manifest. This prophet is proof of their ministry anointing and the Glory of God in them by the works of their sent prophet, whom I am, under their ministry, in Christ Jesus. This is a summary of the works of Jesus and God by the Holy Spirit of this writings to the nations and the glory of Jesus and God in this prophet for all the church to see and wonder at. This is the report of God: it is HIS proof that HE has established the ministry of Jesus again in the earth fully manifest under the anointing of these Two Witnesses which these works are established by for the glory of our God. Jesus is manifest in his church in fullness, there is no more justification for your sins and lacks in Christ Jesus. The care of all the church is in their hearts as it was in Paul's. He went Conquering and to Conquer. The Mountains melted at Jesus' presence and the nations trembled at his bright appearing in his ministry first, the clouds, where you shall see him first appearing: then in you. An introduction to The Call of this prophet "The Mind of Christ To the Nations." a book summary of a 1,000 page book of the letters to the nations and church. By Prophet Jeff Barrett, 2003 I shall put my words in your mouth and you shall write and speak them to whom ever I shall send you, to Presidents, Kings and Princes. Do not prepare before that hour what to say, all that you write or speak will be wisdom from the Holy Spirit. "Look Jeff" said Jesus to me, don't try to make this too hard nor too religious, it is just this simple: I will wisper in your ear what you are to write or say and you say or write it. Is that too hard?" I laughed for 2 days at how simple it was made for me. Then Jesus showed me those millions that had and will die because of my past mistakes and I cried for 2 days and then we went to the work to demand all nations be free and open to all freedoms and religions so God's preaching would have favor where ever God's dialogue was to occur in calling his children to come out of the strange churches so Jesus could rule over His church. See that you do my preachers no harm. I was anointed in this work by Jesus and God in 1980 for these days under the ministry of Daniel King Marter and Dianne L. Bruner at A Christian House in Brighton, Ma. We 10-24 lived together, had favor with man and God and owned a large luxury house for church, offices and a common holy residence for 10 years. All working and having all things common, tithing to Jesus as his church did of 100% of our earnings receiving back the daily ministry and priesthood of Jesus and God in person and the leading of the Holy Spirit and his quickeneing wisdom and power with all the spiritual gifts, functioning from glory to glory until the bright appearing of Jesus to us. I ran in fear and they went into his Rest. I followed on only after I was called the second time. I ran for 13 yrs. Ask your self if there is any time for you to run any more from the beginning or finnishing of your spiritual race? 10 years at the most and we go to heaven. Why stand around gazing at what I have done, in Christ, look to Jesus' nature to come alive through you and learn to love being his friend and God's. Your work can only then be acceptable in perfect obedience. Hang with God and your purpose too will be fullfilled so many may be saved. Jesus said to the nations: 1998...A HEALING of a KING By fasting and prayer I was sent by Jesus to Washington, DC to announce to King Hussein of Jordan by letter to his medical doctors that after 10 years of their failure by their hands and his god, allah, they could not heal the king of his cancer. Jesus by the hand of Jehovah, Our God, had now healed the good King, in one day, of all his cancer. The King was healed and so announced it to the world...the destroyer took note that King Hussein would not give the glory to God, Jehovah nor his Son Jesus, and so the King died in that lie having given the glory by a lie to allah who is not the true image nor is he THE true God. You all must face your death judgment at least once and Jesus alone is given power over death by God. Do you need a savior yet? 1999 A Healing of a Friend Ron Hubbard dying of advanced cancer with 6 months to live: Jesus said to me over the phone to my Parrot raising friend Tell Ron I am healing him right now. I said Jesus is healing you right now. He was healed. Ron said I need something. Faith and an opening from Jesus. 1998..National destruction of Egypt avoided by a Warning. By letter to President Hosny Mubarak of Egypt I sent Jesus' message that the destroyer would again enter Egypt IF Mubarak placed the Gold Cap upon the old religious temples of the Pyramids that opens this nation again to the death of the underworld. "Mr. President", God said "You will have but 10 days to live in terror if you do not repent of this evil toward Egypt". Mubarak at the ceremony said the capping was canceled because it was a Jewish plot against Egypt. But by obedience he saved many Egyptians from death. TURKEY WARNED of DESTRUCTION TONIGHT! I was awakened by Jesus and the Holy Spirit and commanded to warn Turkey not to kill the Kurds and their leader on trial for war crimes. God, Our Father, spoke to the military attache at the Turkish Embassy at 9:30 PM. Jehovah the Living God said "This night I will destroy Turkey by another huge Earthquake equal to the last at 7.4 and a nuclear accident like at Russian, Chernobyl. Turkey is represented by YOU and what you say in repentance, NOW, shall be her judgment this night." He and I and all in Kinko's trembled at God's words that I spoke by prophecy. The Military Attache said " What shall we do" He had repented and Jesus spoke to what Turkey must do as good stewards to all citizens of Turkey and they did so soon after. The Morning Papers had the reports of the diverted earthquake and nuclear accident to Mexico and Japan. God sent the nations of the world a message: Stop the ethnic killing in your nations or I will kill your bad leaders. I have placed you in power to be good stewards, do so or I will regime change you all. INDIAN PM to be removed from power. India Buddhist citizens had beaten Christians in a small village. The Christians had painted a cross on a large rock, deadly troubles ensued. I went in Christ to the Embassy to speak to minister Roy about the troubles. India was at odds to Jesus' command to be good stewards toward the poor Buddhists and all the Muslims and Christians whom they loved to beat, kill and terrorize and now these Christians faced death. Minister Roy denied all such things as lies. He wanted proof, he had not heard of any such things in India. He lied. The next day I brought the reports of the Christian homes being burnt to the ground in the New York Times and This message for India PM Vajpayee. " You will be taken out of power IF you do not change these evil ways to all these helpless people in India. I put you in power and I will soon take you out of power, Jesus says by the power God has given him over the nations" The Indian Parliament, only two weeks later voted PM Vajpayee out of office by a vote of no confidence and he had to face a new election. God speaks many things by his prophets. The nations better listen. Religious tolerance is to be in all nations or else regime change will be ordered. Jesus Commands a General, He obeys and Jesus makes him President. General Pervez Musharraf entered the Kashmiri Mts. in Indian territory and refused to leave even by his own PM's orders. I sent him a command by Jesus and he had to obey Jesus because Jesus is a higher authority. Musharraf obeyed the strong message sent by this prophet in Christ to the military attache at the Washington, DC Pakistani Embassy. Months later the Pakistani PM tried to kill the general and Jesus saved him and gave him the nation to rule that very day for his past obedience, and to place him in power so this prophet could command him for Jesus in the Afghanistan war while I was at the Pentagon during the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. The US Intelligence teams asked me how to get the new Pakistani leader to obey them? I said do not ask but command him and he will obey. Jesus has placed him in power and he is fearless to any troubles around him; he will do any thing you command him to do for this work. And he did. Jesus told me to order Newt Gingrich to charge President Bill Clinton with High Treason in giving away American securities, missile and nuclear secrets to China and many of our enemies, Gingrich refused. Jesus took him out of power that week. I went into Bob Livingston's office and he refused to charge Clinton with Treason and he was out a few days later by Jesus' power. Hastert was next in power as speaker and Jesus said do no more it is done. I have given the Republicans authority to take power from Clinton and they will now protect the nation for the remainder of his office. I give that power to Cohen, Lugar, Lott, Delay, Hyde and Rehnquist. Clinton will remain in office but under their power, review and strong hand. KOSOVO war ends by Jesus command to Russian President Boris Yeltsin to order Milosevic to withdraw his troops. No soldiers had died on the NATO side by Jesus hand. I have lent my army to protect the defenseless Muslims of Kosovo. I wrote the most loving letter to Yeltsin and Jesus called him a good friend for the freeing of Eastern Europe and some what Russia. He told Boris that that was his appointed purpose in life and now this too. Would he oblige Jesus request? He did. The war was over. Thank you Boris, in Jesus name for Saving many lives. China sent a loud warning by Republican protectors of America, saving USA citizens from Chinese military plans of destruction. Iran Khatami makes contact with US Secretary of Defense William Cohen by way of this prophet's office. I raced to the Iran office for visas on Wisconsin Ave. and gave them the name of a contact of the Pentagon agent for Cohen whom I had met the day before at a Senate hearing to announce plans to take charge over President Clinton's Dept. of Energy in charge of US nuclear and missile technology now compromised. Iran Khatami was very upset with Chinese plans to harm the USA. I gave the new former FBI agent the message from Iran moderate Khatami. A few days later the Republicans sent 4 cruise missiles into the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo. I later wrote the Chinese saying it was no mistake but a warning. The FBI followed me after the Iran meeting and I dropped the name of the Cohen agent and they left. My Father healed in 2001 I was at my Older brother Michaels' home in Pennsylvania when we heard my fathers surgery had gone wrong and he now had aneurisms in his blood vessels after a shunt was installed after a 15 yr long bought with heart attack threatening Triple by pass surgery and such. Now it looked like I may not have a father for long. I drove from PA to Southern MA then to Providence to be at his surgery. I prayed for hours as he laid on the table. The doctors had made a mistake. He had pricked my dad's blood vessels and now may paralyze my dad if things go wrong. Things went wrong, the TV monitor could not be rectified and the doctor left the room in chaos. I continued to pray and never knew all this. But Jesus made all go well and he completely healed him. Today my dad is running around like a 25 year old. He is a healthy 79 years old. Thank you Jesus. 2003 My Mom became severely ill and almost died on a Thursday night with congestive heart, lung and kidney failure. An aggressive regime to rid her of 70 pounds of fluid was underway and the doctors and my sister saw the vital signs that night and I was told by Jesus your mom will die tonight. And my mom said I won't be here in the morning. I prayed and cried like a baby and King Hezekiah. The Holy Spirit had me turn for comfort to the King's promise from God of 15 more years of good health. Jesus said we leave for heaven in 10 but the deal is for all your mother's great service to me. Now make sure she gets Spirit preaching so she can come to heaven when I come for you all. My mother Rita raised her mothers 14 kids, her 8 kids and 18 grand and 2 great grand children. She was tired. Now it is spiritual works rather than fleshly works for her. I am not cleaning house or cooking ever again she declared. Again my dearest friend Jesus saved a life for me by prayer. 2003 China in flood troubles 10 million threatened. The news reported three Chinese rivers would crest in the night toppling dikes around the largest manmade lake in the world. Reports were for 13 more feet of water as the three rivers were to crest this night. Jesus cried to me to pray and call the embassy and e-mail the Chinese leaders that He wanted to stop the flooding and save the 10 million peoples homes and many deaths this night. Time was very important he told me because if China's leaders would not give free will permission for him to move in China he could not stop the imminent destruction. I prayed and wrote the letters and made the phone calls. Not knowing the Chinese response I prayed all night. In the morning was reported the out come. The Large Dongting Lake water level had gone down 1 inch instead of up 13 feet. A miracle had occurred that changed Chinese government's minds about Jesus power and intentions for China. Jesus had made contact in a dialogue with them that night proving his power and authority. I have put you in power in China Jesus had told them a few years before and they allowed the opening of China to the Holy Spirit broadcasts ot TBN TV Preaching of Jesus' message. The Christians are commanded by Jesus to obey the government and pay all taxes, right? The Holy Spirit movement, I told the Embassy military attache, is no threat to China unlike man's religion as in the Catholic church union strikes and political activities. It is not right in God's eyes for them to do such things against governments to topple them. China arrested Catholic bishops later that month, seeing God had no respect for man's religion. I laughed and wrote them to be tolerant of all religions. Twice the Chinese Embassy Ambassador called for Paul and Jan Crouch to explain to them about the Holy Spirit and Jesus asking specifically about commands for obedience to all governments and tax laws. Yes some where that is in Our bible said Paul Croch on TV. Then he and his wife were called to preach to the Politburo on the Holy Spirit movement and China was opened to Satellite TV broadcast in Jesus name. People sick and dying in China from pollution helped by Jesus compassion and action. 2002 This prophet was told by Jesus to get China new technology for better clean coal power plants. TB and emphysema in China is epidemic and Jesus wanted the US fluid bed coal technology transferred to China. I wrote to the State Dept. and to PPL where my brother Michael Barrett worked and the deal was done soon after. Prophet laughed at at US Pentagon by Intel Official until troubles struck. 2001 While working at the Pentagon bragging about my contacts with Iran, President Khatami and Pakistan President General Musharraf, the William Cohen intel agent Chris was un-impressed and mildly amused by the blabbering prophets claims, UNTIL the plains crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and war was imminent in Afghanistan. He then 3 times daily came for advices about how to handle Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. I said Jesus calls him "Mushy" He knows Jesus commanded him to come out of the Kashmir Mts. and for obedience he is now president by Jesus hand. he is fearless by Jesus work in him over the last year and will do anything you ask him to do. The General did more than they could ever have expected. Jesus is preparing many things for the saving of peoples lives. Rely on Jesus and men he has placed in power will obey your requests and commands if you are from Jesus....if it is to help them be better good stewards of their nations and if it will save lives. 2000 While in Senator Fred Thompson's office to promote Jesus friend, Iran President Seyed Khatami, I met 5 Iranian woman bent on his death telling the Senator that President Khatami was as evil as religious leader Khemeini. Jesus said they are going to try and Kill Khatami: warn him! Later I also was commanded to warn the president about Rafsanjani's assassination attempt on his life. Jesus had twice saved Khatami's life by warning days before the assignation tries. The Holy Spirit spans the globe 24 hours a day in Supernatural Godly Power and concern for us and the world. 2002 President George W. Bush was warned by this prophet about a death threat by terrorists in the USA and he did not attend any open public meetings for that 2 week period warned of by Jesus. The next day we was out and about in public. 2003 on Feb 22 Jesus said this is a day of grave judgment on the USA. Warn every one of coming destruction to NY and DC on this day if they do not repent of their sins. The President went to Texas for safe keeping. I prayed in the subway system of DC and went to large Hotels to see what preparations had been made incase of huge casualties. Jesus moved a nation to be warned and it was moved to prepare and repent and destruction was averted. 2002 Jesus said to tell the president that North Korea was a nuclear rogue state and the one to most likely try to nuke the USA by vessels at sea with Chinese missiles and Russian or French nuclear war heads. Then Iran and finally Iraq were the most likely rogue states to be used by our enemies to hit the USA with Nuclear weapons for the Russians. China already was advised of our concerns and the message in the State of the Union address was to signal North Korea that China was with the USA against them...and to warn the others that we knew of their plans to attack the USA with nuclear missiles. Thus N. Korea, Iran & Iraq Axis of Evil was coined in his State of the Union address by Michael Gerson and many thought him crazy and totally out of his mind, But George Bush already knew the truth. 2001 Jesus warned President Bush that the Russians had nuclear stealth missiles in space, that he should go ahead with his missile defense plans no matter what the Democrats said. Bush confronted Putin face to face at the G-8 economic conference and all future opposition to a new US missile defense melted when Putin admitted many threats existed to the USA and he would not stand in our way for a robust missile defense system. The ABM treaty was broken and all shouts of opposition in Europe and Congress ended quietly. President Bush quotes Jesus 50 times in State of Union Speech. 2003 Presidential State of the Union address was on Monday and on the Friday before; Jesus said tell the president what he should say to the nation. I wrote what Jesus said was the heritage of the USA to protect the free world and civilization. It was a long letter. Monday night I sat with my marker and found 50 phrases from Jesus letter in the presidents address. When OPEC was in the hands of Chavez of Venezuela for 2 years this office of the DC prophet wrote the contracts for 20 year oil deals for Japan and India. When the Catholic church and France tried to destabilize US oil from Venezuela as we went into Iraq as a loud message to the USA to stop the war threats George W. Bush tried to help the Coup de tat and Hugo Chavez was ousted for one day. I wrote for Jesus a scathing letter of geo politics from Jesus view point and told the president that Iran President Khatami and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez are good friends and we need both when Russia comes into the Middle East with the Muslims. Jesus will turn Iran and all OPEC against the Russian invasion after the USA may be hit with a rogue terror nuclear attack and we need Iran and Chavez to turn OPEC and the Muslim World to the USA then. Bush dropped all opposition to Chavez then. Oil is in the president's blood but he is president of America not the Oil Boys of the oil industry. Bush past that test from Jesus. France was suddenly to become OPENLY The stick in USA's throat over freedoms in Iraq. Jesus called it on France ahead of time. Overwhelming force is needed to break the rebellion and murders by PLO in Israel Jesus commanded Ariel Sharon stop being micromanaged by Colin Powel at the US State Dept. Ariel Sharon moved tanks in an out of the West Bank PLO towns and cities and Powel commanded they be moved out that very same day and Ariel Sharon caved in daily. IT was grieving Jesus to see the USA play God to Israel and he had me write Ariel Sharon on it. YOU are to lead Israel and Bush the USA. You are both pissing your pants in the face of troubles from the nations that the terrorists threaten and use as a base. You have to show Bush how to be a tough guy and you must use Overwhelming force against the terrorist PLO. I said, this prophet did not make any Vows to Bush that precluded me from taking a sword to PLO Arafat. Send me a ticked I have a large Samurai Sword all picked out for the job to lop off his head in public. Jesus shows up in Sharon manifest a little. Sharon went into West Bank towns and cities with the tanks and stayed for months knocking down PLO head Arafat's offices and compound. All the while Bush and Powel screaming commands at Israel and Sharon to get out today tomorrow or please by next week all to no avail. Jesus showed Sharon how to stand tough and tall, and Bush learned from Jesus as they both read each others e-mails that I sent them on all security issues Jesus adressed. Colin Powel got the same e-mails of Jesus messages to Sharon. Jesus teaching how to govern so freedoms can be established in 100 nations by using Overwhelming force. Once peace is established local rule can be trusted. Regime change is Jesus motto for any who do not allow civilized rule and freedoms in there nation. Sharon first moved in the nature of Christ and then Bush. If God can teach these two how to manifest Jesus nature he can teach you too. MAFIA took monies to kill the Two Witnesses in 1981. Round 1 Jesus killed the hit man with late term cancer. He was only 25. The MOB got scared and went to the Boston Cardinal Medeiros for permission to continue the hit hunt into Europe. Round 2 Mederios was killed by God and so was John Gotti's son in 1981 and the MAFIA wars and snitching that jailed and killed 1,000's ensued both in NY and Boston. Round 3 In 2003 Jesus commanded me to write to John Gotti and demand the $300,000 hit monies be sent to me as proof that no more tries to kill these Two Ministers would be attempted, or you and family members would be killed by God. They refused and one month later John Gotti was dead and so was Bananos. Round 4. My advisor on security said to me it does not count they both were old men Gottis face was falling off with cancer. Jesus agreed. YOU are not yet fearless and completely trusting of God to be able to protect you and the church in the future and after you write or voice His messages you still worry Jeff, Jesus said... the proving test of your trustworthy loyalty under pressure must continue.Round 5 I write to all news papers and all 5 MAFIA families and Gotti's punk son in a NY jail and said you all will also be dead if you do not oblige Jesus demands to send your wealth to me and get out of the country. I demanded $10 million from each MAFIA FAMILY. I threatened to take out a class action suite, RICO style, and seize all their homes and businesses and have them all deported. God had Gotti Jr. and kin put in solitary confinement. No reply yet. Jesus gave me dreams about target acquisition missile defense technology and I gave it to the US Pentagon and to Israel. It had diagrams and dark matter wave propagation triangulation systems with Gyroscopic mathematics to the 24th dimension. The Jews took it as from God and developed it, the US did not. With in one month the Jews could shoot down an F-18 missile with another F-18's missile the system was so accurate. It is the bases for the advances in the Patriot and other land to air based missile defense system just used in the Iraq war with such great accuracy. God is serious about the USA defending the Liberty of the Free World. Again by drean technology given to me taken from the Japan nuclear disaster accident the blue phase release of nuclear radiation was shown the USA and Israel to be added with a supercooled superconductive cycle to laser kill cannons so they could be minturized to fit on F-18 jets as the prophet Daniel had dreamed 2500 years ago about our times and wars. God is true and you can take his words and dream information to the bank. Saudi Crown Prince cries Uncle to God and sues Jesus for peace. I sent dream technology to Vice President Cheney on new nuclear core power plant re-design and to all of Congress and the nuclear funding in the energy budget went from $30 million to $30 billion in one year. The 22 year nuclear protest of US nuclear technology shut down ( Camped out in front of the White House 24 hrs a day, since bunny rabbit scaredy cat Carter days.) We tried to get them arrested for drug use and sales. Some one, I will not say who, stole their bicycle and threw it in the Potomac River for the Vice President's cause. After a few months the White House Secret Service reviewed the tapes and spoke to a friend about the matter. Nothing happened. Whoever says Jesus is not Bold daring and fun to hang around with, has never worked for him and does not know him yet? He took whips to the money changers at the temple, chased their cattle and scared them to never come back. He did the same to these anti-US protesters. Bush and the auto industry declared a new drive for a US economy of Hydrogen Fuel based on research technology in the future and Cheney sent me a letter asking me to pursue the new US nuclear power plant core re-design technology for mass produced small, safe 10MW nuclear engines. Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah chokes on new US technology and sues Israel for peace. I sent , with Jesus advice, the geo-political results of this new technology to Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah by a letter explaining that all his oil would be worth was, for pounding dessert sand in a few years. The Crown Prince sued Israel for peace one month later. At the peace conference he kissed Iraq Hussein on both cheeks and did not mean it in a MAFIA sense but the results are the same. It was a prophetic kiss of death, none the less for Hussein. The Arab world still hates the US and Israel and their words belie their actions. Jesus is Israel's protector and a terror to her enemies. India/Pakistan Nuclear War showdown is a precursor to Russian nuclear move's against USA/Israel in Middle East. Pakistani President (My bastard kid ) and renegade religious government promoting nut case full up with Pride, Pervez Musharraf...after helping the USA in Afghanistan tried to start troubles by religion in Kashmir and India again. He had the Indian Parliament attacked under his own military orders killing many Indian leaders. India moved to threaten a nuclear war. Jesus said it is the Pakistani nut general's religious government idiot-ology moves that did this thing. Musharraf then attacked a train in India killing many Buddhists. Tell India and the general that the USA would back India and fight with her in any such war, Jesus said to write. And tell Pakistan the US will convert it's 5,000 extra nuclear ICBM's to Smart Bombs in India's defense. The general backed down, after Jesus explained 40 million Pakistani would die and hardly any Indians in a nuclear exchange, because of his religious government intolerance. Jesus saves lives. Blessed are the peace makers. 2003 Turkey Killing Kurds mentality comes into Iraq war scenario. For some reason President Bush and Colin Powel think that Turkey can do what ever she wants in Iraq with the Kurds and the US will just take it lying down. Jesus threatens a new Earthquake in Turkey if she moves into Iraq against the the peaceful Kurds. Bush looks at Jesus threats and her past history toward the Kurds and tells Turkey to buzz off. US & British Pilots killed for murder. In the Iraq war a US jet pilot dropped bombs on purpose on the open food market killing many civilians in Baghdad for revenge. Jesus attacked the US aircraft carrier and jets with a long blackout sand storm sent from the desert to just this one pilots ship in the middle of the ocean...just that one ship. It blacked out all sight and many jets had to land blind, threatening all the pilot's lives Jesus told me to tell the president if he did not take care of this pilot and take him out of service Jesus would sink that US aircraft carrier with in days. Patriot missiles were targeted on that pilot's jet and a British pilot who did the same thing the next day. It was reported as a battle field mistake like the Kosovo' Chinese Embassy hits by 4 US cruise missiles. Governor Schweiker of PA refused to protect the 11 nuclear power plants. He replaced HomeLand Security head, Governor Tom Ridge. Said Schweiker "I will not defend the 11 PA nuclear power plants with National Guard units." Jesus sent me to Harrisburg, PA to insist he send in the National Guard. The first letter did nothing. The second letter I sent, Jesus told me to release Intel information from the Pentagon on secret threat attack scenarios that we had given the nuclear protection task force there. The Governor announced that day a new policy for the National Guard to protect PA's 11 nuclear power plants. Foreign terrorists use of public computers thwarted. While in Harrisburg Jesus had me develop a public library e-mail security ID search program because these computers were being used anonamously against the USA by terrorists cells so their own home computers could not be traced. The program was instituted around the USA at state, city, towns and many College and University libraries to demand ID's to all users of public computers under strict time logue use for easy identification. Jesus has plans for America to defend all free nations and to bring prosperity to the poor nations. 100 nations needing some type of regime change. He is defending you by the Holy Spirit actions you read here and many more works, by others he directs you and I do not see, because you are doing HIS work to free these nation's peoples from oppression and poverty. 2003 Trent Lott says he wants to re-enslave the blacks. Jesus says sit down Trent Lott and I write Bush and Lott and that ended that. It is a war of the human nature church against the holy Spirit filled black churches Jesus said to tell the president ...You will lose this battle against God get Lott out of there Mr. president. 2002-2003 I filed a Court Brief for the demolition of the secret temple of the Masonic lodge, commonly known as the Washington Monument as an establishment of religion and a signal of the secret power over the US government of the Masons in Congress. In Summary Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and Judgment is come to his church to sanctify it. 2003 500 Tornados in the US Bible belt signal a church Regime change from the denominations to the Holy Spirit filled. No rain in the old churches will call out those who love Jesus who do not yet obey the call of Jesus rule over them. God is at war with the human nature and those who refuse the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the evidences to prove they acted like Christ more than once at Water Baptism; Prophecy and Speaking in Tongues, Overcoming All sin and the full Mature manifesting of Jesus nature. 2002-2003 Jesus sends the prophet into Wash., DC Muslim Mosque and Saudi Embassy. Jesus was fearless and Paul and many Apostles lost their lives confronting church fathers. Jesus said "you have gone into 350 churches around the USA and you now say the Iran and Pakistani presidents must do the same to stop their crazy clerics. Go confront them your self first." So I did. Your god is a silent dumb dead god who tells you to kill and hate and your dead prophet lied about Jesus. You have told your god to shut up after Mohamed and that you, like the pope, will run things down here on earth and it is sitting on God's throne like the Pope. This is man's religious philosophy to oppress millions by rote prayers, silly doctrines and formal religious ceremony made up by self appointed men, all of which God hates. Who can tell me today what allah says? Won't any one come out and tell me what silent allah says? Won't any one come out and defend allah's honor? For 10 days at the Mosque and Washington, DC Saudi Embassy. Jesus showed me in 2001 how the Early first church after Pentecost was suddenly ablaze with Jesus nature revealed and manifest in the Apostles and especially new believers who had not any of Jesus nature to draw on except what God was downloading to them suddenly, by prophecy and after speaking in prayer in new tongues... He said it was like down loading discs into a new computer. Instant revealtional prophecy and knowledge of God, Jesus and their nature...much more than any of you have ever seen. Do you want me to show you he said? Yes Yes Yes. Go to Columbus, OH and I will pour it out for all to see, a little, at Pastor Rod Parsley's church and I went and Jesus did it and Rod Parsley said THIS IS A Pentecost EVENT. A young man wanting to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit was ordered by Jesus through Rod Parsley to start his ministry in Christ right now, moments after getting up from being slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues and prophesying in public. A known confessed drug addict just weeks before and now ministering to an obvious drugged shell of a youngman...Mark laid hands on the drug addict for the Holy Spirit baptism and this 2nd young man almost went through the floor under the Holy Spirit power. The Kingdom in understanding and power was being transferred in great torrents to these two new believers who knew nothing much of scripture and Holy Spirit leading but there it was in them for all to see, now both prophecying and speaking in tongues manifesting the Christ like love for and expectation of God...what do you want us to do next amazement. I and Parsley knew what God had just done. Later on my return to DC from a 6 month stay at my Brother's home in PA Jesus opened the spiritual rains and He and Our father manifested in revelations for 2 hours between me and John Testo. It was simply awesome continual revelation and spoken understanding of God's nature not just revealed but flowing manifest through us as if they had consumed us first Jesus for an hour and a half then The Father for 20 minutes of fellowship by the words and mannerisms in and through us both. I have never seen that except in the Two Witnesses whom are still in hiding and not yet in public ministry in the fullness of Jesus manifest fully overcoming and perfected. The church does not even imagine what is about to transpire in and through you In Christ Jesus nature for the Glory of God. I think Jesse Duplantis is a witness and I know none other save these few examples out of Season, for a shout from heaven to look out to what is about to come... It is Supernaturally Spectacular you could not imagine God would give us so much of him self in person. Jesus knows this love from God and now HE, Jesus is given it to us.... so we will know his love for God and God's love for Jesus and now for us. God then said We are ready. Meaning if I can use Jeff, of whom every one had given up hope on to come back and finnish his race, to do this thing: his preordained mission under the anointed, perfected, overcoming ministry of Jesus in the Two Witnesses fully manifest, then I can use anyone who also runs this race to become fully mature in Christ Jesus. God says do not be in pride or think your selves special this is just your reasonable service and duty to render these things unto God and his people. Acceptable In the Quickening of the Holy Spirit Only. Donations & Funding Send any donations to this prophet's office support in Washington, DC to the address listed at the top of this pamphlet. In Jesus name we will thankfully accept them and continue to hold the leaders to a high standard of stewardship. Keep your self holy and pray for Jesus to be revealed in you as he is in us by the preaching of the Pauline doctrines, given to Jesus by God. Ready your hearts for the work and funding in these new nations, emerging into the Liberty from God. We are called to fund Jesus work and the infrastructure devlopment of these new nations by Our private enterprise and investments. Get ready for that message and call. Jesus said to me, "Jeff, I have given you my debit card with $8 Trillion on it. This is my core church $8 trillion go and take it out of the fishes mouth's (their assets). Tell them I have need of it, and with them create great wealth in all these nations where you will go in my name. Because you thithed 100% for 10 years and then these last 6 you have spent 100% of your time and monies in my labors they will give all they have to you to direct a great international bank with their current moneys and future wealth that you shall create for them for my work...By this new bank loan them under your management aech$5 Million and create good assets in many nations until they hold under this bank management for their use and co partnership each $15 million in new assets and increase the numbers of co-partners in this venture with Global Corporations bringing high standards of goods and services to these nations, which you will all sign long term contracts with as investor-owners, so as they get rich so do you and the church work for this Latter age and the next, in the 1,000 Year Reign. But I said will they listen to me and obey? Jesus said I gave Moses a stick and miracles to show the Jews in Egypt so they will believe and obey him. Show the current Holy Spirit filled ministers and churches these works and miracles and if they do not obey you they will never believe me, nor let me rule over them. Find others who will and I will send them new ministers that I will raise up from their midst. Jeff Barrett HotmailŪ Inbox | Previous Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From : "jeffrey barrett" To : Subject : Prophet in DC lists the events that reveal the glory of Christ in him mightily. Date : Tue, 01 Jul 2003 14:52:15 -0400 Jeffrey Barrett a Christian prophet of Jesus in Washington, DC under the anointing of the Two Witnesses. NewHeaven/GlobalStrategic 733 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-393-0500 Not by your might nor by your power but by MY Spirit Says the Lord, Our God. Lev:25:10 Proclaim LIBERTY to all inhabitants in all Lands! Preface "They glorified Christ in me mightily." Paul the Apostle boldly spoke of God's intentions to place Jesus manifest in us fully and he did so in Paul, all the Apostles and their churches and is now in his church under the anointing of the Two Witnesses' ministry as Jesus spoke to John in Revelation chapter 11 to us of them in this age. This prophet is spoken of in Revelation chapter 6 in his work to ready the nations for the new ministry of Jesus like at Pentecost that ran for 70 years before man's religion took it over and ruined it for these 2,000 years. God is at war with those rebellious churches in the rebellious nations. The Two Witnesses ensure that Jesus can be created in you fully mature and manifest. This prophet is proof of their ministry anointing and the Glory of God in them by the works of their sent prophet, whom I am, under their ministry, in Christ Jesus. This is a summary of the works of Jesus and God by the Holy Spirit of this writings to the nations and the glory of Jesus and God in this prophet for all the church to see and wonder at. This is the report of God: it is HIS proof that HE has established the ministry of Jesus again in the earth fully manifest under the anointing of these Two Witnesses which these works are established by for the glory of our God. Jesus is manifest in his church in fullness, there is no more justification for your sins and lacks in Christ Jesus. The care of all the church is in their hearts as it was in Paul's. He went Conquering and to Conquer. The Mountains melted at Jesus' presence and the nations trembled at his bright appearing in his ministry first, the clouds, where you shall see him first appearing: then in you. An introduction to The Call of this prophet "The Mind of Christ To the Nations." a book summary of a 1,000 page book of the letters to the nations and church. By Prophet Jeff Barrett, 2003 I shall put my words in your mouth and you shall write and speak them to whom ever I shall send you, to Presidents, Kings and Princes. Do not prepare before that hour what to say, all that you write or speak will be wisdom from the Holy Spirit. "Look Jeff" said Jesus to me, don't try to make this too hard nor too religious, it is just this simple: I will wisper in your ear what you are to write or say and you say or write it. Is that too hard?" I laughed for 2 days at how simple it was made for me. Then Jesus showed me those millions that had and will die because of my past mistakes and I cried for 2 days and then we went to the work to demand all nations be free and open to all freedoms and religions so God's preaching would have favor where ever God's dialogue was to occur in calling his children to come out of the strange churches so Jesus could rule over His church. See that you do my preachers no harm. I was anointed in this work by Jesus and God in 1980 for these days under the ministry of Daniel King Marter and Dianne L. Bruner at A Christian House in Brighton, Ma. We 10-24 lived together, had favor with man and God and owned a large luxury house for church, offices and a common holy residence for 10 years. All working and having all things common, tithing to Jesus as his church did of 100% of our earnings receiving back the daily ministry and priesthood of Jesus and God in person and the leading of the Holy Spirit and his quickeneing wisdom and power with all the spiritual gifts, functioning from glory to glory until the bright appearing of Jesus to us. I ran in fear and they went into his Rest. I followed on only after I was called the second time. I ran for 13 yrs. Ask your self if there is any time for you to run any more from the beginning or finnishing of your spiritual race? 10 years at the most and we go to heaven. Why stand around gazing at what I have done, in Christ, look to Jesus' nature to come alive through you and learn to love being his friend and God's. Your work can only then be acceptable in perfect obedience. Hang with God and your purpose too will be fullfilled so many may be saved. Jesus said to the nations: 1998...A HEALING of a KING By fasting and prayer I was sent by Jesus to Washington, DC to announce to King Hussein of Jordan by letter to his medical doctors that after 10 years of their failure by their hands and his god, allah, they could not heal the king of his cancer. Jesus by the hand of Jehovah, Our God, had now healed the good King, in one day, of all his cancer. The King was healed and so announced it to the world...the destroyer took note that King Hussein would not give the glory to God, Jehovah nor his Son Jesus, and so the King died in that lie having given the glory by a lie to allah who is not the true image nor is he THE true God. You all must face your death judgment at least once and Jesus alone is given power over death by God. Do you need a savior yet? 1999 A Healing of a Friend Ron Hubbard dying of advanced cancer with 6 months to live: Jesus said to me over the phone to my Parrot raising friend Tell Ron I am healing him right now. I said Jesus is healing you right now. He was healed. Ron said I need something. Faith and an opening from Jesus. 1998..National destruction of Egypt avoided by a Warning. By letter to President Hosny Mubarak of Egypt I sent Jesus' message that the destroyer would again enter Egypt IF Mubarak placed the Gold Cap upon the old religious temples of the Pyramids that opens this nation again to the death of the underworld. "Mr. President", God said "You will have but 10 days to live in terror if you do not repent of this evil toward Egypt". Mubarak at the ceremony said the capping was canceled because it was a Jewish plot against Egypt. But by obedience he saved many Egyptians from death. TURKEY WARNED of DESTRUCTION TONIGHT! I was awakened by Jesus and the Holy Spirit and commanded to warn Turkey not to kill the Kurds and their leader on trial for war crimes. God, Our Father, spoke to the military attache at the Turkish Embassy at 9:30 PM. Jehovah the Living God said "This night I will destroy Turkey by another huge Earthquake equal to the last at 7.4 and a nuclear accident like at Russian, Chernobyl. Turkey is represented by YOU and what you say in repentance, NOW, shall be her judgment this night." He and I and all in Kinko's trembled at God's words that I spoke by prophecy. The Military Attache said " What shall we do" He had repented and Jesus spoke to what Turkey must do as good stewards to all citizens of Turkey and they did so soon after. The Morning Papers had the reports of the diverted earthquake and nuclear accident to Mexico and Japan. God sent the nations of the world a message: Stop the ethnic killing in your nations or I will kill your bad leaders. I have placed you in power to be good stewards, do so or I will regime change you all. INDIAN PM to be removed from power. India Buddhist citizens had beaten Christians in a small village. The Christians had painted a cross on a large rock, deadly troubles ensued. I went in Christ to the Embassy to speak to minister Roy about the troubles. India was at odds to Jesus' command to be good stewards toward the poor Buddhists and all the Muslims and Christians whom they loved to beat, kill and terrorize and now these Christians faced death. Minister Roy denied all such things as lies. He wanted proof, he had not heard of any such things in India. He lied. The next day I brought the reports of the Christian homes being burnt to the ground in the New York Times and This message for India PM Vajpayee. " You will be taken out of power IF you do not change these evil ways to all these helpless people in India. I put you in power and I will soon take you out of power, Jesus says by the power God has given him over the nations" The Indian Parliament, only two weeks later voted PM Vajpayee out of office by a vote of no confidence and he had to face a new election. God speaks many things by his prophets. The nations better listen. Religious tolerance is to be in all nations or else regime change will be ordered. Jesus Commands a General, He obeys and Jesus makes him President. General Pervez Musharraf entered the Kashmiri Mts. in Indian territory and refused to leave even by his own PM's orders. I sent him a command by Jesus and he had to obey Jesus because Jesus is a higher authority. Musharraf obeyed the strong message sent by this prophet in Christ to the military attache at the Washington, DC Pakistani Embassy. Months later the Pakistani PM tried to kill the general and Jesus saved him and gave him the nation to rule that very day for his past obedience, and to place him in power so this prophet could command him for Jesus in the Afghanistan war while I was at the Pentagon during the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. The US Intelligence teams asked me how to get the new Pakistani leader to obey them? I said do not ask but command him and he will obey. Jesus has placed him in power and he is fearless to any troubles around him; he will do any thing you command him to do for this work. And he did. Jesus told me to order Newt Gingrich to charge President Bill Clinton with High Treason in giving away American securities, missile and nuclear secrets to China and many of our enemies, Gingrich refused. Jesus took him out of power that week. I went into Bob Livingston's office and he refused to charge Clinton with Treason and he was out a few days later by Jesus' power. Hastert was next in power as speaker and Jesus said do no more it is done. I have given the Republicans authority to take power from Clinton and they will now protect the nation for the remainder of his office. I give that power to Cohen, Lugar, Lott, Delay, Hyde and Rehnquist. Clinton will remain in office but under their power, review and strong hand. KOSOVO war ends by Jesus command to Russian President Boris Yeltsin to order Milosevic to withdraw his troops. No soldiers had died on the NATO side by Jesus hand. I have lent my army to protect the defenseless Muslims of Kosovo. I wrote the most loving letter to Yeltsin and Jesus called him a good friend for the freeing of Eastern Europe and some what Russia. He told Boris that that was his appointed purpose in life and now this too. Would he oblige Jesus request? He did. The war was over. Thank you Boris, in Jesus name for Saving many lives. China sent a loud warning by Republican protectors of America, saving USA citizens from Chinese military plans of destruction. Iran Khatami makes contact with US Secretary of Defense William Cohen by way of this prophet's office. I raced to the Iran office for visas on Wisconsin Ave. and gave them the name of a contact of the Pentagon agent for Cohen whom I had met the day before at a Senate hearing to announce plans to take charge over President Clinton's Dept. of Energy in charge of US nuclear and missile technology now compromised. Iran Khatami was very upset with Chinese plans to harm the USA. I gave the new former FBI agent the message from Iran moderate Khatami. A few days later the Republicans sent 4 cruise missiles into the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo. I later wrote the Chinese saying it was no mistake but a warning. The FBI followed me after the Iran meeting and I dropped the name of the Cohen agent and they left. My Father healed in 2001 I was at my Older brother Michaels' home in Pennsylvania when we heard my fathers surgery had gone wrong and he now had aneurisms in his blood vessels after a shunt was installed after a 15 yr long bought with heart attack threatening Triple by pass surgery and such. Now it looked like I may not have a father for long. I drove from PA to Southern MA then to Providence to be at his surgery. I prayed for hours as he laid on the table. The doctors had made a mistake. He had pricked my dad's blood vessels and now may paralyze my dad if things go wrong. Things went wrong, the TV monitor could not be rectified and the doctor left the room in chaos. I continued to pray and never knew all this. But Jesus made all go well and he completely healed him. Today my dad is running around like a 25 year old. He is a healthy 79 years old. Thank you Jesus. 2003 My Mom became severely ill and almost died on a Thursday night with congestive heart, lung and kidney failure. An aggressive regime to rid her of 70 pounds of fluid was underway and the doctors and my sister saw the vital signs that night and I was told by Jesus your mom will die tonight. And my mom said I won't be here in the morning. I prayed and cried like a baby and King Hezekiah. The Holy Spirit had me turn for comfort to the King's promise from God of 15 more years of good health. Jesus said we leave for heaven in 10 but the deal is for all your mother's great service to me. Now make sure she gets Spirit preaching so she can come to heaven when I come for you all. My mother Rita raised her mothers 14 kids, her 8 kids and 18 grand and 2 great grand children. She was tired. Now it is spiritual works rather than fleshly works for her. I am not cleaning house or cooking ever again she declared. Again my dearest friend Jesus saved a life for me by prayer. 