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Syllabus for English 043

Instructor: Ms. Valerie DiLorenzo Phones in K617: 203-575-8200 or 203-596-2117 Class meeting times: T/Th 7:05 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Room: K6?? When emailing:, indicate "Eng 43" in the "subject" box. Office Hours: T/Th 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Room K617 Mailbox: K617 TEXTS * Holladay, Sylvia A. Bridges: A Reader for Writers. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN 0-13-184760-0 * Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers. 5th Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2004. ISBN (ILS501 student Val doesn't have text's ISBN yet) SUPPLIES * 3 ring binder and paper * college level dictionary and thesaurus (can be on your computer) * folder-pocket (or manila)-to hold all of your essays * journal (for dialogic journal), or you may simply use lined paper and staple journal entries together at the end of the semester * A red pen (for making changes on your own papers after I have corrected them) * A computer, word processor, or access to one COURSE DESCRIPTION Emphasis in this course will be placed on the mechanics of writing with improved confidence in the expression of written ideas. Classroom emphasis is placed on practicing the writing process beginning with a focus on the paragraph moving through to the writing of the essay. Basic library and research techniques will be introduced. This course requires a minimum of four (4) hours of outside work per week. This course is a prerequisite for other writing courses unless placement exams indicate a readiness otherwise. ENG H043 may not be taken concurrently with, or after completing, ENG H063 or ENG H101. Common Core: This course will not satisfy any common core requirements. COURSE OBJECTIVES The student shall: * Develop critical thinking skills * Generate ideas for writing * Write in the context of reading * Practice development in correct sentences in a variety of patterns * Practice the stages of the writing process * Recognize and correct specific individual weaknesses * Strengthen the knowledge of grammar and the mechanics of writing * Develop and apply expanded vocabularies MEASURABLE OUTCOMES In order to successfully complete ENG H043 with a grade of "C" or better, the student must demonstrate the ability to: * Compose a minimum of 10 pages of typed, revised, edited prose * Incorporate ideas from assigned readings into student's prose * Produce ideas for writing * Use a variety of prewriting techniques * Produce correct sentences in a variety of patterns * Draft cohesive paragraphs * Revise with attention to form, grammar, style, and content * Proofread drafts, with instructor and with peers * Document accurately to avoid plagiarism ASSESSMENT & GRADING POLICY 1. Daily work-regular attendance and participation in class activities/discussions, homework, quizzes, in-class assignments, conferences-(25% of your overall course grade) 2. A Dialogic Journal-during class, you will be given writing prompts; you will respond to a prompt and finish each entry with a question; you will then pass your journal to another writer in the class who has not previously written in your journal; that writer will respond to the question that you wrote, and then hand it back to you. Since these entries will be done in class and a writer from our class must also respond to each of your entries, if you miss an entry because of an absence, you may not make it up. A word list will also need to be handed in with your journal. (10% of your overall course grade) 3. Essays-completed, revised, edited and typed essays of various lengths that show readiness for the work that is required in ENG H063. Considerable time will be spent in planning, drafting, revising, and editing these papers. Suggestions from and conferences with other writers in the class and your instructor will assist you with these essays. A rough draft (with another writer's comments from our class) must be handed in with each final essay. In addition to a hard copy of each essay, you may be required to hand in a copy of essays on disk. All essays must be typed and are due at the beginning of class on the due date. (50% of your overall course grade) 4. Exams-mid-term exam and final exam (15% of your overall course grade) COURSE OUTLINE (We may modify this syllabus on occasion to meet your specific educational needs.) NOTE: underneath where I have written "ASSIGNMENT" below is the assignment that you are to do and/or read outside of class for the next class (unless otherwise specified). Take careful notes on all reading assignments. Expect an open notebook quiz after every reading assignment. Many classes will include some grammar instruction, so make sure you bring Hacker's A Writer's Reference to each class. Bring Bridges: A Reader for Writers and your dialogic journal to every class as well. ALL READING ASSIGNMENTS LISTED BELOW ARE FOUND IN BRIDGES: A READER FOR WRITERS, unless otherwise stated.


Aug. 30 Introduction to the course; diagnostic writing Purchase your texts; bring to class on Sept. 6 a piece of writing (article or part of a book) in which you circle all verbs
Sept. 1 The importance of thinking; reading strategy; Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" Bring Hacker text and assignment listed above to next class
Sept. 6 The Power of the Verb; practice using Hacker tutorial Read Lockett's "How I Started Reading Poetry" (handout)
Sept. 8 Discuss Lockett's "How I Started Writing Poetry;" write an African Praise Poem--see African Praise Poems
Read Keillor's "How to Write a Personal Letter"

Feel free to email me with questions at

When sending an email to me, indicate "Eng 043" in the subject box