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Mr. Dubes chemistry classes

At Robert Service High School

welcome to Mr.Dubes chemistry class.I hope you will enjoy this class and learn more about chemistry in the world around you.

Chemistry Classes

1.You would click open on the standard tool bar or go the File on the menu bar and select open. Then double click on the file you wish to open. You would the go to File on the menu bar again and click on save as and type in your new file name. The last thing to do is to click on save.
Class policies

Grading Homework You would click on the down button to move the insertion point down one line. To move it to the end of the document press the Ctrl+End key. To move to the next screen you press the page down key. this is the process of selecting text and doing specific tasks such as formattin
Test and Quizzes

The selection bar is the blank space in the left margin area of the document that allows the user to select entire lines or certain blocks of text. The redo button allows you to redoes the action you might’ve deleted or changed accidentally or reversed using the undo button. Drag and Drop is the process of moving text by selecting it first and then dragging it by holding down the right button