2003 China in flood troubles 10 million threatened. The news reported three Chinese rivers would crest in the night toppling dikes around the largest manmade lake in the world. Reports were for 13 more feet of water as the three rivers were to crest this night. Jesus cried to me to pray and call the embassy and e-mail the Chinese leaders that He wanted to stop the flooding and save the 10 million peoples homes and many deaths this night. Time was very important he told me because if China's leaders would not give free will permission for him to move in China he could not stop the imminent destruction. I prayed and wrote the letters and made the phone calls. Not knowing the Chinese response I prayed all night. In the morning was reported the out come. The Large Dongting Lake water level had gone down 1 inch instead of up 13 feet. A miracle had occurred that changed Chinese government's minds about Jesus power and intentions for China. Jesus had made contact in a dialogue with them that night proving his power and authority. I have put you in power in China Jesus had told them a few years before and they allowed the opening of China to the Holy Spirit broadcasts ot TBN TV Preaching of Jesus' message. The Christians are commanded by Jesus to obey the government and pay all taxes, right? The Holy Spirit movement, I told the Embassy military attache, is no threat to China unlike man's religion as in the Catholic church union strikes and political activities. It is not right in God's eyes for them to do such things against governments to topple them. China arrested Catholic bishops later that month, seeing God had no respect for man's religion. I laughed and wrote them to be tolerant of all religions. Twice the Chinese Embassy Ambassador called for Paul and Jan Crouch to explain to them about the Holy Spirit and Jesus asking specifically about commands for obedience to all governments and tax laws. Yes some where that is in Our bible said Paul Croch on TV. Then he and his wife were called to preach to the Politburo on the Holy Spirit movement and China was opened to Satellite TV broadcast in Jesus name. People sick and dying in China from pollution helped by Jesus compassion and action. 2002 This prophet was told by Jesus to get China new technology for better clean coal power plants. TB and emphysema in China is epidemic and Jesus wanted the US fluid bed coal technology transferred to China. I wrote to the State Dept. and to PPL where my brother Michael Barrett worked and the deal was done soon after. Prophet laughed at at US Pentagon by Intel Official until troubles struck. 2001 While working at the Pentagon bragging about my contacts with Iran, President Khatami and Pakistan President General Musharraf, the William Cohen intel agent Chris was un-impressed and mildly amused by the blabbering prophets claims, UNTIL the plains crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and war was imminent in Afghanistan. He then 3 times daily came for advices about how to handle Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. I said Jesus calls him "Mushy" He knows Jesus commanded him to come out of the Kashmir Mts. and for obedience he is now president by Jesus hand. he is fearless by Jesus work in him over the last year and will do anything you ask him to do. The General did more than they could ever have expected. Jesus is preparing many things for the saving of peoples lives. Rely on Jesus and men he has placed in power will obey your requests and commands if you are from Jesus....if it is to help them be better good stewards of their nations and if it will save lives. 2000 While in Senator Fred Thompson's office to promote Jesus friend, Iran President Seyed Khatami, I met 5 Iranian woman bent on his death telling the Senator that President Khatami was as evil as religious leader Khemeini. Jesus said they are going to try and Kill Khatami: warn him! Later I also was commanded to warn the president about Rafsanjani's assassination attempt on his life. Jesus had twice saved Khatami's life by warning days before the assignation tries. The Holy Spirit spans the globe 24 hours a day in Supernatural Godly Power and concern for us and the world. 2002 President George W. Bush was warned by this prophet about a death threat by terrorists in the USA and he did not attend any open public meetings for that 2 week period warned of by Jesus. The next day we was out and about in public. 2003 on Feb 22 Jesus said this is a day of grave judgment on the USA. Warn every one of coming destruction to NY and DC on this day if they do not repent of their sins. The President went to Texas for safe keeping. I prayed in the subway system of DC and went to large Hotels to see what preparations had been made incase of huge casualties. Jesus moved a nation to be warned and it was moved to prepare and repent and destruction was averted. 2002 Jesus said to tell the president that North Korea was a nuclear rogue state and the one to most likely try to nuke the USA by vessels at sea with Chinese missiles and Russian or French nuclear war heads. Then Iran and finally Iraq were the most likely rogue states to be used by our enemies to hit the USA with Nuclear weapons for the Russians. China already was advised of our concerns and the message in the State of the Union address was to signal North Korea that China was with the USA against them...and to warn the others that we knew of their plans to attack the USA with nuclear missiles. Thus N. Korea, Iran & Iraq Axis of Evil was coined in his State of the Union address by Michael Gerson and many thought him crazy and totally out of his mind, But George Bush already knew the truth. 2001 Jesus warned President Bush that the Russians had nuclear stealth missiles in space, that he should go ahead with his missile defense plans no matter what the Democrats said. Bush confronted Putin face to face at the G-8 economic conference and all future opposition to a new US missile defense melted when Putin admitted many threats existed to the USA and he would not stand in our way for a robust missile defense system. The ABM treaty was broken and all shouts of opposition in Europe and Congress ended quietly. President Bush quotes Jesus 50 times in State of Union Speech. 2003 Presidential State of the Union address was on Monday and on the Friday before; Jesus said tell the president what he should say to the nation. I wrote what Jesus said was the heritage of the USA to protect the free world and civilization. It was a long letter. Monday night I sat with my marker and found 50 phrases from Jesus letter in the presidents address. When OPEC was in the hands of Chavez of Venezuela for 2 years this office of the DC prophet wrote the contracts for 20 year oil deals for Japan and India. When the Catholic church and France tried to destabilize US oil from Venezuela as we went into Iraq as a loud message to the USA to stop the war threats George W. Bush tried to help the Coup de tat and Hugo Chavez was ousted for one day. I wrote for Jesus a scathing letter of geo politics from Jesus view point and told the president that Iran President Khatami and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez are good friends and we need both when Russia comes into the Middle East with the Muslims. Jesus will turn Iran and all OPEC against the Russian invasion after the USA may be hit with a rogue terror nuclear attack and we need Iran and Chavez to turn OPEC and the Muslim World to the USA then. Bush dropped all opposition to Chavez then. Oil is in the president's blood but he is president of America not the Oil Boys of the oil industry. Bush past that test from Jesus. France was suddenly to become OPENLY The stick in USA's throat over freedoms in Iraq. Jesus called it on France ahead of time. Overwhelming force is needed to break the rebellion and murders by PLO in Israel Jesus commanded Ariel Sharon stop being micromanaged by Colin Powel at the US State Dept. Ariel Sharon moved tanks in an out of the West Bank PLO towns and cities and Powel commanded they be moved out that very same day and Ariel Sharon caved in daily. IT was grieving Jesus to see the USA play God to Israel and he had me write Ariel Sharon on it. YOU are to lead Israel and Bush the USA. You are both pissing your pants in the face of troubles from the nations that the terrorists threaten and use as a base. You have to show Bush how to be a tough guy and you must use Overwhelming force against the terrorist PLO. I said, this prophet did not make any Vows to Bush that precluded me from taking a sword to PLO Arafat. Send me a ticked I have a large Samurai Sword all picked out for the job to lop off his head in public. Jesus shows up in Sharon manifest a little. Sharon went into West Bank towns and cities with the tanks and stayed for months knocking down PLO head Arafat's offices and compound. All the while Bush and Powel screaming commands at Israel and Sharon to get out today tomorrow or please by next week all to no avail. Jesus showed Sharon how to stand tough and tall, and Bush learned from Jesus as they both read each others e-mails that I sent them on all security issues Jesus adressed. Colin Powel got the same e-mails of Jesus messages to Sharon. Jesus teaching how to govern so freedoms can be established in 100 nations by using Overwhelming force. Once peace is established local rule can be trusted. Regime change is Jesus motto for any who do not allow civilized rule and freedoms in there nation. Sharon first moved in the nature of Christ and then Bush. If God can teach these two how to manifest Jesus nature he can teach you too. MAFIA took monies to kill the Two Witnesses in 1981. Round 1 Jesus killed the hit man with late term cancer. He was only 25. The MOB got scared and went to the Boston Cardinal Medeiros for permission to continue the hit hunt into Europe. Round 2 Mederios was killed by God and so was John Gotti's son in 1981 and the MAFIA wars and snitching that jailed and killed 1,000's ensued both in NY and Boston. Round 3 In 2003 Jesus commanded me to write to John Gotti and demand the $300,000 hit monies be sent to me as proof that no more tries to kill these Two Ministers would be attempted, or you and family members would be killed by God. They refused and one month later John Gotti was dead and so was Bananos. Round 4. My advisor on security said to me it does not count they both were old men Gottis face was falling off with cancer. Jesus agreed. YOU are not yet fearless and completely trusting of God to be able to protect you and the church in the future and after you write or voice His messages you still worry Jeff, Jesus said... the proving test of your trustworthy loyalty under pressure must continue.Round 5 I write to all news papers and all 5 MAFIA families and Gotti's punk son in a NY jail and said you all will also be dead if you do not oblige Jesus demands to send your wealth to me and get out of the country. I demanded $10 million from each MAFIA FAMILY. I threatened to take out a class action suite, RICO style, and seize all their homes and businesses and have them all deported. God had Gotti Jr. and kin put in solitary confinement. No reply yet. Jesus gave me dreams about target acquisition missile defense technology and I gave it to the US Pentagon and to Israel. It had diagrams and dark matter wave propagation triangulation systems with Gyroscopic mathematics to the 24th dimension. The Jews took it as from God and developed it, the US did not. With in one month the Jews could shoot down an F-18 missile with another F-18's missile the system was so accurate. It is the bases for the advances in the Patriot and other land to air based missile defense system just used in the Iraq war with such great accuracy. God is serious about the USA defending the Liberty of the Free World. Again by drean technology given to me taken from the Japan nuclear disaster accident the blue phase release of nuclear radiation was shown the USA and Israel to be added with a supercooled superconductive cycle to laser kill cannons so they could be minturized to fit on F-18 jets as the prophet Daniel had dreamed 2500 years ago about our times and wars. God is true and you can take his words and dream information to the bank. Saudi Crown Prince cries Uncle to God and sues Jesus for peace. I sent dream technology to Vice President Cheney on new nuclear core power plant re-design and to all of Congress and the nuclear funding in the energy budget went from $30 million to $30 billion in one year. The 22 year nuclear protest of US nuclear technology shut down ( Camped out in front of the White House 24 hrs a day, since bunny rabbit scaredy cat Carter days.) We tried to get them arrested for drug use and sales. Some one, I will not say who, stole their bicycle and threw it in the Potomac River for the Vice President's cause. After a few months the White House Secret Service reviewed the tapes and spoke to a friend about the matter. Nothing happened. Whoever says Jesus is not Bold daring and fun to hang around with, has never worked for him and does not know him yet? He took whips to the money changers at the temple, chased their cattle and scared them to never come back. He did the same to these anti-US protesters. Bush and the auto industry declared a new drive for a US economy of Hydrogen Fuel based on research technology in the future and Cheney sent me a letter asking me to pursue the new US nuclear power plant core re-design technology for mass produced small, safe 10MW nuclear engines. Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah chokes on new US technology and sues Israel for peace. I sent , with Jesus advice, the geo-political results of this new technology to Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah by a letter explaining that all his oil would be worth was, for pounding dessert sand in a few years. The Crown Prince sued Israel for peace one month later. At the peace conference he kissed Iraq Hussein on both cheeks and did not mean it in a MAFIA sense but the results are the same. It was a prophetic kiss of death, none the less for Hussein. The Arab world still hates the US and Israel and their words belie their actions. Jesus is Israel's protector and a terror to her enemies. India/Pakistan Nuclear War showdown is a precursor to Russian nuclear move's against USA/Israel in Middle East. Pakistani President (My bastard kid ) and renegade religious government promoting nut case full up with Pride, Pervez Musharraf...after helping the USA in Afghanistan tried to start troubles by religion in Kashmir and India again. He had the Indian Parliament attacked under his own military orders killing many Indian leaders. India moved to threaten a nuclear war. Jesus said it is the Pakistani nut general's religious government idiot-ology moves that did this thing. Musharraf then attacked a train in India killing many Buddhists. Tell India and the general that the USA would back India and fight with her in any such war, Jesus said to write. And tell Pakistan the US will convert it's 5,000 extra nuclear ICBM's to Smart Bombs in India's defense. The general backed down, after Jesus explained 40 million Pakistani would die and hardly any Indians in a nuclear exchange, because of his religious government intolerance. Jesus saves lives. Blessed are the peace makers. 2003 Turkey Killing Kurds mentality comes into Iraq war scenario. For some reason President Bush and Colin Powel think that Turkey can do what ever she wants in Iraq with the Kurds and the US will just take it lying down. Jesus threatens a new Earthquake in Turkey if she moves into Iraq against the the peaceful Kurds. Bush looks at Jesus threats and her past history toward the Kurds and tells Turkey to buzz off. US & British Pilots killed for murder. In the Iraq war a US jet pilot dropped bombs on purpose on the open food market killing many civilians in Baghdad for revenge. Jesus attacked the US aircraft carrier and jets with a long blackout sand storm sent from the desert to just this one pilots ship in the middle of the ocean...just that one ship. It blacked out all sight and many jets had to land blind, threatening all the pilot's lives Jesus told me to tell the president if he did not take care of this pilot and take him out of service Jesus would sink that US aircraft carrier with in days. Patriot missiles were targeted on that pilot's jet and a British pilot who did the same thing the next day. It was reported as a battle field mistake like the Kosovo' Chinese Embassy hits by 4 US cruise missiles. Governor Schweiker of PA refused to protect the 11 nuclear power plants. He replaced HomeLand Security head, Governor Tom Ridge. Said Schweiker "I will not defend the 11 PA nuclear power plants with National Guard units." Jesus sent me to Harrisburg, PA to insist he send in the National Guard. The first letter did nothing. The second letter I sent, Jesus told me to release Intel information from the Pentagon on secret threat attack scenarios that we had given the nuclear protection task force there. The Governor announced that day a new policy for the National Guard to protect PA's 11 nuclear power plants. Foreign terrorists use of public computers thwarted. While in Harrisburg Jesus had me develop a public library e-mail security ID search program because these computers were being used anonamously against the USA by terrorists cells so their own home computers could not be traced. The program was instituted around the USA at state, city, towns and many College and University libraries to demand ID's to all users of public computers under strict time logue use for easy identification. Jesus has plans for America to defend all free nations and to bring prosperity to the poor nations. 100 nations needing some type of regime change. He is defending you by the Holy Spirit actions you read here and many more works, by others he directs you and I do not see, because you are doing HIS work to free these nation's peoples from oppression and poverty. 2003 Trent Lott says he wants to re-enslave the blacks. Jesus says sit down Trent Lott and I write Bush and Lott and that ended that. It is a war of the human nature church against the holy Spirit filled black churches Jesus said to tell the president ...You will lose this battle against God get Lott out of there Mr. president. 2002-2003 I filed a Court Brief for the demolition of the secret temple of the Masonic lodge, commonly known as the Washington Monument as an establishment of religion and a signal of the secret power over the US government of the Masons in Congress. In Summary Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and Judgment is come to his church to sanctify it. 2003 500 Tornados in the US Bible belt signal a church Regime change from the denominations to the Holy Spirit filled. No rain in the old churches will call out those who love Jesus who do not yet obey the call of Jesus rule over them. God is at war with the human nature and those who refuse the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the evidences to prove they acted like Christ more than once at Water Baptism; Prophecy and Speaking in Tongues, Overcoming All sin and the full Mature manifesting of Jesus nature. 2002-2003 Jesus sends the prophet into Wash., DC Muslim Mosque and Saudi Embassy. Jesus was fearless and Paul and many Apostles lost their lives confronting church fathers. Jesus said "you have gone into 350 churches around the USA and you now say the Iran and Pakistani presidents must do the same to stop their crazy clerics. Go confront them your self first." So I did. Your god is a silent dumb dead god who tells you to kill and hate and your dead prophet lied about Jesus. You have told your god to shut up after Mohamed and that you, like the pope, will run things down here on earth and it is sitting on God's throne like the Pope. This is man's religious philosophy to oppress millions by rote prayers, silly doctrines and formal religious ceremony made up by self appointed men, all of which God hates. Who can tell me today what allah says? Won't any one come out and tell me what silent allah says? Won't any one come out and defend allah's honor? For 10 days at the Mosque and Washington, DC Saudi Embassy. Jesus showed me in 2001 how the Early first church after Pentecost was suddenly ablaze with Jesus nature revealed and manifest in the Apostles and especially new believers who had not any of Jesus nature to draw on except what God was downloading to them suddenly, by prophecy and after speaking in prayer in new tongues... He said it was like down loading discs into a new computer. Instant revealtional prophecy and knowledge of God, Jesus and their nature...much more than any of you have ever seen. Do you want me to show you he said? Yes Yes Yes. Go to Columbus, OH and I will pour it out for all to see, a little, at Pastor Rod Parsley's church and I went and Jesus did it and Rod Parsley said THIS IS A Pentecost EVENT. A young man wanting to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit was ordered by Jesus through Rod Parsley to start his ministry in Christ right now, moments after getting up from being slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues and prophesying in public. A known confessed drug addict just weeks before and now ministering to an obvious drugged shell of a youngman...Mark laid hands on the drug addict for the Holy Spirit baptism and this 2nd young man almost went through the floor under the Holy Spirit power. The Kingdom in understanding and power was being transferred in great torrents to these two new believers who knew nothing much of scripture and Holy Spirit leading but there it was in them for all to see, now both prophecying and speaking in tongues manifesting the Christ like love for and expectation of God...what do you want us to do next amazement. I and Parsley knew what God had just done. Later on my return to DC from a 6 month stay at my Brother's home in PA Jesus opened the spiritual rains and He and Our father manifested in revelations for 2 hours between me and John Testo. It was simply awesome continual revelation and spoken understanding of God's nature not just revealed but flowing manifest through us as if they had consumed us first Jesus for an hour and a half then The Father for 20 minutes of fellowship by the words and mannerisms in and through us both. I have never seen that except in the Two Witnesses whom are still in hiding and not yet in public ministry in the fullness of Jesus manifest fully overcoming and perfected. The church does not even imagine what is about to transpire in and through you In Christ Jesus nature for the Glory of God. I think Jesse Duplantis is a witness and I know none other save these few examples out of Season, for a shout from heaven to look out to what is about to come... It is Supernaturally Spectacular you could not imagine God would give us so much of him self in person. Jesus knows this love from God and now HE, Jesus is given it to us.... so we will know his love for God and God's love for Jesus and now for us. God then said We are ready. Meaning if I can use Jeff, of whom every one had given up hope on to come back and finnish his race, to do this thing: his preordained mission under the anointed, perfected, overcoming ministry of Jesus in the Two Witnesses fully manifest, then I can use anyone who also runs this race to become fully mature in Christ Jesus. God says do not be in pride or think your selves special this is just your reasonable service and duty to render these things unto God and his people. Acceptable In the Quickening of the Holy Spirit Only. Donations & Funding Send any donations to this prophet's office support in Washington, DC to the address listed at the top of this pamphlet. In Jesus name we will thankfully accept them and continue to hold the leaders to a high standard of stewardship. Keep your self holy and pray for Jesus to be revealed in you as he is in us by the preaching of the Pauline doctrines, given to Jesus by God. Ready your hearts for the work and funding in these new nations, emerging into the Liberty from God. We are called to fund Jesus work and the infrastructure devlopment of these new nations by Our private enterprise and investments. Get ready for that message and call. Jesus said to me, "Jeff, I have given you my debit card with $8 Trillion on it. This is my core church $8 trillion go and take it out of the fishes mouth's (their assets). Tell them I have need of it, and with them create great wealth in all these nations where you will go in my name. Because you thithed 100% for 10 years and then these last 6 you have spent 100% of your time and monies in my labors they will give all they have to you to direct a great international bank with their current moneys and future wealth that you shall create for them for my work...By this new bank loan them under your management aech$5 Million and create good assets in many nations until they hold under this bank management for their use and co partnership each $15 million in new assets and increase the numbers of co-partners in this venture with Global Corporations bringing high standards of goods and services to these nations, which you will all sign long term contracts with as investor-owners, so as they get rich so do you and the church work for this Latter age and the next, in the 1,000 Year Reign. But I said will they listen to me and obey? Jesus said I gave Moses a stick and miracles to show the Jews in Egypt so they will believe and obey him. Show the current Holy Spirit filled ministers and churches these works and miracles and if they do not obey you they will never believe me, nor let me rule over them. Find others who will and I will send them new ministers that I will raise up from their midst. Jeff Barrett HotmailŪ Inbox | Previous Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From : "jeffrey barrett" To : Subject : Prophet in DC lists the events that reveal the glory of Christ in him mightily. Date : Tue, 01 Jul 2003 14:52:15 -0400 Jeffrey Barrett a Christian prophet of Jesus in Washington, DC under the anointing of the Two Witnesses. NewHeaven/GlobalStrategic 733 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-393-0500 Not by your might nor by your power but by MY Spirit Says the Lord, Our God. Lev:25:10 Proclaim LIBERTY to all inhabitants in all Lands! Preface "They glorified Christ in me mightily." Paul the Apostle boldly spoke of God's intentions to place Jesus manifest in us fully and he did so in Paul, all the Apostles and their churches and is now in his church under the anointing of the Two Witnesses' ministry as Jesus spoke to John in Revelation chapter 11 to us of them in this age. This prophet is