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It`s my life....

Hey everyone I`m 25 and I sell phones for a living. I`m very lazy at times so I might not be able to update this everyday like I want to. I Have no pets but I do have a son. He`s 5 and his name is DeeJae (david jr.) I love working on cars also...but I just get too lazy... hehehe....Oh yeah I love to eat also..Ok well here`s where i just type stuff cause i don`t know what else to say. I like Nike Dunks,Nike Blazers,well anything Nike`s kool. JDM parts are a must for the car. i could be a a$$hole at times but its all fun and games. I`m really not one..for reals I`m not ..A good laugh will make u forget all the bad things so laugh Biotch!!!!

March 18,2003 Good Morning everyone.. Well I'm work right now and I have a few minutes to type up my weekend.. I went snowboarding on Monday.. It was kool.. went to Northstar and it was hella cold up at the top.. I guess I got a little better this time didnt wipe out as much so it was all good...Doing anything is more fun when you know how to do it. I need to get into better shape I'm sore right now and I might go back up this weekend..damn!! oh well no pain no gain...I guess I'll be back later on today to add to this entry.. I gotta work now..

Today's Thought.. Which shoes should I get for my car?? The real deals or some cheap knock offs?? I mean would I really go to Payless to get some fake Nike Dunks or Pay for the real things???

This is a bear I saw in Tahoe.. if u can see he`s grabbing his twig and berries.

Nothing yet...

(click on image to enlarge)
