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Member list(Updated June 16)
Downloads(currently 0)
Rank tree
Allies and enemies
The Downlo on the Downloads
Enlistments Requirements.

e-mail me pretty proffesional
B-net home site
Blizzards Diablo II L.O.D. Section
Planet Diablo (tons of cool mods)

More Downloads Links
DDD Revised... check it out
Baal's Blood Bath
UnDeR GrOuNd ZonE
The MaD Jesters Court(temporarily shut down)
Hacks and What not...
Arreat Summit
Ultimate Bot

Other Clan Sites
Shut Down
Sylvan Dragons (D1 Clan)
Angels Of Fire
Dead By Dawn(D1)
Clan Leet
The Keepers Of The Last Soul Stone
The Holy Knights Of Westmarch

Template Provider

Site Search and site searchin utilities provided by: Fusion

URL Provider:
Free, Short URL
java applets

09-02-2003 written by DeadlyHandz(Site Master)
.::UPDATED::.We are now in the recuitment stage... some requirments to join HAVE been posted on the news scroller (bottom right of page) all will be posted on separate page in due time.
09-02-2003 written by DeadlyHandz(Site Master)
Sites online but not finish(am very busy working bugs out I apreciate if you find any to report them to Bug Support)

To Preveiw News More Than a week old all news is stored in the Old NewZ Section, If there isn't any there than it either means that there is no older newZ or I have deleted them to save domain space. if there is any news you would like to here about then e-mail me and il see if i can get it on my site.

If you want to buy this template, email Nocturno

Clans Future newZ
  • Enlistment Requirements page is almost finished
  • Downloads page is almost ready to go (just 1 download)
  • Charactor Study Pages are in consideration(tons of work)



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