spoken of in Revelation chapter 6 in his work to ready the nations for the new ministry of Jesus like at Pentecost that ran for 70 years before man's religion took it over and ruined it for these 2,000 years. God is at war with those rebellious churches in the rebellious nations. The Two Witnesses ensure that Jesus can be created in you fully mature and manifest. This prophet is proof of their ministry anointing and the Glory of God in them by the works of their sent prophet, whom I am, under their ministry, in Christ Jesus. This is a summary of the works of Jesus and God by the Holy Spirit of this writings to the nations and the glory of Jesus and God in this prophet for all the church to see and wonder at. This is the report of God: it is HIS proof that HE has established the ministry of Jesus again in the earth fully manifest under the anointing of these Two Witnesses which these works are established by for the glory of our God. Jesus is manifest in his church in fullness, there is no more justification for your sins and lacks in Christ Jesus. The care of all the church is in their hearts as it was in Paul's. He went Conquering and to Conquer. The Mountains melted at Jesus' presence and the nations trembled at his bright appearing in his ministry first, the clouds, where you shall see him first appearing: then in you. An introduction to The Call of this prophet "The Mind of Christ To the Nations." a book summary of a 1,000 page book of the letters to the nations and church. By Prophet Jeff Barrett, 2003 I shall put my words in your mouth and you shall write and speak them to whom ever I shall send you, to Presidents, Kings and Princes. Do not prepare before that hour what to say, all that you write or speak will be wisdom from the Holy Spirit. "Look Jeff" said Jesus to me, don't try to make this too hard nor too religious, it is just this simple: I will wisper in your ear what you are to write or say and you say or write it. Is that too hard?" I laughed for 2 days at how simple it was made for me. Then Jesus showed me those millions that had and will die because of my past mistakes and I cried for 2 days and then we went to the work to demand all nations be free and open to all freedoms and religions so God's preaching would have favor where ever God's dialogue was to occur in calling his children to come out of the strange churches so Jesus could rule over His church. See that you do my preachers no harm. I was anointed in this work by Jesus and God in 1980 for these days under the ministry of Daniel King Marter and Dianne L. Bruner at A Christian House in Brighton, Ma. We 10-24 lived together, had favor with man and God and owned a large luxury house for church, offices and a common holy residence for 10 years. All working and having all things common, tithing to Jesus as his church did of 100% of our earnings receiving back the daily ministry and priesthood of Jesus and God in person and the leading of the Holy Spirit and his quickeneing wisdom and power with all the spiritual gifts, functioning from glory to glory until the bright appearing of Jesus to us. I ran in fear and they went into his Rest. I followed on only after I was called the second time. I ran for 13 yrs. Ask your self if there is any time for you to run any more from the beginning or finnishing of your spiritual race? 10 years at the most and we go to heaven. Why stand around gazing at what I have done, in Christ, look to Jesus' nature to come alive through you and learn to love being his friend and God's. Your work can only then be acceptable in perfect obedience. Hang with God and your purpose too will be fullfilled so many may be saved. Jesus said to the nations: 1998...A HEALING of a KING By fasting and prayer I was sent by Jesus to Washington, DC to announce to King Hussein of Jordan by letter to his medical doctors that after 10 years of their failure by their hands and his god, allah, they could not heal the king of his cancer. Jesus by the hand of Jehovah, Our God, had now healed the good King, in one day, of all his cancer. The King was healed and so announced it to the world...the destroyer took note that King Hussein would not give the glory to God, Jehovah nor his Son Jesus, and so the King died in that lie having given the glory by a lie to allah who is not the true image nor is he THE true God. You all must face your death judgment at least once and Jesus alone is given power over death by God. Do you need a savior yet? 1999 A Healing of a Friend Ron Hubbard dying of advanced cancer with 6 months to live: Jesus said to me over the phone to my Parrot raising friend Tell Ron I am healing him right now. I said Jesus is healing you right now. He was healed. Ron said I need something. Faith and an opening from Jesus. 1998..National destruction of Egypt avoided by a Warning. By letter to President Hosny Mubarak of Egypt I sent Jesus' message that the destroyer would again enter Egypt IF Mubarak placed the Gold Cap upon the old religious temples of the Pyramids that opens this nation again to the death of the underworld. "Mr. President", God said "You will have but 10 days to live in terror if you do not repent of this evil toward Egypt". Mubarak at the ceremony said the capping was canceled because it was a Jewish plot against Egypt. But by obedience he saved many Egyptians from death. TURKEY WARNED of DESTRUCTION TONIGHT! I was awakened by Jesus and the Holy Spirit and commanded to warn Turkey not to kill the Kurds and their leader on trial for war crimes. God, Our Father, spoke to the military attache at the Turkish Embassy at 9:30 PM. Jehovah the Living God said "This night I will destroy Turkey by another huge Earthquake equal to the last at 7.4 and a nuclear accident like at Russian, Chernobyl. Turkey is represented by YOU and what you say in repentance, NOW, shall be her judgment this night." He and I and all in Kinko's trembled at God's words that I spoke by prophecy. The Military Attache said " What shall we do" He had repented and Jesus spoke to what Turkey must do as good stewards to all citizens of Turkey and they did so soon after. The Morning Papers had the reports of the diverted earthquake and nuclear accident to Mexico and Japan. God sent the nations of the world a message: Stop the ethnic killing in your nations or I will kill your bad leaders. I have placed you in power to be good stewards, do so or I will regime change you all. INDIAN PM to be removed from power. India Buddhist citizens had beaten Christians in a small village. The Christians had painted a cross on a large rock, deadly troubles ensued. I went in Christ to the Embassy to speak to minister Roy about the troubles. India was at odds to Jesus' command to be good stewards toward the poor Buddhists and all the Muslims and Christians whom they loved to beat, kill and terrorize and now these Christians faced death. Minister Roy denied all such things as lies. He wanted proof, he had not heard of any such things in India. He lied. The next day I brought the reports of the Christian homes being burnt to the ground in the New York Times and This message for India PM Vajpayee. " You will be taken out of power IF you do not change these evil ways to all these helpless people in India. I put you in power and I will soon take you out of power, Jesus says by the power God has given him over the nations" The Indian Parliament, only two weeks later voted PM Vajpayee out of office by a vote of no confidence and he had to face a new election. God speaks many things by his prophets. The nations better listen. Religious tolerance is to be in all nations or else regime change will be ordered. Jesus Commands a General, He obeys and Jesus makes him President. General Pervez Musharraf entered the Kashmiri Mts. in Indian territory and refused to leave even by his own PM's orders. I sent him a command by Jesus and he had to obey Jesus because Jesus is a higher authority. Musharraf obeyed the strong message sent by this prophet in Christ to the military attache at the Washington, DC Pakistani Embassy. Months later the Pakistani PM tried to kill the general and Jesus saved him and gave him the nation to rule that very day for his past obedience, and to place him in power so this prophet could command him for Jesus in the Afghanistan war while I was at the Pentagon during the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. The US Intelligence teams asked me how to get the new Pakistani leader to obey them? I said do not ask but command him and he will obey. Jesus has placed him in power and he is fearless to any troubles around him; he will do any thing you command him to do for this work. And he did. Jesus told me to order Newt Gingrich to charge President Bill Clinton with High Treason in giving away American securities, missile and nuclear secrets to China and many of our enemies, Gingrich refused. Jesus took him out of power that week. I went into Bob Livingston's office and he refused to charge Clinton with Treason and he was out a few days later by Jesus' power. Hastert was next in power as speaker and Jesus said do no more it is done. I have given the Republicans authority to take power from Clinton and they will now protect the nation for the remainder of his office. I give that power to Cohen, Lugar, Lott, Delay, Hyde and Rehnquist. Clinton will remain in office but under their power, review and strong hand. KOSOVO war ends by Jesus command to Russian President Boris Yeltsin to order Milosevic to withdraw his troops. No soldiers had died on the NATO side by Jesus hand. I have lent my army to protect the defenseless Muslims of Kosovo. I wrote the most loving letter to Yeltsin and Jesus called him a good friend for the freeing of Eastern Europe and some what Russia. He told Boris that that was his appointed purpose in life and now this too. Would he oblige Jesus request? He did. The war was over. Thank you Boris, in Jesus name for Saving many lives. China sent a loud warning by Republican protectors of America, saving USA citizens from Chinese military plans of destruction. Iran Khatami makes contact with US Secretary of Defense William Cohen by way of this prophet's office. I raced to the Iran office for visas on Wisconsin Ave. and gave them the name of a contact of the Pentagon agent for Cohen whom I had met the day before at a Senate hearing to announce plans to take charge over President Clinton's Dept. of Energy in charge of US nuclear and missile technology now compromised. Iran Khatami was very upset with Chinese plans to harm the USA. I gave the new former FBI agent the message from Iran moderate Khatami. A few days later the Republicans sent 4 cruise missiles into the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo. I later wrote the Chinese saying it was no mistake but a warning. The FBI followed me after the Iran meeting and I dropped the name of the Cohen agent and they left. My Father healed in 2001 I was at my Older brother Michaels' home in Pennsylvania when we heard my fathers surgery had gone wrong and he now had aneurisms in his blood vessels after a shunt was installed after a 15 yr long bought with heart attack threatening Triple by pass surgery and such. Now it looked like I may not have a father for long. I drove from PA to Southern MA then to Providence to be at his surgery. I prayed for hours as he laid on the table. The doctors had made a mistake. He had pricked my dad's blood vessels and now may paralyze my dad if things go wrong. Things went wrong, the TV monitor could not be rectified and the doctor left the room in chaos. I continued to pray and never knew all this. But Jesus made all go well and he completely healed him. Today my dad is running around like a 25 year old. He is a healthy 79 years old. Thank you Jesus. 2003 My Mom became severely ill and almost died on a Thursday night with congestive heart, lung and kidney failure. An aggressive regime to rid her of 70 pounds of fluid was underway and the doctors and my sister saw the vital signs that night and I was told by Jesus your mom will die tonight. And my mom said I won't be here in the morning. I prayed and cried like a baby and King Hezekiah. The Holy Spirit had me turn for comfort to the King's promise from God of 15 more years of good health. Jesus said we leave for heaven in 10 but the deal is for all your mother's great service to me. Now make sure she gets Spirit preaching so she can come to heaven when I come for you all. My mother Rita raised her mothers 14 kids, her 8 kids and 18 grand and 2 great grand children. She was tired. Now it is spiritual works rather than fleshly works for her. I am not cleaning house or cooking ever again she declared. Again my dearest friend Jesus saved a life for me by prayer. 2003 China in flood troubles 10 million threatened. The news reported three Chinese rivers would crest in the night toppling dikes around the largest manmade lake in the world. Reports were for 13 more feet of water as the three rivers were to crest this night. Jesus cried to me to pray and call the embassy and e-mail the Chinese leaders that He wanted to stop the flooding and save the 10 million peoples homes and many deaths this night. Time was very important he told me because if China's leaders would not give free will permission for him to move in China he could not stop the imminent destruction. I prayed and wrote the letters and made the phone calls. Not knowing the Chinese response I prayed all night. In the morning was reported the out come. The Large Dongting Lake water level had gone down 1 inch instead of up 13 feet. A miracle had occurred that changed Chinese government's minds about Jesus power and intentions for China. Jesus had made contact in a dialogue with them that night proving his power and authority. I have put you in power in China Jesus had told them a few years before and they allowed the opening of China to the Holy Spirit broadcasts ot TBN TV Preaching of Jesus' message. The Christians are commanded by Jesus to obey the government and pay all taxes, right? The Holy Spirit movement, I told the Embassy military attache, is no threat to China unlike man's religion as in the Catholic church union strikes and political activities. It is not right in God's eyes for them to do such things against governments to topple them. China arrested Catholic bishops later that month, seeing God had no respect for man's religion. I laughed and wrote them to be tolerant of all religions. Twice the Chinese Embassy Ambassador called for Paul and Jan Crouch to explain to them about the Holy Spirit and Jesus asking specifically about commands for obedience to all governments and tax laws. Yes some where that is in Our bible said Paul Croch on TV. Then he and his wife were called to preach to the Politburo on the Holy Spirit movement and China was opened to Satellite TV broadcast in Jesus name. People sick and dying in China from pollution helped by Jesus compassion and action. 2002 This prophet was told by Jesus to get China new technology for better clean coal power plants. TB and emphysema in China is epidemic and Jesus wanted the US fluid bed coal technology transferred to China. I wrote to the State Dept. and to PPL where my brother Michael Barrett worked and the deal was done soon after. Prophet laughed at at US Pentagon by Intel Official until troubles struck. 2001 While working at the Pentagon bragging about my contacts with Iran, President Khatami and Pakistan President General Musharraf, the William Cohen intel agent Chris was un-impressed and mildly amused by the blabbering prophets claims, UNTIL the plains crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and war was imminent in Afghanistan. He then 3 times daily came for advices about how to handle Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. I said Jesus calls him "Mushy" He knows Jesus commanded him to come out of the Kashmir Mts. and for obedience he is now president by Jesus hand. he is fearless by Jesus work in him over the last year and will do anything you ask him to do. The General did more than they could ever have expected. Jesus is preparing many things for the saving of peoples lives. Rely on Jesus and men he has placed in power will obey your requests and commands if you are from Jesus....if it is to help them be better good stewards of their nations and if it will save lives. 2000 While in Senator Fred Thompson's office to promote Jesus friend, Iran President Seyed Khatami, I met 5 Iranian woman bent on his death telling the Senator that President Khatami was as evil as religious leader Khemeini. Jesus said they are going to try and Kill Khatami: warn him! Later I also was commanded to warn the president about Rafsanjani's assassination attempt on his life. Jesus had twice saved Khatami's life by warning days before the assignation tries. The Holy Spirit spans the globe 24 hours a day in Supernatural Godly Power and concern for us and the world. 2002 President George W. Bush was warned by this prophet about a death threat by terrorists in the USA and he did not attend any open public meetings for that 2 week period warned of by Jesus. The next day we was out and about in public. 2003 on Feb 22 Jesus said this is a day of grave judgment on the USA. Warn every one of coming destruction to NY and DC on this day if they do not repent of their sins. The President went to Texas for safe keeping. I prayed in the subway system of DC and went to large Hotels to see what preparations had been made incase of huge casualties. Jesus moved a nation to be warned and it was moved to prepare and repent and destruction was averted. 2002 Jesus said to tell the president that North Korea was a nuclear rogue state and the one to most likely try to nuke the USA by vessels at sea with Chinese missiles and Russian or French nuclear war heads. Then Iran and finally Iraq were the most likely rogue states to be used by our enemies to hit the USA with Nuclear weapons for the Russians. China already was advised of our concerns and the message in the State of the Union address was to signal North Korea that China was with the USA against them...and to warn the others that we knew of their plans to attack the USA with nuclear missiles. Thus N. Korea, Iran & Iraq Axis of Evil was coined in his State of the Union address by Michael Gerson and many thought him crazy and totally out of his mind, But George Bush already knew the truth. 2001 Jesus warned President Bush that the Russians had nuclear stealth missiles in space, that he should go ahead with his missile defense plans no matter what the Democrats said. Bush confronted Putin face to face at the G-8 economic conference and all future opposition to a new US missile defense melted when Putin admitted many threats existed to the USA and he would not stand in our way for a robust missile defense system. The ABM treaty was broken and all shouts of opposition in Europe and Congress ended quietly. President Bush quotes Jesus 50 times in State of Union Speech. 2003 Presidential State of the Union address was on Monday and on the Friday before; Jesus said tell the president what he should say to the nation. I wrote what Jesus said was the heritage of the USA to protect the free world and civilization. It was a long letter. Monday night I sat with my marker and found 50 phrases from Jesus letter in the presidents address. When OPEC was in the hands of Chavez of Venezuela for 2 years this office of the DC prophet wrote the contracts for 20 year oil deals for Japan and India. When the Catholic church and France tried to destabilize US oil from Venezuela as we went into Iraq as a loud message to the USA to stop the war threats George W. Bush tried to help the Coup de tat and Hugo Chavez was ousted for one day. I wrote for Jesus a scathing letter of geo politics from Jesus view point and told the president that Iran President Khatami and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez are good friends and we need both when Russia comes into the Middle East with the Muslims. Jesus will turn Iran and all OPEC against the Russian invasion after the USA may be hit with a rogue terror nuclear attack and we need Iran and Chavez to turn OPEC and the Muslim World to the USA then. Bush dropped all opposition to Chavez then. Oil is in the president's blood but he is president of America not the Oil Boys of the oil industry. Bush past that test from Jesus. France was suddenly to become OPENLY The stick in USA's throat over freedoms in Iraq. Jesus called it on France ahead of time. Overwhelming force is needed to break the rebellion and murders by PLO in Israel Jesus commanded Ariel Sharon stop being micromanaged by Colin Powel at the US State Dept. Ariel Sharon moved tanks in an out of the West Bank PLO towns and cities and Powel commanded they be moved out that very same day and Ariel Sharon caved in daily. IT was grieving Jesus to see the USA play God to Israel and he had me write Ariel Sharon on it. YOU are to lead Israel and Bush the USA. You are both pissing your pants in the face of troubles from the nations that the terrorists threaten and use as a base. You have to show Bush how to be a tough guy and you must use Overwhelming force against the terrorist PLO. I said, this prophet did not make any Vows to Bush that precluded me from taking a sword to PLO Arafat. Send me a ticked I have a large Samurai Sword all picked out for the job to lop off his head in public. Jesus shows up in Sharon manifest a little. Sharon went into West Bank towns and cities with the tanks and stayed for months knocking down PLO head Arafat's offices and compound. All the while Bush and Powel screaming commands at Israel and Sharon to get out today tomorrow or please by next week all to no avail. Jesus showed Sharon how to stand tough and tall, and Bush learned from Jesus as they both read each others e-mails that I sent them on all security issues Jesus adressed. Colin Powel got the same e-mails of Jesus messages to Sharon. Jesus teaching how to govern so freedoms can be established in 100 nations by using Overwhelming force. Once peace is established local rule can be trusted. Regime change is Jesus motto for any who do not allow civilized rule and freedoms in there nation. Sharon first moved in the nature of Christ and then Bush. If God can teach these two how to manifest Jesus nature he can teach you too. MAFIA took monies to kill the Two Witnesses in 1981. Round 1 Jesus killed the hit man with late term cancer. He was only 25. The MOB got scared and went to the Boston Cardinal Medeiros for permission to continue the hit hunt into Europe. Round 2 Mederios was killed by God and so was John Gotti's son in 1981 and the MAFIA wars and snitching that jailed and killed 1,000's ensued both in NY and Boston. Round 3 In 2003 Jesus commanded me to write to John Gotti and demand the $300,000 hit monies be sent to me as proof that no more tries to kill these Two Ministers would be attempted, or you and family members would be killed by God. They refused and one month later John Gotti was dead and so was Bananos. Round 4. My advisor on security said to me it does not count they both were old men Gottis face was falling off with cancer. Jesus agreed. YOU are not yet fearless and completely trusting of God to be able to protect you and the church in the future and after you write or voice His messages you still worry Jeff, Jesus said... the proving test of your trustworthy loyalty under pressure must continue.Round 5 I write to all news papers and all 5 MAFIA families and Gotti's punk son in a NY jail and said you all will also be dead if you do not oblige Jesus demands to send your wealth to me and get out of the country. I demanded $10 million from each MAFIA FAMILY. I threatened to take out a class action suite, RICO style, and seize all their homes and businesses and have them all deported. God had Gotti Jr. and kin put in solitary confinement. No reply yet. Jesus gave me dreams about target acquisition missile defense technology and I gave it to the US Pentagon and to Israel. It had diagrams and dark matter wave propagation triangulation systems with Gyroscopic mathematics to the 24th dimension. The Jews took it as from God and developed it, the US did not. With in one month the Jews could shoot down an F-18 missile with another F-18's missile the system was so accurate. It is the bases for the advances in the Patriot and other land to air based missile defense system just used in the Iraq war with such great accuracy. God is serious about the USA defending the Liberty of the Free World. Again by drean technology given to me taken from the Japan nuclear disaster accident the blue phase release of nuclear radiation was shown the USA and Israel to be added with a supercooled superconductive cycle to laser kill cannons so they could be minturized to fit on F-18 jets as the prophet Daniel had dreamed 2500 years ago about our times and wars. God is true and you can take his words and dream information to the bank. Saudi Crown Prince cries Uncle to God and sues Jesus for peace. I sent dream technology to Vice President Cheney on new nuclear core power plant re-design and to all of Congress and the nuclear funding in the energy budget went from $30 million to $30 billion in one year. The 22 year nuclear protest of US nuclear technology shut down ( Camped out in front of the White House 24 hrs a day, since bunny rabbit scaredy cat Carter days.) We tried to get them arrested for drug use and sales. Some one, I will not say who, stole their bicycle and threw it in the Potomac River for the Vice President's cause. After a few months the White House Secret Service reviewed the tapes and spoke to a friend about the matter. Nothing happened. Whoever says Jesus is not Bold daring and fun to hang around with, has never worked for him and does not know him yet? He took whips to the money changers at the temple, chased their cattle and scared them to never come back. He did the same to these anti-US protesters. Bush and the auto industry declared a new drive for a US economy of Hydrogen Fuel based on research technology in the future and Cheney sent me a letter asking me to pursue the new US nuclear power plant core re-design technology for mass produced small, safe 10MW nuclear engines. Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah chokes on new US technology and sues Israel for peace. I sent , with Jesus advice, the geo-political results of this new technology to Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah by a letter explaining that all his oil would be worth was, for pounding dessert sand in a few years. The Crown Prince sued Israel for peace one month later. At the peace conference he kissed Iraq Hussein on both cheeks and did not mean it in a MAFIA sense but the results are the same. It was a prophetic kiss of death, none the less for Hussein. The Arab world still hates the US and Israel and their words belie their actions. Jesus is Israel's protector and a terror to her enemies. India/Pakistan Nuclear War showdown is a precursor to Russian nuclear move's against USA/Israel in Middle East. Pakistani President (My bastard kid ) and renegade religious government promoting nut case full up with Pride, Pervez Musharraf...after helping the USA in Afghanistan tried to start troubles by religion in Kashmir and India again. He had the Indian Parliament attacked under his own military orders killing many Indian leaders. India moved to threaten a nuclear war. Jesus said it is the Pakistani nut general's religious government idiot-ology moves that did this thing. Musharraf then attacked a train in India killing many Buddhists. Tell India and the general that the USA would back India and fight with her in any such war, Jesus said to write. And tell Pakistan the US will convert it's 5,000 extra nuclear ICBM's to Smart Bombs in India's defense. The general backed down, after Jesus explained 40 million Pakistani would die and hardly any Indians in a nuclear exchange, because of his religious government intolerance. Jesus saves lives. Blessed are the peace makers. 2003 Turkey Killing Kurds mentality comes into Iraq war scenario. For some reason President Bush and Colin Powel think that Turkey can do what ever she wants in Iraq with the Kurds and the US will just take it lying down. Jesus threatens a new Earthquake in Turkey if she moves into Iraq against the the peaceful Kurds. Bush looks at Jesus threats and her past history toward the Kurds and tells Turkey to buzz off. US & British Pilots killed for murder. In the Iraq war a US jet pilot dropped bombs on purpose on the open food market killing many civilians in Baghdad for revenge. Jesus attacked the US aircraft carrier and jets with a long blackout sand storm sent from the desert to just this one pilots ship in the middle of the ocean...just that one ship. It blacked out all sight and many jets had to land blind, threatening all the pilot's lives Jesus told me to tell the president if he did not take care of this pilot and take him out of service Jesus would sink that US aircraft carrier with in days. Patriot missiles were targeted on that pilot's jet and a British pilot who did the same thing the next day. It was reported as a battle field mistake like the Kosovo' Chinese Embassy hits by 4 US cruise missiles. Governor Schweiker of PA refused to protect the 11 nuclear power plants. He replaced HomeLand Security head, Governor Tom Ridge. Said Schweiker "I will not defend the 11 PA nuclear power plants with National Guard units." Jesus sent me to Harrisburg, PA to insist he send in the National Guard. The first letter did nothing. The second letter I sent, Jesus told me to release Intel information from the Pentagon on secret threat attack scenarios that we had given the nuclear protection task force there. The Governor announced that day a new policy for the National Guard to protect PA's 11 nuclear power plants. Foreign terrorists use of public computers thwarted. While in Harrisburg Jesus had me develop a public library e-mail security ID search program because these computers were being used anonamously against the USA by terrorists cells so their own home computers could not be traced. The program was instituted around the USA at state, city, towns and many College and University libraries to demand ID's to all users of public computers under strict time logue use for easy identification. Jesus has plans for America to defend all free nations and to bring prosperity to the poor nations. 100 nations needing some type of regime change. He is defending you by the Holy Spirit actions you read here and many more works, by others he directs you and I do not see, because you are doing HIS work to free these nation's peoples from oppression and poverty. 2003 Trent Lott says he wants to re-enslave the blacks. Jesus says sit down Trent Lott and I write Bush and Lott and that ended that. It is a war of the human nature church against the holy Spirit filled black churches Jesus said to tell the president ...You will lose this battle against God get Lott out of there Mr. president. 2002-2003 I filed a Court Brief for the demolition of the secret temple of the Masonic lodge, commonly known as the Washington Monument as an establishment of religion and a signal of the secret power over the US government of the Masons in Congress. In Summary Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and Judgment is come to his church to sanctify it. 2003 500 Tornados in the US Bible belt signal a church Regime change from the denominations to the Holy Spirit filled. No rain in the old churches will call out those who love Jesus who do not yet obey the call of Jesus rule over them. God is at war with the human nature and those who refuse the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the evidences to prove they acted like Christ more than once at Water Baptism; Prophecy and Speaking in Tongues, Overcoming All sin and the full Mature manifesting of Jesus nature. 2002-2003 Jesus sends the prophet into Wash., DC Muslim Mosque and Saudi Embassy. Jesus was fearless and Paul and many Apostles lost their lives confronting church fathers. Jesus said "you have gone into 350 churches around the USA and you now say the Iran and Pakistani presidents must do the same to stop their crazy clerics. Go confront them your self first." So I did. Your god is a silent dumb dead god who tells you to kill and hate and your dead prophet lied about Jesus. You have told your god to shut up after Mohamed and that you, like the pope, will run things down here on earth and it is sitting on God's throne like the Pope. This is man's religious philosophy to oppress millions by rote prayers, silly doctrines and formal religious ceremony made up by self appointed men, all of which God hates. Who can tell me today what allah says? Won't any one come out and tell me what silent allah says? Won't any one come out and defend allah's honor? For 10 days at the Mosque and Washington, DC Saudi Embassy. Jesus showed me in 2001 how the Early first church after Pentecost was suddenly ablaze with Jesus nature revealed and manifest in the Apostles and especially new believers who had not any of Jesus nature to draw on except what God was downloading to them suddenly, by prophecy and after speaking in prayer in new tongues... He said it was like down loading discs into a new computer. Instant revealtional prophecy and knowledge of God, Jesus and their nature...much more than any of you have ever seen. Do you want me to show you he said? Yes Yes Yes. Go to Columbus, OH and I will pour it out for all to see, a little, at Pastor Rod Parsley's church and I went and Jesus did it and Rod Parsley said THIS IS A Pentecost EVENT. A young man wanting to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit was ordered by Jesus through Rod Parsley to start his ministry in Christ right now, moments after getting up from being slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues and prophesying in public. A known confessed drug addict just weeks before and now ministering to an obvious drugged shell of a youngman...Mark laid hands on the drug addict for the Holy Spirit baptism and this 2nd young man almost went through the floor under the Holy Spirit power. The Kingdom in understanding and power was being transferred in great torrents to these two new believers who knew nothing much of scripture and Holy Spirit leading but there it was in them for all to see, now both prophecying and speaking in tongues manifesting the Christ like love for and expectation of God...what do you want us to do next amazement. I and Parsley knew what God had just done. Later on my return to DC from a 6 month stay at my Brother's home in PA Jesus opened the spiritual rains and He and Our father manifested in revelations for 2 hours between me and John Testo. It was simply awesome continual revelation and spoken understanding of God's nature not just revealed but flowing manifest through us as if they had consumed us first Jesus for an hour and a half then The Father for 20 minutes of fellowship by the words and mannerisms in and through us both. I have never seen that except in the Two Witnesses whom are still in hiding and not yet in public ministry in the fullness of Jesus manifest fully overcoming and perfected. The church does not even imagine what is about to transpire in and through you In Christ Jesus nature for the Glory of God. I think Jesse Duplantis is a witness and I know none other save these few examples out of Season, for a shout from heaven to look out to what is about to come... It is Supernaturally Spectacular you could not imagine God would give us so much of him self in person. Jesus knows this love from God and now HE, Jesus is given it to us.... so we will know his love for God and God's love for Jesus and now for us. God then said We are ready. Meaning if I can use Jeff, of whom every one had given up hope on to come back and finnish his race, to do this thing: his preordained mission under the anointed, perfected, overcoming ministry of Jesus in the Two Witnesses fully manifest, then I can use anyone who also runs this race to become fully mature in Christ Jesus. God says do not be in pride or think your selves special this is just your reasonable service and duty to render these things unto God and his people. Acceptable In the Quickening of the Holy Spirit Only. Donations & Funding Send any donations to this prophet's office support in Washington, DC to the address listed at the top of this pamphlet. In Jesus name we will thankfully accept them and continue to hold the leaders to a high standard of stewardship. Keep your self holy and pray for Jesus to be revealed in you as he is in us by the preaching of the Pauline doctrines, given to Jesus by God. Ready your hearts for the work and funding in these new nations, emerging into the Liberty from God. We are called to fund Jesus work and the infrastructure devlopment of these new nations by Our private enterprise and investments. Get ready for that message and call. Jesus said to me, "Jeff, I have given you my debit card with $8 Trillion on it. This is my core church $8 trillion go and take it out of the fishes mouth's (their assets). Tell them I have need of it, and with them create great wealth in all these nations where you will go in my name. Because you thithed 100% for 10 years and then these last 6 you have spent 100% of your time and monies in my labors they will give all they have to you to direct a great international bank with their current moneys and future wealth that you shall create for them for my work...By this new bank loan them under your management aech$5 Million and create good assets in many nations until they hold under this bank management for their use and co partnership each $15 million in new assets and increase the numbers of co-partners in this venture with Global Corporations bringing high standards of goods and services to these nations, which you will all sign long term contracts with as investor-owners, so as they get rich so do you and the church work for this Latter age and the next, in the 1,000 Year Reign. But I said will they listen to me and obey? Jesus said I gave Moses a stick and miracles to show the Jews in Egypt so they will believe and obey him. Show the current Holy Spirit filled ministers and churches these works and miracles and if they do not obey you they will never believe me, nor let me rule over them. Find others who will and I will send them new ministers that I will raise up from their midst. Jeff Barrett HotmailŪ Inbox | Previous Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From : "jeffrey barrett" To : Subject : Prophet in DC lists the events that reveal the glory of Christ in him mightily. Date : Tue, 01 Jul 2003 14:52:15 -0400 Jeffrey Barrett a Christian prophet of Jesus in Washington, DC under the anointing of the Two Witnesses. NewHeaven/GlobalStrategic 733 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-393-0500 Not by your might nor by your power but by MY Spirit Says the Lord, Our God. Lev:25:10 Proclaim LIBERTY to all inhabitants in all Lands! Preface "They glorified Christ in me mightily." Paul the Apostle boldly spoke of God's intentions to place Jesus manifest in us fully and he did so in Paul, all the Apostles and their churches and is now in his church under the anointing of the Two Witnesses' ministry as Jesus spoke to John in Revelation chapter 11 to us of them in this age. This prophet is spoken of in Revelation chapter 6 in his work to ready the nations for the new ministry of Jesus like at Pentecost that ran for 70 years before man's religion took it over and ruined it for these 2,000 years. God is at war with those rebellious churches in the rebellious nations. The Two Witnesses ensure that Jesus can be created in you fully mature and manifest. This prophet is proof of their ministry anointing and the Glory of God in them by the works of their sent prophet, whom I am, under their ministry, in Christ Jesus. This is a summary of the works of Jesus and God by the Holy Spirit of this writings to the nations and the glory of Jesus and God in this prophet for all the church to see and wonder at. This is the report of God: it is HIS proof that HE has established the ministry of Jesus again in the earth fully manifest under the anointing of these Two Witnesses which these works are established by for the glory of our God. Jesus is manifest in his church in fullness, there is no more justification for your sins and lacks in Christ Jesus. The care of all the church is in their hearts as it was in Paul's. He went Conquering and to Conquer. The Mountains melted at Jesus' presence and the nations trembled at his bright appearing in his ministry first, the clouds, where you shall see him first appearing: then in you. An introduction to The Call of this prophet "The Mind of Christ To the Nations." a book summary of a 1,000 page book of the letters to the nations and church. By Prophet Jeff Barrett, 2003 I shall put my words in your mouth and you shall write and speak them to whom ever I shall send you, to Presidents, Kings and Princes. Do not prepare before that hour what to say, all that you write or speak will be wisdom from the Holy Spirit. "Look Jeff" said Jesus to me, don't try to make this too hard nor too religious, it is just this simple: I will wisper in your ear what you are to write or say and you say or write it. Is that too hard?" I laughed for 2 days at how simple it was made for me. Then Jesus showed me those millions that had and will die because of my past mistakes and I cried for 2 days and then we went to the work to demand all nations be free and open to all freedoms and religions so God's preaching would have favor where ever God's dialogue was to occur in calling his children to come out of the strange churches so Jesus could rule over His church. See that you do my preachers no harm. I was anointed in this work by Jesus and God in 1980 for these days. We 10-24 lived together, had favor with man and God and owned a large luxury house for church, offices and a common holy residence for 10 years. All working and having all things common, tithing to Jesus as his church did of 100% of our earnings receiving back the daily ministry and priesthood of Jesus and God in person and the leading of the Holy Spirit and his quickeneing wisdom and power with all the spiritual gifts, functioning from glory to glory until the bright appearing of Jesus to us. I ran in fear and they went into his Rest. I followed on only after I was called the second time. I ran for 13 yrs. Ask your self if there is any time for you to run any more from the beginning or finnishing of your spiritual race? 10 years at the most and we go to heaven. Why stand around gazing at what is done, in Christ, look to Jesus' nature to come alive through you and learn to love being his friend and God's. Your work can only then be acceptable in perfect obedience. Hang with God and your purpose too will be fullfilled so many may be saved. Jesus said to the nations: 1998...A HEALING of a KING By fasting and prayer I was sent by Jesus to Washington, DC to announce to King Hussein of Jordan by letter to his medical doctors that after 10 years of their failure by their hands and his god, allah, they could not heal the king of his cancer. Jesus by the hand of Jehovah, Our God, had now healed the good King, in one day, of all his cancer. The King was healed and so announced it to the world...the destroyer took note that King Hussein would not give the glory to God, Jehovah nor his Son Jesus, and so the King died in that lie having given the glory by a lie to allah who is not the true image nor is he THE true God. You all must face your death judgment at least once and Jesus alone is given power over death by God. Do you need a savior yet? 1999 A Healing of a Friend Ron Hubbard dying of advanced cancer with 6 months to live: Jesus said to me over the phone to my Parrot raising friend Tell Ron I am healing him right now. I said Jesus is healing you right now. He was healed. Ron said I need something. Faith and an opening from Jesus. 1998..National destruction of Egypt avoided by a Warning. By letter to President Hosny Mubarak of Egypt I sent Jesus' message that the destroyer would again enter Egypt IF Mubarak placed the Gold Cap upon the old religious temples of the Pyramids that opens this nation again to the death of the underworld. "Mr. President", God said "You will have but 10 days to live in terror if you do not repent of this evil toward Egypt". Mubarak at the ceremony said the capping was canceled because it was a Jewish plot against Egypt. But by obedience he saved many Egyptians from death. TURKEY WARNED of DESTRUCTION TONIGHT! I was awakened by Jesus and the Holy Spirit and commanded to warn Turkey not to kill the Kurds and their leader on trial for war crimes. God, Our Father, spoke to the military attache at the Turkish Embassy at 9:30 PM. Jehovah the Living God said "This night I will destroy Turkey by another huge Earthquake equal to the last at 7.4 and a nuclear accident like at Russian, Chernobyl. Turkey is represented by YOU and what you say in repentance, NOW, shall be her judgment this night." He and I and all in Kinko's trembled at God's words that I spoke by prophecy. The Military Attache said " What shall we do" He had repented and Jesus spoke to what Turkey must do as good stewards to all citizens of Turkey and they did so soon after. The Morning Papers had the reports of the diverted earthquake and nuclear accident to Mexico and Japan. God sent the nations of the world a message: Stop the ethnic killing in your nations or I will kill your bad leaders. I have placed you in power to be good stewards, do so or I will regime change you all. INDIAN PM to be removed from power. India Buddhist citizens had beaten Christians in a small village. The Christians had painted a cross on a large rock, deadly troubles ensued. I went in Christ to the Embassy to speak to minister Roy about the troubles. India was at odds to Jesus' command to be good stewards toward the poor Buddhists and all the Muslims and Christians whom they loved to beat, kill and terrorize and now these Christians faced death. Minister Roy denied all such things as lies. He wanted proof, he had not heard of any such things in India. He lied. The next day I brought the reports of the Christian homes being burnt to the ground in the New York Times and This message for India PM Vajpayee. " You will be taken out of power IF you do not change these evil ways to all these helpless people in India. I put you in power and I will soon take you out of power, Jesus says by the power God has given him over the nations" The Indian Parliament, only two weeks later voted PM Vajpayee out of office by a vote of no confidence and he had to face a new election. God speaks many things by his prophets. The nations better listen. Religious tolerance is to be in all nations or else regime change will be ordered. Jesus Commands a General, He obeys and Jesus makes him President. General Pervez Musharraf entered the Kashmiri Mts. in Indian territory and refused to leave even by his own PM's orders. I sent him a command by Jesus and he had to obey Jesus because Jesus is a higher authority. Musharraf obeyed the strong message sent by this prophet in Christ to the military attache at the Washington, DC Pakistani Embassy. Months later the Pakistani PM tried to kill the general and Jesus saved him and gave him the nation to rule that very day for his past obedience, and to place him in power so this prophet could command him for Jesus in the Afghanistan war while I was at the Pentagon during the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York and at the Pentagon. The US Intelligence teams asked me how to get the new Pakistani leader to obey them? I said do not ask but command him and he will obey. Jesus has placed him in power and he is fearless to any troubles around him; he will do any thing you command him to do for this work. And he did. Jesus told me to order Newt Gingrich to charge President Bill Clinton with High Treason in giving away American securities, missile and nuclear secrets to China and many of our enemies, Gingrich refused. Jesus took him out of power that week. I went into Bob Livingston's office and he refused to charge Clinton with Treason and he was out a few days later by Jesus' power. Hastert was next in power as speaker and Jesus said do no more it is done. I have given the Republicans authority to take power from Clinton and they will now protect the nation for the remainder of his office. I give that power to Cohen, Lugar, Lott, Delay, Hyde and Rehnquist. Clinton will remain in office but under their power, review and strong hand. KOSOVO war ends by Jesus command to Russian President Boris Yeltsin to order Milosevic to withdraw his troops. No soldiers had died on the NATO side by Jesus hand. I have lent my army to protect the defenseless Muslims of Kosovo. I wrote the most loving letter to Yeltsin and Jesus called him a good friend for the freeing of Eastern Europe and some what Russia. He told Boris that that was his appointed purpose in life and now this too. Would he oblige Jesus request? He did. The war was over. Thank you Boris, in Jesus name for Saving many lives. China sent a loud warning by Republican protectors of America, saving USA citizens from Chinese military plans of destruction. Iran Khatami makes contact with US Secretary of Defense William Cohen by way of this prophet's office. I raced to the Iran office for visas on Wisconsin Ave. and gave them the name of a contact of the Pentagon agent for Cohen whom I had met the day before at a Senate hearing to announce plans to take charge over President Clinton's Dept. of Energy in charge of US nuclear and missile technology now compromised. Iran Khatami was very upset with Chinese plans to harm the USA. I gave the new former FBI agent the message from Iran moderate Khatami. A few days later the Republicans sent 4 cruise missiles into the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo. I later wrote the Chinese saying it was no mistake but a warning. The FBI followed me after the Iran meeting and I dropped the name of the Cohen agent and they left. My Father healed in 2001 I was at my Older brother Michaels' home in Pennsylvania when we heard my fathers surgery had gone wrong and he now had aneurisms in his blood vessels after a shunt was installed after a 15 yr long bought with heart attack threatening Triple by pass surgery and such. Now it looked like I may not have a father for long. I drove from PA to Southern MA then to Providence to be at his surgery. I prayed for hours as he laid on the table. The doctors had made a mistake. He had pricked my dad's blood vessels and now may paralyze my dad if things go wrong. Things went wrong, the TV monitor could not be rectified and the doctor left the room in chaos. I continued to pray and never knew all this. But Jesus made all go well and he completely healed him. Today my dad is running around like a 25 year old. He is a healthy 79 years old. Thank you Jesus. 2003 My Mom became severely ill and almost died on a Thursday night with congestive heart, lung and kidney failure. An aggressive regime to rid her of 70 pounds of fluid was underway and the doctors and my sister saw the vital signs that night and I was told by Jesus your mom will die tonight. And my mom said I won't be here in the morning. I prayed and cried like a baby and King Hezekiah. The Holy Spirit had me turn for comfort to the King's promise from God of 15 more years of good health. Jesus said we leave for heaven in 10 but the deal is for all your mother's great service to me. Now make sure she gets Spirit preaching so she can come to heaven when I come for you all. My mother Rita raised her mothers 14 kids, her 8 kids and 18 grand and 2 great grand children. She was tired. Now it is spiritual works rather than fleshly works for her. I am not cleaning house or cooking ever again she declared. Again my dearest friend Jesus saved a life for me by prayer. 2003 China in flood troubles 10 million threatened. The news reported three Chinese rivers would crest in the night toppling dikes around the largest manmade lake in the world. Reports were for 13 more feet of water as the three rivers were to crest this night. Jesus cried to me to pray and call the embassy and e-mail the Chinese leaders that He wanted to stop the flooding and save the 10 million peoples homes and many deaths this night. Time was very important he told me because if China's leaders would not give free will permission for him to move in China he could not stop the imminent destruction. I prayed and wrote the letters and made the phone calls. Not knowing the Chinese response I prayed all night. In the morning was reported the out come. The Large Dongting Lake water level had gone down 1 inch instead of up 13 feet. A miracle had occurred that changed Chinese government's minds about Jesus power and intentions for China. Jesus had made contact in a dialogue with them that night proving his power and authority. I have put you in power in China Jesus had told them a few years before and they allowed the opening of China to the Holy Spirit broadcasts ot TBN TV Preaching of Jesus' message. The Christians are commanded by Jesus to obey the government and pay all taxes, right? The Holy Spirit movement, I told the Embassy military attache, is no threat to China unlike man's religion as in the Catholic church union strikes and political activities. It is not right in God's eyes for them to do such things against governments to topple them. China arrested Catholic bishops later that month, seeing God had no respect for man's religion. I laughed and wrote them to be tolerant of all religions. Twice the Chinese Embassy Ambassador called for Paul and Jan Crouch to explain to them about the Holy Spirit and Jesus asking specifically about commands for obedience to all governments and tax laws. Yes some where that is in Our bible said Paul Croch on TV. Then he and his wife were called to preach to the Politburo on the Holy Spirit movement and China was opened to Satellite TV broadcast in Jesus name. People sick and dying in China from pollution helped by Jesus compassion and action. 2002 This prophet was told by Jesus to get China new technology for better clean coal power plants. TB and emphysema in China is epidemic and Jesus wanted the US fluid bed coal technology transferred to China. I wrote to the State Dept. and to PPL where my brother Michael Barrett worked and the deal was done soon after. Prophet laughed at at US Pentagon by Intel Official until troubles struck. 2001 While working at the Pentagon bragging about my contacts with Iran, President Khatami and Pakistan President General Musharraf, the William Cohen intel agent Chris was un-impressed and mildly amused by the blabbering prophets claims, UNTIL the plains crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and war was imminent in Afghanistan. He then 3 times daily came for advices about how to handle Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. I said Jesus calls him "Mushy" He knows Jesus commanded him to come out of the Kashmir Mts. and for obedience he is now president by Jesus hand. he is fearless by Jesus work in him over the last year and will do anything you ask him to do. The General did more than they could ever have expected. Jesus is preparing many things for the saving of peoples lives. Rely on Jesus and men he has placed in power will obey your requests and commands if you are from Jesus....if it is to help them be better good stewards of their nations and if it will save lives. 2000 While in Senator Fred Thompson's office to promote Jesus friend, Iran President Seyed Khatami, I met 5 Iranian woman bent on his death telling the Senator that President Khatami was as evil as religious leader Khemeini. Jesus said they are going to try and Kill Khatami: warn him! Later I also was commanded to warn the president about Rafsanjani's assassination attempt on his life. Jesus had twice saved Khatami's life by warning days before the assignation tries. The Holy Spirit spans the globe 24 hours a day in Supernatural Godly Power and concern for us and the world. 2002 President George W. Bush was warned by this prophet about a death threat by terrorists in the USA and he did not attend any open public meetings for that 2 week period warned of by Jesus. The next day we was out and about in public. 2003 on Feb 22 Jesus said this is a day of grave judgment on the USA. Warn every one of coming destruction to NY and DC on this day if they do not repent of their sins. The President went to Texas for safe keeping. I prayed in the subway system of DC and went to large Hotels to see what preparations had been made incase of huge casualties. Jesus moved a nation to be warned and it was moved to prepare and repent and destruction was averted. 2002 Jesus said to tell the president that North Korea was a nuclear rogue state and the one to most likely try to nuke the USA by vessels at sea with Chinese missiles and Russian or French nuclear war heads. Then Iran and finally Iraq were the most likely rogue states to be used by our enemies to hit the USA with Nuclear weapons for the Russians. China already was advised of our concerns and the message in the State of the Union address was to signal North Korea that China was with the USA against them...and to warn the others that we knew of their plans to attack the USA with nuclear missiles. Thus N. Korea, Iran & Iraq Axis of Evil was coined in his State of the Union address by Michael Gerson and many thought him crazy and totally out of his mind, But George Bush already knew the truth. 2001 Jesus warned President Bush that the Russians had nuclear stealth missiles in space, that he should go ahead with his missile defense plans no matter what the Democrats said. Bush confronted Putin face to face at the G-8 economic conference and all future opposition to a new US missile defense melted when Putin admitted many threats existed to the USA and he would not stand in our way for a robust missile defense system. The ABM treaty was broken and all shouts of opposition in Europe and Congress ended quietly. President Bush quotes Jesus 50 times in State of Union Speech. 2003 Presidential State of the Union address was on Monday and on the Friday before; Jesus said tell the president what he should say to the nation. I wrote what Jesus said was the heritage of the USA to protect the free world and civilization. It was a long letter. Monday night I sat with my marker and found 50 phrases from Jesus letter in the presidents address. When OPEC was in the hands of Chavez of Venezuela for 2 years this office of the DC prophet wrote the contracts for 20 year oil deals for Japan and India. When the Catholic church and France tried to destabilize US oil from Venezuela as we went into Iraq as a loud message to the USA to stop the war threats George W. Bush tried to help the Coup de tat and Hugo Chavez was ousted for one day. I wrote for Jesus a scathing letter of geo politics from Jesus view point and told the president that Iran President Khatami and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez are good friends and we need both when Russia comes into the Middle East with the Muslims. Jesus will turn Iran and all OPEC against the Russian invasion after the USA may be hit with a rogue terror nuclear attack and we need Iran and Chavez to turn OPEC and the Muslim World to the USA then. Bush dropped all opposition to Chavez then. Oil is in the president's blood but he is president of America not the Oil Boys of the oil industry. Bush past that test from Jesus. France was suddenly to become OPENLY The stick in USA's throat over freedoms in Iraq. Jesus called it on France ahead of time. Overwhelming force is needed to break the rebellion and murders by PLO in Israel Jesus commanded Ariel Sharon stop being micromanaged by Colin Powel at the US State Dept. Ariel Sharon moved tanks in an out of the West Bank PLO towns and cities and Powel commanded they be moved out that very same day and Ariel Sharon caved in daily. IT was grieving Jesus to see the USA play God to Israel and he had me write Ariel Sharon on it. YOU are to lead Israel and Bush the USA. You are both pissing your pants in the face of troubles from the nations that the terrorists threaten and use as a base. You have to show Bush how to be a tough guy and you must use Overwhelming force against the terrorist PLO. I said, this prophet did not make any Vows to Bush that precluded me from taking a sword to PLO Arafat. Send me a ticked I have a large Samurai Sword all picked out for the job to lop off his head in public. Jesus shows up in Sharon manifest a little. Sharon went into West Bank towns and cities with the tanks and stayed for months knocking down PLO head Arafat's offices and compound. All the while Bush and Powel screaming commands at Israel and Sharon to get out today tomorrow or please by next week all to no avail. Jesus showed Sharon how to stand tough and tall, and Bush learned from Jesus as they both read each others e-mails that I sent them on all security issues Jesus adressed. Colin Powel got the same e-mails of Jesus messages to Sharon. Jesus teaching how to govern so freedoms can be established in 100 nations by using Overwhelming force. Once peace is established local rule can be trusted. Regime change is Jesus motto for any who do not allow civilized rule and freedoms in there nation. Sharon first moved in the nature of Christ and then Bush. If God can teach these two how to manifest Jesus nature he can teach you too. MAFIA took monies to kill the Two Witnesses in 1981. Round 1 Jesus killed the hit man with late term cancer. He was only 25. The MOB got scared and went to the Boston Cardinal Medeiros for permission to continue the hit hunt into Europe. Round 2 Mederios was killed by God and so was John Gotti's son in 1981 and the MAFIA wars and snitching that jailed and killed 1,000's ensued both in NY and Boston. Round 3 In 2003 Jesus commanded me to write to John Gotti and demand the $300,000 hit monies be sent to me as proof that no more tries to kill these Two Ministers would be attempted, or you and family members would be killed by God. They refused and one month later John Gotti was dead and so was Bananos. Round 4. My advisor on security said to me it does not count they both were old men Gottis face was falling off with cancer. Jesus agreed. YOU are not yet fearless and completely trusting of God to be able to protect you and the church in the future and after you write or voice His messages you still worry Jeff, Jesus said... the proving test of your trustworthy loyalty under pressure must continue.Round 5 I write to all news papers and all 5 MAFIA families and Gotti's punk son in a NY jail and said you all will also be dead if you do not oblige Jesus demands to send your wealth to me and get out of the country. I demanded $10 million from each MAFIA FAMILY. I threatened to take out a class action suite, RICO style, and seize all their homes and businesses and have them all deported. God had Gotti Jr. and kin put in solitary confinement. No reply yet. Jesus gave me dreams about target acquisition missile defense technology and I gave it to the US Pentagon and to Israel. It had diagrams and dark matter wave propagation triangulation systems with Gyroscopic mathematics to the 24th dimension. The Jews took it as from God and developed it, the US did not. With in one month the Jews could shoot down an F-18 missile with another F-18's missile the system was so accurate. It is the bases for the advances in the Patriot and other land to air based missile defense system just used in the Iraq war with such great accuracy. God is serious about the USA defending the Liberty of the Free World. Again by drean technology given to me taken from the Japan nuclear disaster accident the blue phase release of nuclear radiation was shown the USA and Israel to be added with a supercooled superconductive cycle to laser kill cannons so they could be minturized to fit on F-18 jets as the prophet Daniel had dreamed 2500 years ago about our times and wars. God is true and you can take his words and dream information to the bank. Saudi Crown Prince cries Uncle to God and sues Jesus for peace. I sent dream technology to Vice President Cheney on new nuclear core power plant re-design and to all of Congress and the nuclear funding in the energy budget went from $30 million to $30 billion in one year. The 22 year nuclear protest of US nuclear technology shut down ( Camped out in front of the White House 24 hrs a day, since bunny rabbit scaredy cat Carter days.) We tried to get them arrested for drug use and sales. Some one, I will not say who, stole their bicycle and threw it in the Potomac River for the Vice President's cause. After a few months the White House Secret Service reviewed the tapes and spoke to a friend about the matter. Nothing happened. Whoever says Jesus is not Bold daring and fun to hang around with, has never worked for him and does not know him yet? He took whips to the money changers at the temple, chased their cattle and scared them to never come back. He did the same to these anti-US protesters. Bush and the auto industry declared a new drive for a US economy of Hydrogen Fuel based on research technology in the future and Cheney sent me a letter asking me to pursue the new US nuclear power plant core re-design technology for mass produced small, safe 10MW nuclear engines. Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah chokes on new US technology and sues Israel for peace. I sent , with Jesus advice, the geo-political results of this new technology to Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah by a letter explaining that all his oil would be worth was, for pounding dessert sand in a few years. The Crown Prince sued Israel for peace one month later. At the peace conference he kissed Iraq Hussein on both cheeks and did not mean it in a MAFIA sense but the results are the same. It was a prophetic kiss of death, none the less for Hussein. The Arab world still hates the US and Israel and their words belie their actions. Jesus is Israel's protector and a terror to her enemies. India/Pakistan Nuclear War showdown is a precursor to Russian nuclear move's against USA/Israel in Middle East. Pakistani President (My bastard kid ) and renegade religious government promoting nut case full up with Pride, Pervez Musharraf...after helping the USA in Afghanistan tried to start troubles by religion in Kashmir and India again. He had the Indian Parliament attacked under his own military orders killing many Indian leaders. India moved to threaten a nuclear war. Jesus said it is the Pakistani nut general's religious government idiot-ology moves that did this thing. Musharraf then attacked a train in India killing many Buddhists. Tell India and the general that the USA would back India and fight with her in any such war, Jesus said to write. And tell Pakistan the US will convert it's 5,000 extra nuclear ICBM's to Smart Bombs in India's defense. The general backed down, after Jesus explained 40 million Pakistani would die and hardly any Indians in a nuclear exchange, because of his religious government intolerance. Jesus saves lives. Blessed are the peace makers. 2003 Turkey Killing Kurds mentality comes into Iraq war scenario. For some reason President Bush and Colin Powel think that Turkey can do what ever she wants in Iraq with the Kurds and the US will just take it lying down. Jesus threatens a new Earthquake in Turkey if she moves into Iraq against the the peaceful Kurds. Bush looks at Jesus threats and her past history toward the Kurds and tells Turkey to buzz off. US & British Pilots killed for murder. In the Iraq war a US jet pilot dropped bombs on purpose on the open food market killing many civilians in Baghdad for revenge. Jesus attacked the US aircraft carrier and jets with a long blackout sand storm sent from the desert to just this one pilots ship in the middle of the ocean...just that one ship. It blacked out all sight and many jets had to land blind, threatening all the pilot's lives Jesus told me to tell the president if he did not take care of this pilot and take him out of service Jesus would sink that US aircraft carrier with in days. Patriot missiles were targeted on that pilot's jet and a British pilot who did the same thing the next day. It was reported as a battle field mistake like the Kosovo' Chinese Embassy hits by 4 US cruise missiles. Governor Schweiker of PA refused to protect the 11 nuclear power plants. He replaced HomeLand Security head, Governor Tom Ridge. Said Schweiker "I will not defend the 11 PA nuclear power plants with National Guard units." Jesus sent me to Harrisburg, PA to insist he send in the National Guard. The first letter did nothing. The second letter I sent, Jesus told me to release Intel information from the Pentagon on secret threat attack scenarios that we had given the nuclear protection task force there. The Governor announced that day a new policy for the National Guard to protect PA's 11 nuclear power plants. Foreign terrorists use of public computers thwarted. While in Harrisburg Jesus had me develop a public library e-mail security ID search program because these computers were being used anonamously against the USA by terrorists cells so their own home computers could not be traced. The program was instituted around the USA at state, city, towns and many College and University libraries to demand ID's to all users of public computers under strict time logue use for easy identification. Jesus has plans for America to defend all free nations and to bring prosperity to the poor nations. 100 nations needing some type of regime change. He is defending you by the Holy Spirit actions you read here and many more works, by others he directs you and I do not see, because you are doing HIS work to free these nation's peoples from oppression and poverty. 2003 Trent Lott says he wants to re-enslave the blacks. Jesus says sit down Trent Lott and I write Bush and Lott and that ended that. It is a war of the human nature church against the holy Spirit filled black churches Jesus said to tell the president ...You will lose this battle against God get Lott out of there Mr. president. 2002-2003 I filed a Court Brief for the demolition of the secret temple of the Masonic lodge, commonly known as the Washington Monument as an establishment of religion and a signal of the secret power over the US government of the Masons in Congress. In Summary Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and Judgment is come to his church to sanctify it. 2003 500 Tornados in the US Bible belt signal a church Regime change from the denominations to the Holy Spirit filled. No rain in the old churches will call out those who love Jesus who do not yet obey the call of Jesus rule over them. God is at war with the human nature and those who refuse the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the evidences to prove they acted like Christ more than once at Water Baptism; Prophecy and Speaking in Tongues, Overcoming All sin and the full Mature manifesting of Jesus nature. 2002-2003 Jesus sends the prophet into Wash., DC Muslim Mosque and Saudi Embassy. Jesus was fearless and Paul and many Apostles lost their lives confronting church fathers. Jesus said "you have gone into 350 churches around the USA and you now say the Iran and Pakistani presidents must do the same to stop their crazy clerics. Go confront them your self first." So I did. Your god is a silent dumb dead god who tells you to kill and hate and your dead prophet lied about Jesus. You have told your god to shut up after Mohamed and that you, like the pope, will run things down here on earth and it is sitting on God's throne like the Pope. This is man's religious philosophy to oppress millions by rote prayers, silly doctrines and formal religious ceremony made up by self appointed men, all of which God hates. Who can tell me today what allah says? Won't any one come out and tell me what silent allah says? Won't any one come out and defend allah's honor? For 10 days at the Mosque and Washington, DC Saudi Embassy. Jesus showed me in 2001 how the Early first church after Pentecost was suddenly ablaze with Jesus nature revealed and manifest in the Apostles and especially new believers who had not any of Jesus nature to draw on except what God was downloading to them suddenly, by prophecy and after speaking in prayer in new tongues... He said it was like down loading discs into a new computer. Instant revealtional prophecy and knowledge of God, Jesus and their nature...much more than any of you have ever seen. Do you want me to show you he said? Yes Yes Yes. Go to Columbus, OH and I will pour it out for all to see, a little, at Pastor Rod Parsley's church and I went and Jesus did it and Rod Parsley said THIS IS A Pentecost EVENT. A young man wanting to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit was ordered by Jesus through Rod Parsley to start his ministry in Christ right now, moments after getting up from being slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues and prophesying in public. A known confessed drug addict just weeks before and now ministering to an obvious drugged shell of a youngman...Mark laid hands on the drug addict for the Holy Spirit baptism and this 2nd young man almost went through the floor under the Holy Spirit power. The Kingdom in understanding and power was being transferred in great torrents to these two new believers who knew nothing much of scripture and Holy Spirit leading but there it was in them for all to see, now both prophecying and speaking in tongues manifesting the Christ like love for and expectation of God...what do you want us to do next amazement. I and Parsley knew what God had just done. Later on my return to DC from a 6 month stay at my Brother's home in PA Jesus opened the spiritual rains and He and Our father manifested in revelations for 2 hours between me and John Testo. It was simply awesome continual revelation and spoken understanding of God's nature not just revealed but flowing manifest through us as if they had consumed us first Jesus for an hour and a half then The Father for 20 minutes of fellowship by the words and mannerisms in and through us both. I have never seen that except in the Two Witnesses whom are still in hiding and not yet in public ministry in the fullness of Jesus manifest fully overcoming and perfected. The church does not even imagine what is about to transpire in and through you In Christ Jesus nature for the Glory of God. I think Jesse Duplantis is a witness and I know none other save these few examples out of Season, for a shout from heaven to look out to what is about to come... It is Supernaturally Spectacular you could not imagine God would give us so much of him self in person. Jesus knows this love from God and now HE, Jesus is given it to us.... so we will know his love for God and God's love for Jesus and now for us. God then said We are ready. Meaning if I can use Jeff, of whom every one had given up hope on to come back and finnish his race, to do this thing: his preordained mission under the anointed, perfected, overcoming ministry of Jesus in the Two Witnesses fully manifest, then I can use anyone who also runs this race to become fully mature in Christ Jesus. God says do not be in pride or think your selves special this is just your reasonable service and duty to render these things unto God and his people. Acceptable In the Quickening of the Holy Spirit Only. Donations & Funding Send any donations to this prophet's office support in Washington, DC to the address listed at the top of this pamphlet. In Jesus name we will thankfully accept them and continue to hold the leaders to a high standard of stewardship. Keep your self holy and pray for Jesus to be revealed in you as he is in us by the preaching of the Pauline doctrines, given to Jesus by God. Ready your hearts for the work and funding in these new nations, emerging into the Liberty from God. We are called to fund Jesus work and the infrastructure devlopment of these new nations by Our private enterprise and investments. Get ready for that message and call. Jesus said to me, "Jeff, I have given you my debit card with $8 Trillion on it. This is my core church $8 trillion go and take it out of the fishes mouth's (their assets). Tell them I have need of it, and with them create great wealth in all these nations where you will go in my name. Because you thithed 100% for 10 years and then these last 6 you have spent 100% of your time and monies in my labors they will give all they have to you to direct a great international bank with their current moneys and future wealth that you shall create for them for my work...By this new bank loan them under your management aech$5 Million and create good assets in many nations until they hold under this bank management for their use and co partnership each $15 million in new assets and increase the numbers of co-partners in this venture with Global Corporations bringing high standards of goods and services to these nations, which you will all sign long term contracts with as investor-owners, so as they get rich so do you and the church work for this Latter age and the next, in the 1,000 Year Reign. But I said will they listen to me and obey? Jesus said I gave Moses a stick and miracles to show the Jews in Egypt so they will believe and obey him. Show the current Holy Spirit filled ministers and churches these works and miracles and if they do not obey you they will never believe me, nor let me rule over them. Find others who will and I will send them new ministers that I will raise up from their midst. Jeff Barrett A Charismatic Infrastructure Investment Banking Co. The 1st City will be built in Prince Georges County; Temple Hills, MD. The Charismatic University City will be able to handle 2 million International students every two weeks. The Total Multi-Use City High Rise Buildings will house over 5 million peoples. The Design/Build costs will be $280 billion. We shall pay all taxes and not file for non tax status, for this Religious University, bringing over $1 billion per year in tax revenues to this county. A secound Charismatic University City will be built in the Fenway area of Boston, at a cost of over $52 Billion, as a Destination International City.

GlobalStrategic Co.
733 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005


The Charismatic church has 10 million core USA members with Current assetts of $8-14 Trillion. I am commanded by Jesus to bring God's wealth that you have into a central investment banking system. If you will not give it to Him for this great work he will take it from you and you will lose your salvation mission and possibly your adoption. We are ordered to increase these assets to a world wide wealth reaching $50 Trillion. That is the base banking needs to carry out the yearly infrastructure development and salvation mission costs of $15 Trillion annualy in all nations.

That is the amount Jesus says is needed to bring many nations' infrastructure needs up to top notch standards, and civilization to the oppressed nations that we are to bring the kingdom to and infect their leaders with good stewardship toward all or God will regime change them, not the church. We are to obey Ceasar and pay our taxes.

Jeus commands us to manage or operate many companies that will be created to develop the infrastructure and services needed in these new and old, free and open nations. One of the companies will be for Air Line transportation services. We will pay for the fuel, pilots, aircrafts and use the 15% empty seating for our members and for low fares around the world for new members to Come and SEE where Jesus many 100's of millions can come and hear preaching here in the USA and in their countries. We will be able to make many friends around the world from the coming and going to establish fellowship and trade for a larger effect in the salvation mission. WE ARE TO PROTECT AND FUND ALL THE NEW MINISTERS IN ALL NATIONS AND INSURE THEY CAN TRAVEL AND PREACH FREELY. That is This prophet's and our Global mandate! Under the Doctrines and protection of theTwo Witnesses of God and Jesus.

When Jesus is done creating the new church in his image for the Global Salvation mission, in Only The 2nd Full Public Ministry of Jesus in all of History, all directed from heaven: We are commanded to reach, with a Global Preaching the current 6 billion peoples of the world and the 2-3 more billion that will be here by the time we leave for heaven. we are to send the preachers in the next 3-10 years of time left to us on the planet, before Jesus comes to take us to heaven. Let's not waste any time or hold back any effort. SEIZE THE DAY!

This is The Latter Reign Church ...and of us, Daniel was told by the Angel about us and our times...Those Latter Days spoken of by that Angel; we are now in...

This is Jesus' church and he and God run it from heaven IN US...and he is raising up new ministers under the anointing of the Two Witnesses, Jesus spoke to John about when he was in the First Early Reign church... in Revelation Chapter 11. See Jeremiah's Lamentations chapter 3 for their hearts and ministry, it is not what you would expect.

In Luke, in many places, Jesus; then and now is speaking to His core church to get them ready for the new, "Pentacost Outpouring" on you and His church, that will cause many in the world to want to follow Jesus command to: "SELL ALL YOU HAVE AND COME AND SEE WHERE I ABIDE." Will you be abiding in Jesus enough to cause them to want to come and see?

We are commissioned to build NEW Large Charismatic cities CONSISTING OF many millions (2-5 Millions of peoples)SO THEY AND VISITIRS can hear and live in common fellowship as God and Jesus' demands of us they have a "hands on" ministry to the new church believers, nightly, personally, in the fresh preaching...If it is not Jesus and God fresh leading the preaching; it is the Absalom rebellion and the Nicolaitane* spirit Jesus hates, that so threatened his church then. He even now fights and defeats them from out of our stale preaching, only that which is led by the Holy Spirit. * See Rev: 1-4 The Nicolaitane spirit: is a doctrinal understanding that excludes the need for Jesus and God's presence in their church bringing a formal religion, based on past truths that are now stale with out God's fresh hand and Jesus ministering in person...Presumptious self apointed men seeking power by positional authority and not the hand of God and Jesus anointing upon them. This Jesus fights against to the death more than anything else because it kills Him and his church work in all who give honor to these EVIL mimickers. Repent If you have been after this type of preacher or have given honor to any church men like this. It is a spiritual plague that causes a seperation from God and Christ.

You are now called by Jesus to come and begin this work so when the world sees the Pentacost Outpouring INTO US or the Glory of God in us...they will have some where to Come and See and fill up their lamps of oil too, Where Jesus Abides in you and I. The Harvest is NOW and the flood gates will open soon after the current World Wide pressure of Jesus baptism of Fire for the whole earth begins to break. All people and nations tribes and tongues in rebellion to God and those who refuse to discipline themsleves will be greatly troubled. You see them in all the nations demanding a release from this trmendous pressure. It is only just begun. They think it is the USA and George Bush who has placed them in this pressure cooker. But if you have a controversy with your situation look to God because he has a controversy with you and all nations. He says I am the cause of YOUR troubles. Until WE have a one on one talk the fire only intensifies.

Mankind has a great dilemma and it is not just terroroists and N. Korea, Iran & Iraq. It is the flesh and human nature at war with you and God in each of us that no one could escape until Jesus came and the Spirit was poured out for us fully. God is bringing this problem to the forefront and no one can escape this situation or God's highlighting of your , My and the world peoples' personal stink and inability with out Jesus to escape the death sentance on us that satan has the power over the world to carry out in a global nuclear war. Only becasue God intervenes by creating in the Two Witnesses Jesus character fully manifest as they flow in the quickening power of the Holy Spirit in close fellowship with Jesus and God. Once they are given power to stop the troubles of chaos will their be any relief. This to show the world their is no escape except through Jesus. The Lord is letting you see the real reality of the situation from his vantage point. We all try to be nice and peace loving but it is a Big Lie. Now the truth of your true hearts condition will come out and it aint pretty. You will need a savior and Jesus is close at hand after the pressure is ended and the dictrines of God given to Jesus are commanded to be released into the earth for the second public ministry of Jesus in all of history...the 1900 years since Jesus first church lasting 70 or so years was shut down have been mostly mans trying to mimic Jesus full ministry and nature. This 2nd church will be like the 1st. God and Jesus from heaven will direct it as always. They will hand pick new ministers who will speak as Jesus speaks to them fresh. Those that are ready to enter into the Rest of God or who are just beginning or are looking for a dialogue with Jesus and His Father our God come now...IF you do not hear God and Jesus speak to you in the preaching in your church; RUN for your life!

We Will Change the Face of America and Increase Her Wealth and Duties in the World! We WILL REPLACE ALL SSI Medicare & Medicaid with a New Church funded system that increases the elderly's wealth 3-5 or more fold. How can we do such great things? By living in large luxury apts. that we build and own debt free and charge Christain students and international guests to stay with us at $600 per month. We will own the High rise building we build debt free and we will rent to the rich and famous so we can have restaurant income, Hotel income, phone and internet income, Malls and Movie house incomes.

We wil be the land Lords of the 5 million multi-use transportation destination city complex that will be one of 100 we are ordered to build around the world. We will teach nation infrastrucure and mortgage and income wealth creation here in Prince Georges County, MD at Temple Hills so the Charismatic Christians can learn how to build and manage all the other cities we build and so we can reproduce this system of living as Christians and the concentration of waelth for the 100 poor nations around the world untill we infect the many children of God with Jesus Overcoming perfected nature in fullness manifest in them all, like he is being created in us.

...Sell all you have and lay it at the feet of this church work in Prince Georges County, MD in the Temple Hills area of Greater Washington, DC.

Only Jesus can cause you to want to do this radical work so zealously. We are asking you to sell all and bring it here and give it to Jesus and then work in a job and the church and tithe that income at 100%. Am I nuts?

If you come and do it and it isn't Jesus commanding you then you are nuts, and we will not take your money unless you are truly sold out to Jesus and can give it to him in us and by Jesus in you. If any one of these sides is not understood and manifest in you we will not let you be this close to this work. It must be all Jesus in us by understanding all the way through in fellowship with God and Jesus.

If you do not want to trust God's life specifically designed for you, you are nuts. If Jesus has not called you to live for him then this work is not for you until he does. Come and see where Jesus abides but do not sell out until YOU have met him and been reconciled to God. Otherwise it will not be real in the spirit, it will be a religious thing and that is not what we are about. We want fellowship with God and Jesus in the Holy Spirit. We will establish one of many Charismatic Investment Banking Cities that will increase our wealth in Large City Multi-Use buildings of luxurious offices, Apartments, Homes and Hotels, stadiums, convention centers, colleges churches, restaurants all paying rents to you and the elderly in Temple Hill, MD. They will give up their SSI benifits and Medicaid and Medicare because our students and International guests will bring in $50,000 to $240,000 for each of them and the Charismatic church core members in our luxury apts accomodating 20 or so people all sharing the wealth and top services and other money streams.

Republicans are the former champions of concentration of wealth...we plan to take all their wealth and add it to our 100% tithing and shock the world with Jesus financial power from heaven through us.

We Will Create Debt Free Centrally Owned Church Luxury Living and Investment Properties that generate 10-15 Money Streams for us, to Seperate us from the coming Debt Chaos of the World. The US dirivatives debt of corporations is at $130Trillion, and when that money comes due any property or companies not debt free will be ruined. We must be ready, Jesus says. Wealth concentrated in property and corporations fully owned and mangaged by us in the areas discussed, for us to be successful.

The Core church members are to tithes 100%. Period! No questions no excuses. Jesus will expalin it first to you in the preachings but when you come to this work be ready for a powerful Holy Spirit living experience of peace, righteousness and Joy IN the Holy Spirit... and the rest not yet in full obedience to their flesh lusts or faith in God toward the riches he gave them for his work...sell their extra assetts as Jesus commands them too...Some will sponsor international guests at$10,000 a year or an elderly or charismatic young christians to come and work and study at our University of Infrastructure Disciplines at $25,000 /yr... joined in partnerships with local top level schools, where infrastructure systems will be built globally...

But at the current 8-10% tithing of the church now and the 2 or so church services a week you now attend you do not get the Fullness of Jesus manifest in you...You need a Total sell out to God and 100% tithing with nightly bible studies to Bring the Kingdom of heaven Down into you in fellowship with God and Jesus here on earth then Jesus character and instructions able to be carried out in His faith in and through you, fully manifest. Is your current Mission in compitition with Jesus' Mission?

Fellowship with God and Jesus takes precident over all other church activities...Building "Church Empire" never was the prime agenda of Jesus ...Making them whole fully in Christ was... Not until the Pentacost Outpouring occured from heaven into His Ministers did the Global Mission become paramount, but not until there was a finnished product in His Apostles was that allowed to progress. Fellowship with God and Jesus in the Holy Spirit is first, becoming like Jesus 2nd, going into the world last. Repent of your rebellion to God in your old nature and Jesus will come to get you out of your beast nature, giving you his in trade.

Come and learn to spend great long bible studies and fellowship with God and Jesus, under the preachings of Jesus new ministers, that he will send us and ordian and teach himslef like he did Paul and the Two Wintesses who are already in the Overcoming fruit Perfection of the fullness of Christ and the Knowledge of the Godhead...Some of you are close to the finnish line of your race to the full manifestation of Jesus nature and character in you; so come and show many where Jesus abides IN YOU!

Annanias and Saphiras DIE LYING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. They were trying to make the New Church a Public disgrace under their self promotion scheme to look important to others. This was an attempt to get Peter to give up the church to their base emotions rebellion and if they won, the church would have been ruined it being now subject to them and not The Holy Spirit and Jesus in heaven. God's work would have lain in ruins. It is a Warning to Our times and Jesus 2nd Church Fully Manifesting Jesus in Public in His ministers. Any other spirit and doctrine is anti-Christ and accursed.

Then Peter said unto her, how is it that you have agreed to tempt the Holy Spirit of the Lord? And the young men found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband. And GREAT FEAR came upon all the church and upon as many as heard these things. And the rest of the church dared not join themsleves to them but the people magnified them.


Luke 12:21 ... this night thy soul shall be required of you: then whose shall those things be, which you have provided?

Luke 12:22 ...I say to YOU...Jesus says...Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.

Luke 12:22 ...The Life is more than meat, and raiment. Consider the ravens and lillies ...How much more will God clothe YOU?

12:29 not what you should eat and drink...(God will provide it)...neither be of a doubtful mind.

12:31 ... But rather seek YOU the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.

12: 32 ...Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

12:33 ...Sell all that you have and give it to THE CORE CHURCH and they will provide (spiritual) bags for a heavenly treasure that fails not...(the nature and character of Jesus and his God manifest in and through you.)

Let your loins be girded about: Your lights burning: Be like men: Wait on the Lord: Be ready to open unto him: When he comes to fully abide in you: Jesus will come and serve you when he comes, IF, you Open to him immediately: Be ready, for Jesus comes, when you think he wont.

Luke18:22 ...YET You lack one thing: SELL WHAT YOU HAVE AND GIVE IT TO THE CHURCH MEMBERS WHO ARE POOR IN THE HUMAN SPIRIT...the core church...and then you shall have treasure in heaven, they shall transfer the kingdom in them to you also: AND COME FOLLOW ME.

Sell out and come hear Jesus and God minister day or nightly to those looking to have fellowship with Jesus and God instead of religiosity, doctrines and dead scriptures...Unless it is the freshly preached or read inspired understanding of The Word; the words of the bible will kill the Holy Spirit and Christ in you.

Jesus Banking Commands

Luke 19: 9 Jesus spoke a parable and said "My life, concerning yours, is like I went away to a far off kingdom and left you with 10 pounds each and he said Occupy my church and things till I return...

But his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have (YOU, who is appointed by God) OR Your New Ministers, RULE OVER US, that you left in charge.

Those that were good stewards over Jesus things recieved a rich reward and more inheritance to watch over...but the one who got NO RETURN ON THE MONEY OF JESUS' (spiritual and worldly wealth) He was given reproof and all that he had was taken from him and given to the good stewards.

Now Jesus said this to the Apostles 19:27 "But those mine enemies, which will not let Me rule over them, YOU bring them here, and spiritually slay them before me."

MEANING: do not let any one preach to you unless I, Jesus, am preaching fresh through them or God Our Father.

No stale preaching allowed in Jesus church. God and Jesus led in the Holy Spirit.

And do not waste the things I have given you in your gifting in the riches of the world or in My Spiritual gifts in you: hold nothing back from increasing it for me and the churches good when I ask it of you or when I send them to ask it of you, by them, give it to them, as they have need of it...I will increase it again, to you, more than before, if, you obey, IF not, I will take all you have, from you.

Jesus finances are like fishing; when Jesus comes around the nets are filled to overflowing, when all day nothing was caught on your own efforts...Give all glory to God...let it be Jesus in all things through longer you but Jesus alive in you.

As dictated to me by Jesus,... He IS MY Commander in Chief. I obey, as do YOU, I pray, for all our sakes. What an adventure. Do not look at the Giants as we go in to the Promised Land of the Kingdom In US.

Jeffrey Barrett

a prophet of Jesus under the Two Witnesses. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

American must change, She must grow in wealth and responsabilities around the World.

Creating Wealth for the 55 Million USA Elderly

35 Million Blacks

37 Million Spanish.

50 Million Young high school and college age or just graduated unmarried 20-28 year olds looking to accomplish great things in the world. Their is no greater commission or vision than that given to Jesus by God and he is inviting us to help. But we must be made over in his full image along the way or all our work will not benifit our Spirit Life and we will die with the other living dead among us and miss eternal life.

Seek you first the Kingdom of God and ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED TO YOU!

Jesus says for us to accomplish his mission we have to bring the USA budget to 10 times it's current level of $3Trillion annual to a new level of $30 Trillion: Not including the 10% we tithe to Israel from all our wealth out of the 100% we tithe thses things of God. And he commands us to break out from the current US budget our Christian debt for our SSI and medicare and medicaid expenses and create so much Christian and elderly wealth that we and they look at this miserly living stipend of less than $1,000 a month with utter discust. We must bring the nation into new riches that Jesus is showing us first had how to do. Until we grow New poor markets and increase the minimum wage to $30/hr amoung all our own church members then we are to invite the entire US 55 million elderly to join our projects with their homes and savings.

Let me say again so Jesus vision to us is clear... the VISION IS: Create wealth overflowing of $50,000 for all elderly and poor and then increase that to $240,000 each so at least 10 million core Charismatics sold out to Jesus in this missiona nd vision, have property assetes debt free of $5 Million each. Then duplicate that around the USA until all elderly, Blacks, Spanish and White working poor have been invited to our wealth creating projects and good paying jobs suntil our new living models and investment projects and corporate service companies has sucked up all the Riches of the elite and made them also more wealthy. Last time Jess told me to help a poor balck man that man recieved $7.8 Billion form a Japanese Auto manufacturer for those blacks treated badly in that company for years. And if God would do that fater I was ordered under the anointing of the Two Witnesses to help this brother out and mind you he was trying to preach and do ploitics at the same time. Yet still God winked at his sin of trying to place ploitics before his calling to preach...he wil get it right soon enough I pray. My gift in this work is financial wealth for ministers by Miracles in money flowing to them by God for Jesus work. I know my Job and special spirit giftings and they are fully obey. When Jesus says go preach at one of these cities or living models, Obey, Souls by the Billions are on the line if you refuse. Now by asking these working poor segments of society to join us in our high rise managed cities we can remake the entire face of the rest of America very swiftly IF we tithe 100%. America need snew markets and they are right here in front of us in the good old US of A...Jesus says love them and transfer the Faith and power of the Kingdom to them TODAY. I am not nuts, and I did live like this for 16 years of my life in Christ and you did it for 18 years as a familiy child.only you leached off your parents 100% efforts then and the core church ministers and prophets, bishops, Levi priests and teachers will work for us for free while we pay all the bills. We will all live in luxury or poverty together as we build this new system, but boy will it be fun. Why should I have all the fun going to work with Our father and why do you think to leave us to do all the heavy spiritual lifting while you enrich your self in the world and watch the pressure increase on the world while billions perish right before your eyes?

This project is creating for America great new rich markets that then can be duplicated in other countries as a managed system franchised with their direct help until they are able to also duplicate this living model in the Kingdom here on earth in other nations as well, until we bring all of God's children to the preaching so they can decide to be adopted like us.

When the time is up and our work is done the gentile age will be ended and we go to heaven with everyone who has not wasted their and God's time and they will be like as Jesus is when he comes for them. If you think to wait for a change in heaven you will be left behind. Heaven is with in you. If you do not mature in Christ here on the earth then you cannot enter heaven in this movement. Lets not be slack concerning the truth and lets get busy.

Soon many millions will demand a seat at Jesus banquet table for Spiritual food and we must have the infrastructure for that preaching to be heard and seen by all around the world. Come do your part. 1st Love and worship God. 2nd love fellwoship with God and Jesus, 3rd Be change to Jesus nature, 4th transfer the kingdom by Baptisms and the preaching, and living life. 5th be ready to leave when Jesus comes by being mature fully in Christ.

Jeff Barrett

a prophet under the Two Witnesses These are the true and faithful doctrines of God to Jesus and he to the apsotles and his church, then and now to the Two Witnesses, and they to us and the new ministers. They will protect these doctrines, keeping the nations open to us, and the care of all the church for Christ till he comes with all power: they having already obtained, and they being quickened in the Holy Spirit, let no man or woman dare to lie to the Holy Spirit or come against them or try to take their anointing to themslevs. If anyone has a different doctrine other than Jesus fresh preaching with God direct from heaven and that preaching less than Jesus fully manifest in you let that man be is the spirit of anti-christ. There are 5 baptisms Jesus gave to bring perfection to his church. 1:Water for repentance, 2:Jesus living in you as Lord and Savior, 3:Holy Spirit with prophecy Power and heavenly tongues or you didn't act like Jesus yet for Him to dwell in you, just with you outside of your heart, 4:Fire to burn up your junk in special days of fellowship and work with God to change you in an intense session...after this type of work no worldly troubles can keep you from trusting and keeping close work with God and Jesus, 5: The Baptism Jesus is Baptized with, that Peter was converted by. Then God will abide in you with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Until then we live and work together in the peace and Joy of the Holy Spirit doing the right things of God toward eachother and the world.
